Catalogue of Books Belonging to the University of Pennsylvania


Catalogue of Books Belonging to the University of Pennsylvania






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Title: Catalogue of books, belonging to the Library of the University
of Pennsylvania
Author: Pennsylvania.
Publisher: Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1829.

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The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania have long had
in contemplation to cause a Catalogue of their Library, to be made,
with a view of increasing it, and rendering it worthy of the first lite-
rary institution of this commonwealth; but they were discouraged
not only by the small number of volumes that it contains, but by the
little attention that was paid to it for a considerable time, in conse-
quence of the successive changes which the University experienced
in its organization, which occasioned the loss of many books, so
that the sets of valuable works have been broken, which it will bo
necessary to replace entirely. The institution, however, having
made important changes in their internal arrangements, and having
determined to erect new buildings, in place of the former inconve-
nient edifice, which buildings, it is expected, will be finished at the
close of the present year, it has been thought expedient to prepare
and publish the present Catalogue of the few books at present pos-
sessed by the University, among which, however, it will be found,
that there arc a number of valuable works, and the whole, taken to-
gether, may be considered as a good nucleus for an academical

This library was begun by private donations of the friends of the
institution, among whom the Rev. William Smith, the first Provost
of the College and Academy, and Dr. M'DowcIl, one of his succes-
sors, deserve to be particularly noticed. During the revolutionary
war, our little collection was enriched by a donation in books from
his majesty Louis the Sixteenth. Those books, printed at the royal
printing office, consist chiefly of mathematical works, of works on
natural history, among which is a collection of M. Buflxtn's, and
some of the IByzantine historians. They have been all carefully
preserved, and will, it is hoped, long remain, a memorial of the
liberality of that great and unfortunate monarch. For a kw years
past, the Board of Trustees have annually appropriated a sum of
money for the purchase of books, by means of which this library is
now gradually increasing, and it is to be hoped, will continue to in-
crease. But the funds of the University being limited, it is greatly
to be wished that the friends of public instruction may contribute
their aid to the attainment of this important object. Donations of
books, therefore, will be thankfully received, and the generous don-
ors will entitle themselves to the gratitude of future generations.

## p. (#12) #################################################



A System of Natural Philosophy, being a Course of Lectures in
Mechanics, Optics, Hydrostatics, and Astronomy ; which are
read in St. Jqhn's College, Cambridge, by T. Rutherforth, D.D.
F. R. S., &,c. 2 vols. Cambridge. 1748.

An American Dictionary of the English Language, &c. With an
Introductory Discourse on the Languages of Western Asia and
Europe, and a Concise Grammar of the English Language. By
Noah Webster, LL.D. 2 vols. New York. 1828.

A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical
Arts. By Thomas Young, M.D. F.R.S. &,c. Plates. 2 vols.

Londen. 1807.


Quaestiones Philosophicae in justi systematis ordinem dispositae;
Auctoribus adductis, et singulis in proprias hypotheses dispertitis.
Cum appendice de Legibus Disputandi. Opera Tho. Johnson,
A. M., fee. Cantabrigiae. 1741.

Illustrations of Paley's Natural Theology. With Descriptive Let-
ter Press. By James Paxton. Many Plates. Boston, 1827.

Journals of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1st
and 2d Session, 19th Congress, 1825 — 6, and 1826 — 7. 2 vols.


Report of the Committees of the House of Representatives of the
United States, 1st Session, I9th Congress, 1825 — 6. 2 vols.


Ditto, do, 2d Session, 19th Congress, 1826— 7. 3 vols. Do.

State Papers, Ist Session, 19th Congress, 1826—6. 10 vols.


Ditto, 2d Session, 19th Congress, 1826—7. 10 vols. Do.

Journals of the Senate of the United States, 1825—6, and 1826—7.
2 vols. Washington.

Documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 1st
Session, 19th Congress, 1825—6, and 1826—7. 5 vols.


Ditto, 2nd Session, 19th Congress, 1826—7. 3 vols. Washington.

## p. 1 (#13) ###############################################



Mravanel, 116, Q. See Maiiemon.

Acontius, 56, D. Stratagematum Satanae libri octo. Jacobo Acon-
tio, Authore. Amstelaedami, 1664.

Allen, 115 — 1 , F. Certain Select Discourses on the Doctrine of the
Two Covenants, &c. and on Faith and Justification. By-
William Allen. London, 1699.

Alstedius, 115, Q. Theologia Scholastica didactica, exhibens locos
communes Theoiogicos methodo scholastica, quatuor in
partes tributa, studio Johannis-Henrici Alstedii. Hano-
viae, 1618.

AUenstaig, 50, Q. Lexicon Theologicum quo omnium fere termi-
norum et obscuriorum vocuni etymologiae, ambiguitates,
definitiones, usus, enucleatae ob oculos ponuntur, et di-
lucide explicantur. Post summum laborem Joannis Al-
tenstaig, S. T. D. &c. Studio et labore R. D. Joannis
Tytz. Coloniae Agrippinae, 1619.

Ambrose, 131, F. Media: the Middle Things, in reference to the
first and last Things; or the Means, Duties, Ordinances,
both secret, private, and publick, for continuance and
increase of a Godly Life, (once begun) tell we come to
Heaven, &c. &c. &c. By Isaac Ambrose. London,

Mquila, 36, ^.See Bos,

Jlrmiiuns, 113. Q. See Twissus.

Jischenbrenner, 143 — 6, Q. De Episcopo in Ecclesia, et Ecclesia
in Episcopo, &c. &c. &c. Auct. D. P. Aschenbrenner.
Bambergae, 1768.

Barclay, 9, Q. An Apology for the True Christian Divinityj be-


## p. 2 (#14) ###############################################


ing an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles
and Doctrines of the people called Quakers. By Robert
Barclay. Birmingham, 1765. [Presented by David
Barclay, son of the author. 3

Barnabas, 35. F. See Cotelerius.

Baskett, 4, F. See Bible.

Bates, 258, O. The Harmony of the Divine Attributes, in the
contrivance and accomplishment of Man's Redemption
by the Lord Jesus Christ. By William Bates, D. D.
London, 1697".

Bauer, 91 — 2, Q. Theses ex Theologia Uni versa, cum Disserta-
tione de Exceptionibus contra SS. Oecum. Concilii Tri-
dentini authoritatem factis, &c. &c. Auct. Chr. P.
Fred. Bauer ab Heppenstein. Bambergse, 1740.

Baumann, 142 — 5, Q. De Angelorum et Hominum primo princi-
pio et ultimo fine, Sic. &c. Auct. D. J. F. Baumann.
Bambergse, 1762.

Baumgarten, 103, Q. See F. V. Haven.

Bellarminus, 129, F. See Masonus.

Berriman, 151, B. Christian Doctrines and Duties explained and
recommended^ in forty Sermons. By William Berri-
man, D. D. late Rector of St. Andrew's, Undershaft,
&c. 2 vols. London, 1751.

152, O. A Critical Dissertation upon 1 Tim. iii. 16. —

Wherein Rules are laid down to distinguish, in various
readings, which is genuine; an account is given of above
a hundred Greek MSS. of St. Paul's Epistles, &c. &c.
and the common reading of that text, GOD was mani-
fest in the Flesh, is proved to be the true one, &c. &c.
&c. By John Berriman, M. A &c. London, 1741.

170, O. The Gradual Revelation of the Gospel j from the

time of Man's Apostacy. Set forth and explained in
twenty-four Sermons, preached at the Lecture founded
by the Hon Robert Boyle,Esq. in 1730, 1731 and 1732.
By William Berriman, D. D. &c. 2 vols. London,

Besse, 111, F. A Collection of the Sufterings of the People called
Quakers, for the Testimony of a Good Conscience, from
the time of their being first distinguished by that name
in 1 650, to the time of the Act of Toleration in 1 689.
Taken from original records, &c. by Joseph Besse. 2
vols. London, 1753.

Beveregius, 35, F. See Cotelerius.

Bible, 4, F. The Holy Bible. Imp. folio. With engravings. —
Ruled with red lines. 2 vols. Printed by Baskett, Ox-
ford, 1717.

Bible Society, 46, O. The third, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth,

## p. 3 (#15) ###############################################


tenth, eleventh, twelfth, fourteenth and fifteenth Re-
ports of the British and Foreign Bible Society, with Ap-
pendices, &c. &c. London, 1807 — 1819.
JBibliOt 55, D. Sacra Biblia cum augusto apparatu suo, scil.
Chronol. Theol. Histor. et Geograpliico in angustum
contracta. Bambergae, 1697.

75j F. Divinae Scripturae, Veteris ac Novi Testamenti,

omnia, Graece. Cur&. Philippi Melanchthon. Basileae,

78, Q. Testamenti Veteris et Novi Biblia Sacra ex llebraeo

et Graeco Latina facta. Altera Tralatio Vetfts est, Al-
tera Nova cum adnotationibus Francisci Vatabli, prout
utramq; Regio privilegio ornatam Rob. Stephanus anno
MDXLV. Lutetiaj edidit, &c. &c. Hanoviae, 1605.

81, F. Biblia Sacra, Latine. Cura And. Osiandri, S. T.

D. &c. Francofurti, 1611.

Birch, 30, Q. See Cudworth

Blackwall, 169, O. The Sacred Classics defended and illustrated;
or, an Essay humbly offered towards proving the Purity,
Propriety and True Eloquence of tlie Writers of the
New Testament. By A. Blackwall, A. M. 2 vols.
London, 1727.

Bcettinger, 144 — 2, Q. Dissertationes ex universae Theologiae qua-
driennali Studio, &c. &.c. Auct. G. C. E. Bottinger.
Bambergae, 1706.

146—5, Q. The same Work.

Bos, 36, Q. See Vetus Test amentum.

Bray, 115 — 2, F. Discourses on the Covenant of Grace, &c. being
Catechetical Lectures on the preliminary Questions and
Answers of the Church Catechism. — Three Catechetical
Lectures on Faith and Justification. By Thomas Bray,
D. D. London, 1699.

Burnet, 108, F. The History of the Reformation of the Church of
England. By Gilbert Burnet. 3 vols. Dublin, 1730

Bynaeus, 132, Q. Antonii Bynaei de Morte Jesu Christi. Cum
figuris. Tom. 3. A^nstelaedami, 1691 — 1698.

Calmet, 25, F. Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique,
geographique et litteral de la Bible, enrichi d'un grand
nombre de figures en taille douce qui representent les
Antiquitez Judaiques. Avec le Supplement. Par le
R. P. Dom Augustin Calmet. 4 tom. A Paris, 1722

Campbell, 27, Q. The Four Gospels translated from the Greek.
With Preliminary Dissertations, and Notes critical and
explanatory. By George Campbell, D.D. &c Phila-
delphia, 1790.

## p. 4 (#16) ###############################################


Cariath-sepher, 123 — 5, Q. Cariath-sepher, sive interpretante Ora-
culo biblico Josue XV. et Judicum 1. &c. &c, &c. Bam-
bergae, 1735.

Carranzani, 285, O, Summa omnium Conciliorum et Pontificum,
collecta per F. Barth. Carranzani. Accesserunt Sta-
tuta quaedam Synodalia Paris, and Senon. Ecclesise.
Appendix Conciliorum Galliae, &c. &c. Cum Notis
Fr. Sylvii, &c. &c. Parisiis, 1678.

Catholic Question, 50 — 1, O. Letters to the Roman Catholics of
Philadelphia, and the United States of America. By a
Friend, &c. Nos. 1 & 2. Philadelphia, 1822.

50 — 3, O. Address of the Lay Trustees to the Congrega-
tion of St. Mary's Church, on the subject of the approach-
ing Election. Philadelphia, 1822.

Chamberlayne, 159, O. See JVieuwentyt.

Chandler, 98, O. Sermons on various Subjects. By the late Rev.
Samuel Chandler, D. D. &c. 3 vols. London, 1768.

ChemnitiusyTQ, F. Harmonia Quatuor Evangelistartim,a Theolo-
gis celeberrimis D. Martino Chemnitio inchoata, D.Poly-
carpo Lysei'o continuata, et D. Johanne Gerhardo abso-
luta. Tom. 2. Francofurti, 1652.

Chillingworth, 78, F. The Works of William Chillingworth, M.

A. London, 1719.

Chrysostomus, 74, F. S. .Toannis Chrysostomi, Archiepiscopi Opera
omnia quae exstant. Graece. Cura, Studio et Lahore
Henrici Savilii, Eq. Tom. 8. Etonae, 1612.

Clarkson, 44, O. A Portraiture of Quakerism. Taken from a
View of the Education and Discipline, Social Manners,
Civil and Political Economy, Religious Principles and
Character of the Society of Friends. By Thomas Clark-
son, M. A. &c. 3 vols. New York, 1806.

Claubergius, 348, O. Johannis Claubergii, S. T. D. &c. de Cog-
nitione Dei et Nostri, quatenus natural! rationis lumine,
secundum veram Philosophiam potest comparari, Exer-
citationes Centum. Franequerae, 1685.

Clemens, 35, F. See Cotelerius.

Clericus, 11, 2). See Grotius.

35, F. See Cotelerius.

Conwell, 50 — 5, O. Pastoral Charges, delivered by the Rt. Rev.
Bishop Henrv (Conwell,) Nov. 2, 1820 and Feb. 11,
1821. Phila'delphia.

Cotelerius, 35, F. SS. Patrum qui Temporibus Apostolicis florue-
runt, Earnabae, dementis, Hermae, Ignatii, Polycarpi,
Opera edita et inedita, vera et supposititia; una cum
Clementis, Ignatii, Polycarpi, Actisatque Martyriis. J.

B. Cotelerius, Soc. Sorb. Theol. ex MSS. Codicibus
eruit, ac correxit, Versionibusque et Notis illustravit.

## p. 5 (#17) ###############################################


Cum Notis integris aliorum virorum doctorum, qui in
singulos Patres memoratos scripserunt; item, Guilielmi
Beveregii Codex Canonum ptimitiva: Ecclesise vindica-
tus, Jacobi Usserii Dissertationes Ignatianae, et Joan.
Pearsonii Vindiciae Epistolarum S. Ignatii. Recensuit
et Notas aliquot adspersit Joannes Clericus. 2 torn.
Antverpiae, 1700.

Cowherd, 21, Q. Facts Authentic, in Science and Religion: de-
signed to illustrate a New Translation of the Bible. By
the Rev. William Cowherd. 2 vols. Manchester, 1818
— 1820. [Presented by John T. Freeland.]

Crawford, 1, />. An Essay on the Propagation of the Gospel j in
which there are numerous facts and arguments adduced
to prove that the Indians in America are descended from
the Ten Tribes. By Charles Crawford, Esq. Phila-
delphia, 1801. [Presented by the Author.]

Crutwell, 49, F. See Wilson.

Cudworth, 30, Q. The True Intellectual System of the Universe:
Wherein all the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is
confuted, and its Impossibility demonstrated. With a
Discourse concerning the True Notion of the Lord's
Supper; and Two Sermons on John ii. 3, 4, and I. Cor.
XV. 57. By Ralph Cudworth, D. D. With an account
of his Life, Writings, &c. &c. by Thomas Birch, M. A.
and F. R. S. 2 vols. London, 1743.

Cyrillus S. contra Jidianum, 51, F. See JuUanus.

Davidid Psalmi, 32, D. See Jonston.

De-Rossi, 4, Q. Varise Lectiones Veteris Testamenti ex immensa
MSS. Editorumque Codicum Congerie haustaeet ad Sa-
mar. Textum, ad Vetustiss. Versiones, ad Accura-
tiores sacrae Criticae Pontes ac Leges examinatae opera
ac studio Johannis Bern. De-Rossi, S. T. D. &c. Volu-
mina II, III et IV. Parms, 1785—1789.

Desaguliers, 159, O. See Nieuwentyt.

Disciplina, 146 — 2, Q. Cum Deo Nexum, quern disciplinae philo-
sophicae inter se habent, arctissimun, &c. &c. &c. Lip-
siac, 1715.

Doddridge, 65, Q. A Course of Lectures on the Principal Sub-
jects in Pneumatology, Ethics and Divinity: with refer-
ences to the most considerable authors on each Subject.
By Philip Doddridge, D. D. London, 1763.

Erasmus, 256, 0. Des. Erasmi Rotterodami Ecc'esiastes, sive Con-
cionator Evangelicus. Cum Dissertatione pra^liminari,
&c. Londini, 1730.

Flacius, 86, F. Clavis Scripturae Sacrae, hoc est,' de Sermone Sa-
crarum Literarum recte cognoscendo. Auctore Matthia
Flacio lUyrico. CuraTheodori Suiceri. Lipsias, 1695.

## p. 6 (#18) ###############################################


Fox, 114, F. A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Tra-
vels, Sufferings, Christian Experiences and Labour of
Love, in the Work of the Ministry, of that ancient, emi-
nent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox.
London, 1765.

Franckius, 101, Q. See Niecampius.

Franzius,3i5, O. Historia Animalium Sacra, in qua plerorumque
Animalium praecipue Proprietates, &c. &.c. ad usum ico-
nologicum accommodantur. A Woifgango Franzio, S.
T. D. Wittenbergae, 1621.

Frey, 121 — 8, Q. Theses ex Theologia exegetica, dogmatica, mo-
raii, nee non ex historia ecclesiastica, &q. &c. auct. F.
A. Frey. Bambergae, 1788.

Gallseus, 17 S, O. See Lactantius.

Gdst, 110 — 11 , Q, Dissertatio philologico-critico-exegetica de car-
nis Resurrectione, ex Job. Cap. XIX. 25 — 27. Auct.
P. C. Geist. Bambergae, 1790.

Gerhardus, 73, F. See Chemnitius.

GeusSj 110 — 5, Q. De Religione Christiana: auct. G. Geuss. Bam-
bergae, 1782.

Giroust, 357, O. Les faux Pretextes du Pecheur, ou le Pecheur
sans excuse. Avent preche par le R. P. Giroust de la
compagnie de Jesus. Tom. II. A Bruselle, 1707.

(xrindalf 120, F. The History of the Life and Acts of the most
Rev. Father in Gocl, Edmund Grindal, the first Bishop
of London, and the second Archbishop of York and Can-
terbury, successively, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth.
Describing the state of Religion and of the Church in
his time, &c. &c. &c. With an Appendix of Original
MSS. &c. Portrait. London, 1710.

Grischovius, 101, Q. See Niecampius.

Grotius, 11, D. Hugo Grotius de Veritate Religionis Christianae:
cum Notulis Joannis^Clerici. Accedunt ejusdem, de
eligenda inter Christianos dissentientes Sententia, et
contra Indifferentiam Religionum, libri duo. Glasguae,

37, F. Hugonis Grotii Opera omnia Theologica. Lon-

dini. 1679. Item, Ejusdem Epistolae quotquot reperiri
potuerunt. 4 tom. in 5. Amstelodami, 1687.

89, Q. Hugonis Grotii Annotationes in Vetus et No-
vum Testamentum juxta Editionera Amstelaedamensem,
MDCLXXIX, in compendium redactae, quibus nova
accedit Praefatio, a Samuele Moody, A. M. &c. 2 tom.
in 1. Londini, 1727.

Guisius, 98, Q. See Maimonides.

Hammond, 294, O. A Practical Catechism. By H. Hammond,

## p. 7 (#19) ###############################################


D. D. Whereuntoi3added,theReasonablenessof Chris-
tian Religion. By the same Author. London, 1662.

Hare, 176, O. Psalmorum Liber, in Versiculos metrice divisus,
&c. &c. Cum Disssertatione de antiqua Hebraeorum
Poesi, &c. Accedunt Poeseos Hebraic^ Specimina, &c.
Edidit Franciscus Hare, S. T. P. Episc. Cicestr. He-
braice et Latine. Tom. 2. Londini, 1736.

harold, 50 — 4, O. A Letter to the Rev. W. V. Harold on reading
his late Reply to a " Catholic Layman. " By an admirer
ofFenelon. Philadelphia, 1822.

Hartman, 144 — 4, Q. Allegata et Probata PhilosophiaB Christianas,
&c. &c. Auct. P. C. Hartman. Duderstadii, 1690.

Haven, 103, Q. Petri V. Haven M. Ph. Commentatio analytica
in Epistolam Pauli ad Titum; cum Praefatione Sig. J.
Baumgarten. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1742.

Meckel, 120 — 4, Q. De Patriarchis Commentatio historico-critico-
canonica, &c. Auct. P. P. Heckel et P. S. Schlicker.
Bambergae, 1792.

Heinaichen, 110 — 4, Q. Concordia Vulgatae Latinae cum Fonte
Hebraico, &c. &c. Auct. F. E. Heinaichen. Wirce-
burgi, 1756.

Herrnm^ 35, F. See Cotelerius:

Hermann, 110 — 3, Q. Unio Religionis Protestanticae cum Catho-
lica, &c. &c. Auct F. G. Hermann. Augustae Vin-
del. 1777.

Herring, 96, O. Seven Sermons on Public Occasions. By the
most Rev. Dr. Thomas Herring, late Archbishop of Can-
terbury, &c. Dublin, 1763.

Hervey, 12, JD. fheron and Aspasio: or, a Series of Dialogues and
Letters, upon the most important and interesting Sub-
jects. By James Hervey, A. M. &c. 3 vols. Lon-
don, 1755. [Presented by the Rev. Thomas Barton.]

Hildebrancius, 133, Q. JB. D. Joach. Hildebrandi Historia Concilio-
rum a N. C. usq; ad Seculi XVIL annum XLV. in Ec-
clesia habitorum. Anno Christi MDCL. in illustri Aca-
demia Julia exposita, &c. &c. Helmstadii, 1715.

Histoire £cclesiastique,5l7, 0. Histoire Ecclesiastique des Eglises
Reformees au Royaume de France en laquelle est des-
crite au vray la renaissance et accroissement d'icelles
depuis I'an MDXXL iusques en I'annee MDLXIH. leur
discipline, Synodes, persecutions, &c. &c. &c. avec le
discours des premiers troubles ou guerres civiles, des-
quelles la vraye cause est aussi declaree. 3 torn. A
Geneve, 1580.

Hogan, 50 — 2, O. Strictures on a pamphlet written by W. V.
Harold entitled " A Reply to a Catholic Layman." By
William Hogan. Philadelphia, 1822.

## p. 8 (#20) ###############################################


Hooker, 59, F. The Works of that learned and judicious Divine,
Mr. Richard Hooker, in eight books of Ecclesiastical
Polity; with several other Treatises by the same author,
and an Account of his Life and Death. London, 1676.

227, O. A Faithful Abridgment of the Works of that

learned and judicious Divine, Mr. Richard Hooker. —
With his Life. London, 1705.

Huls, 296, O. Omnium Romanorum Pontificum Vitae, quas ipsis
autorum pontificiorum verbis, multo labore et studio
descripsit, Wilhelmus Huls, Eccl. Gall. Vesal. Minis-
ter. Vesaliae, 1639.

Ignatius, 35, F. See Cotelerius.

Jonstonus, 32, B. Arturi Jonstoni Psalmi Davidici, cum Argumen-
tis et Notis. Londini, 1741.

Josep/ms, 76, F. Flavii Josephi Hierosolymitani Sacerdotis Opera
quse extant omnia. Cum Indice, Prolegomenis et Ap-
pendice. Grsece et Latine. Colonise, 1691.

202, O. See Whiston.

Junius, 222, O. Sacrorum Parallelorum libri tres: id est, Compa-
ratio locorum Scripturse Sacrae, qui ex Testamento Ve-
tere in Novo adducuntur, &c. &c. Francisci Junii, Bi-
turigis. Parisiis, 1610.

Keller, 122 — 6, Q, De Philosophiae cum Theologia Concordia et
Usu, &c. Auct. J. H. Keller. Coburgi, 1698.

Kettlewell, 115—3, F. The Practical Believer; or, the Articles of
the Apostles' Creed, drawn out to form a True Chris-
tian's Heart and Practice. By John Kettlewell. Lon-
don, 1703.

213, O. An Help and Exhortation to Worthy Communi-

cating, &c. &c. With suitable Devotions added By
John Kettlewell, B. D. &c. London, 1737.

King, 84, O. An Essay on the Origin of Evil; by Dr. William
King, late Archbishop of Dublin. Translated from the
Latin with large Notes. Also, Two Sermons by the
same Author, on Divine Prescience and the Fall of Man.
By Edmund Law, D. D. &c. Cambridge, 1758.

Kunze, 314, O. Einige Gedichte und Lieder von Johann Chris-
toph Kunze, Ev. Luth. Pred. zu Philadelphia. Phila-
delphia, 1778. [Presented by the Author.]

Lactantius, 173, 0. Lucii Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Opera quae ex-
tant. Cum selectis Variorum Commentariis, opera et
studio Servatii Gallaei. Lugduni Batavorum, 1660.

344, O. L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Opera, quae extant,

omnia. Accedunt Carmina vulgo asscripta Lactantio.
Cum Notis Antonii Thysii, J. C. &c. Lugduni Bata-
vorum, 1652.
Lectures, 103, O. Theological Lectures read in the public Hall

## p. 9 (#21) ###############################################


of the University of Edinburgh. With Exhortations to
the Candidates, &c. Rules and lustructions for a holy-
Life, &c. &c. London, 1763.

Ledermann, 121 — 1, Q. De adaequato sacrac Scripturac Criterio,
&c. &c. Auctt. P. P. A. Lederniann et J. Miiller.
Bambergse, 1783.

Leighton, 102, ^.'Select Works of Archbishop Leighton. With
an Account of his Life and Character. London,

Lightfoot, 38, F. The Works of the Reverend and Learned John
Lightfoot, D. D. late Master of Katherine Hall in Cam-
bridge. With his Life. Portrait and Maps. 2 vols.
London, 1684.

Limborch, 113, F. Philippi a Limborch SS. Theol. inter Retnon-
strantes Prof. Theologia Christiana ad praxin pietatis
ac promotionem pacis Christiance unice directa. Item,
Relatio Historica de Origine et Progressu Controversi-
arum in Foederato Belgio de Prsedestinatione. Amstelse-
dami, 1715.

Limmer,97 — 1, Q. Trauerrede auf den Hochw. Fiirsten und Herrn
Franz Ludwig, Bischof zu Bamberg, &c. &c. Miirz 7,
1795, von G. I. Limmer.

Loscanus, 123 — 4, Q. Sciential philosophico-theologicas experimen-
tum tertium, &c. &c. Auct. J. F. Loscano. Helm-
stadii, 1716.

Lyserus, 73, F. See Chemnitius.

Maiiemon, 116, Q. Constitutiones de fundamentis legis Rabbi Mo-
sis F. Maiiemon. Latine redditae per Guil. Vorstium C.
F. Additis quibusdam Notulis, et Abravanelis scripto,
de Fidei Capite. Hebr. et Lat. Amstelodami, 1638.

Mainwnides, 98, Q. Misnae Pars: ordinis priini Zeraim tituli sep-
tem. Latine vertit et Commentario illustravit Guliel-
mus Guisius. Acc^dit Mosis Maimonidis Praefatio in
Misnam, Edv. Pocockio Interprete. Oxoniae, 1690.

Masonus, 129, F. Vindiciae Ecclesias Anglicanze; sive de legitime
ejusdem Ministerio, id est, de Episcoporum Successione,
Electione, Consecratione, et Confirmationc; item, de
Presbyterorum, et Diaconorum Ordinatione, Libri V.
In quibus Ecclesia Anglicana a Bellarmini, Sanderi, &c.
&c. &c. calumniis, &c. &c. vindicatur. Authore Franc
Masono, S. T. B. &c. Londini, 1638.

Melanchthon, 75, F. See Biblia.

Millius, 39, F. See Novum Testamentum.

Molitor^ 142 — 1, Q. De Sacramentis in genere, &c. &c. Auct.
D. J. Molitor. Bambergae, 1759.

Moody, 89, Q. See Grotius.

## p. 10 (#22) ##############################################


Nadler, 1 10--8, Q. De Deo Uno et Trine, &c. &c. Auct. P. Ph.

Nadler. Bambergse, 1758.

121—7, Q. De Deo Uno et Trino, &c. &c. Auct. P. P.

Nadler. BambergaB, 1758.

Niecampius, 101, Q. B. Jo. Lucse Niecatnpii Historia Missionis
Evangelicse in India Orientali e copiosis illius actis con-
tracta: in Latinum Linguam translata et aucta a Jo. H.
Grischovio. Cum Prsefatione D. G. A. Franckii. Ha-
lae, 1747.

Nieuwentyt, 159, O. The Religious Philosopher: or, the right use
of Contemplating the Works of the Creator, &c. &c.
designed for the Conviction of Atheists and Infidels, &c.
&c. By Dr. Nieuwentyt. Translated from the Low
Dutch, by John Chamberlayne, Esq. F. R. S. With a
Letter, by J. T. Desaguliers, F. R. S. &c. Plates. 3
vols. London, 1730.

Novum Testamentum, 3, O. Novum Testamentum Graece, ex re-
censione Jo. Jac. Griesbachii, cum selecta Lectionum
Varietate. Tom. 2 in 1. Cantabrigise, Nov-Anglorum,
1809. [Presented by W. Milliard.]

— 39, F. Novum Testamentum Grsece. Cum Lectionibus

variantibus MSS. Exemplarium, Versionum, Editionum,
SS. Patrum et Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum; et in eas-
dem Notas. Accedunt Loca Scripturse Parallela, &c.
&c. Prsemittitur Dissertatio, &c. Studio et Lahore
Joannis Millii, S. T. P. Oxonii, 1707.

Osiander, 81, F. See Biblia.

Ott^ 142 — 3, Q. Ad Doctrinam de Sacramenta Matrimoni Diatri-
ba, &c. &c. Auct. D. H. Ott. Bambergse, 1766.

Pabstmann, 142 — 2, Q. Ad Doctrinam de Sacramento • ordinis
Diatriba, &c. &c. Auct. D. M. Pabstmann. Bamber-
gae, 1765.

Parecbolse, 347, O. Parecbolse siv^ Excerpta e Corpore Statuto-
rum tJniversitatis Oxoniensis. Accedunt Articuli Re-
ligionis XXXIX. in Ecclesia Anglicana recepti: nee non
Juramenta Fidelitatis et Suprematus. Oxonii, 1756.

Pearson ,107, F. An Exposition of the Creed. By John Pearson,
D. D. &c. London, 1669.

Pearsonius, 35, F. See Cotelerius.

Pegorier, 137, Q. Systeme de la Religion Protestante. Par M.
Cesar Pegorier. , 1717.

Pennington, 82, Q. The Works of the long-mournful and sorely-
distressed Isaac Penington, whom the Lord, in his ten-
der mercy, at length visited and relieved by the minis-
try of that despised People called Quakers, &c. &c. &c.
2 vols. London, 1761. [Presented by the Quakers in

## p. 11 (#23) ##############################################


Perkinsius, 113, Q. See Twissus.

Picai% 9, F. The Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the va-
rious Nations of the known World: together with His-
torical Annotations, and several curious Discourses
equally instructive and entertaining. Written original-
ly in French, and illustrated with a large number of fo-
lio Copperplates, all beautifully designed by Mr. Ber-
nard Picart, and curiously engraved by most of the best
hands in Europe. Faithfully translated into English,
by a Gentleman late of St. John's College in Oxford. 6
vols. London, 1733.

Pocockius, 98, Q. See Maimonides.

Polycarpus^ 35, F. See Cotelerius.

Paalterium, 128, F. Quincuplex Psalterium; Gallicum, Romanum,
Hebraicum, Vetus, Conciliatum. Parisiis, 1509.

Relandus, 333, O. Antiquitates Sacr» Veterum Hebraeorum bre-
viter delineatae ab Hadriano Relando. Trajecti Bata-
vorum, 1717.

Revelation, «^c. 245, O. Revelation examined with Candour, &c.
Vol. II. London, 1735.

jRoppelt, 121 — 3, Q. Theses dogmaticae, &c. &c. Auct. P. J-
Roppelt. Bambergae, 1773.

Roaasus, 359, O. Virgilli Evangelisantis Christiados Libri XIII.
In quibus omnia quae de Domino nostro J. Christo in
utroque testamento, vel dicta vel praedicta sunt, altisona
divini Maronis tuba suavissime decantantur. Inflante
Alexandre Rosaeo, Aberdonense. Londini, 1638.

Sacerdotiicm, 146 — 1, Q. Regale Sacerdotium delineatura, &c. &c.
&.C. Wirceburgi, 1737.

Sanderus, 129, F. See Masonus,

Savilius, 74, F. See Chrysostomus.

Schleicher, 110—9, Q. Historiae Ecclesiasticae Seculum Primum,
&c. &c. Auct. G. J. Schleicher. Bambergae, 1776.

Schmittlein, 144 — 5, Q. De Sacramento Poeniteniae, &c. &c. &c.
Auct. D. N. Schmittlein. Bambergae, 1760.

Schnapp, 121 — 6, Q. Ultimum Christi Pascha, &c. Auct. J. K.
Schnapp. Bambergae, 1769.

Scholar^ s Manual, 232, O. The Scholar's Manual: being a collec-
tion of Meditations, Reflections and Reasonings, design-
ed for establishing and promoting Christian Principles
and Practice, in irreligious and sceptical Times. With
suitable Devotions. By a Gentleman of Oxford. Lon-
don, 1733.

Schott, 91 — 3, Q. Concilia Synodi et Comitia Sacra Bambergen-
sia, &c. &c. Auct. J. Schott. Bambergae, 1770.

121 — 5, Q. Cohaerentia doctrinae theologicas de fide, &c.

&c. Auct. J. Schott. Bambergae, 1769.

## p. 12 (#24) ##############################################



Schott, 146 — 4, Q. Cohserentia Doctrinae Theologicse de Fide et
Statu Fidei, &c. &c. &c. Auct. D. J. Schott. Bam-
bergse, 1769.

Schwelingius, 60, D. Mens Immortalis evidenter certo contra
Atheos Scepticosque, demonstrata a Johanne Eberhardo
Schwelingio. Bremse, 1683.

Seelman, 122 — 4, Q. Infallibilis summi Pontificis supra Conci-
lium Oecumenicum in decidendis Fidei Controversiis
Authoritas, &c. &c. Auct. D. A. Seelnran. Bamber-
gae, 1754.

Semmelmann, 122 — 1, Q. Theses de Magno Pietatis Sacramento,
quod manifestatum est in carne, I. Tim. III. 16, &c.
&c. Auct. D. J. Semmelmann. Bambergse, 1766.

Sermons, 33, B. Sermons sur tous les Sujets de la Morale Chre-
tienne. Par le R. P. * *, de la Compagnie de Jesus.' —
Tom. IV. A Paris, 1702.

Sewel, 101, F. The History of the Rise, Increase and Progress'
of the Christian People called Quakers: intermixed with
several remarkable occurrences. Written originally in
Low Dutch, and also translated into English, by Wil-
liam Sewel. London, 1725.

Sherlock, 243, O. A Practical Discourse concerning Future Judg-
ment. By William Sherlock, D. D. &c. London,

261, O. The Use and Intent of Prophecy, in the several

ages of the World, &c. Also, four Dissertations, I. The
Authority of the 2d Epistle of St. Peter. II. The Sense
of the Antients, &c. on the Fall. III. The Blessing of
Judah, Gen. xlix. IV. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem.
By Thomas Sherlock, D. D. &c.. London, 1735.

262, O. A Discourse concerning the Divine Providence.

By William Sherlock, D. D. London, 1702.

Spanhemius, 339, O. Pi-o Friderico Spanhemio adversus Fictiones
Nuperi Criminatoris de varia et libera Ecclesiarum Po-
litia, deque Anglicano Episcopatu, Animadversionum
Pars Specialis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1684.

Stelzig, 1 10 — 7, Q' De Deo Uno et Trino, &c. &c. &c. Auct.
D. Carolo Stelzig. Bambergse, 1769.

Stenglein, 1 10—6, Q. Character Jansenisticse Factionis, &c. &c.
Auct. p. J. Stenglein. Bambergae, 1770.

Stephanus, 78, Q. See Biblia.

Suicerus, 86, F. See Flacius.

Swedenborg, 48, O. True Christian Religion; containing the Uni-
versal Theology of the New Church, &c. &c. &c. By
Emanuel Swedenborg. Translated from the Original
Latin. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1789.

SykeSf 202, O. See Whiston.

## p. 13 (#25) ##############################################


Sylvius, 285, 0. See Carranzani.

J^mmac/ms, 36, Q. See Bos.

'theodotion, 36, Q. See Bos.

TTieophyladits, 82, F. Theophylacti, Archiepiscopi Bulgarise Com-
mentaiii in Quatuor Evangelia. Gtsece et Latine. Cum
Notulis, variis Lectionibus, &c. Tom. 2. Lutetiae
Parisiorum, 1635.

Theologia, 142—6, Q. Theses selectse ex imiversa Theologia re-
velata, &c. &c. Bambergae, 1779.

Thysius, 344, O. See Ladantius.

Turretinus, 114, Q. Institutio Theologicae Elencticae, in qua Sta-
tus Controversiae exponitur, &c. &c. Authore Francis-
co Turretino, SS. T. Pr. Pars secunda. Lugduni
Batavorum, 1696.

T\uissusy 113, Q. Vindiciae Gratiae, Potestatis, ac Providentiae
Dei: hoc est, ad Examen libelli Perkinsiani, de Praedes-
tinationis modo et ordine, institutum a Jacobo Arminio,
Responsio Scholastica. Una cum Digressionibus, &c.
&c. &c. Auctore Guilielmo Tvvisso, SS. T. D. Am-
sterdami, 1632.

Tytz, 50, Q. See Mtenstaig.

T^atablus, 78, Q. See Biblia.

Vetua Testamentum, 36, Q. Vetus Testamentum ex versione sep-
tuaginta Interpretum, secundum Exemplar Vaticanum
Romae editum, una cum Scholiis ejusdem Editionis, Va-
riis MStorum Codicum Veterumque Exemplarium Lec-
tionibus, nee non Fragmentis Versionum Aquilae, Sym-
machi et Theodotionis. Summa cura edidit Lambertus
Bos, L. Gr. Prof. Tom. 2. Franequerae, 1709.

Vorstius, 116, Q. See Maiiemon.

Fries, 353, O. Gerardi de Vries, Phil. Prof, de Natura Dei et
Humanas Mentis Determinationes pneumatologicae. Ac-
cedunt de Catholicis rerum Attributis ejusdem Deter-
minationes Ontologicae. Ultrajecti, 1690.

Usserius, 35, F. See Cotderius.

Wagner, 1 10 — 10, Q. Oratio Jesu Montanse pars insignior apud
Matth. Cap. V. Notis philologico exegeticis illustrata.
Auct. J. J. Wagner. Bambergae, 1798.

Werner, 144 — 3, Q. Die Sechste Lob-Predig, &c. &c. Von J.
Werner, &c. Bambergae, 1715.

Weyermann, 110 — 1, Q. Trauerrede auf den Herrn Gallus, Abt
und Priilat, &c. Von G. Fr. Weyermann. Bamberg,
7ten May, 1799.

110 — 2, Q. De Apostolorum olim Divo Petro Superstitum

ad Episcopum Romanum Divi Petri Successorem ordine
in Praefectura Ecclesiae, &c. Auct. D. G. F. Weyer-
mann. Bambergae, 1768.

## p. 14 (#26) ##############################################


Weyermann, 121 — 4, Q. Trauerrede auf den Herrn Karl Theodo-
rick, von und zu Guttenberg, &c. von G. F. Weyermann,
den 14ten April. Bamberg, 1794.

121 — 9, Q. Trauerrede auf Joseph den Zweiten den aller-

durchlauchtigsten Romischen Kayser, von G. F. Weyer-
mann, den 20ten April, 1790. Bamberg, 1790.

Whiston, 202, O. Six Dissertations; on Josephus; Reply to Dr.
Sykes, on the Chronology of the Scriptures, &c. &C.-: —
By William Whiston, M. A. London, 1734.

Wideburgius, 117, Q. Mathesis Biblica septem speciminibus com-
prehensa, exhibens explicationes locorum mathematico-
rum quae per Universam Scripturam V. et N. Testa-
menti occurrunt. Autore Jo. Bernhardo Wideburgio,
Math. Prof. Jenensi, Stc. Jenae, 1730.

Wilson, 49, F. The Works of the Rt. Rev. Father in God, Thos,
Wilson, D. D. fifty-eight years Lord Bishop of Sodor
and Man. With his Life, by the Rev. C. Crutwell. 2
vols, in 1. London, 1782.

Winckellmann, 123 — 3, Q. Lob-und Trauer-Rede auf den Herrn
Gallus, &c. &c. Von A. R. P. G. Winckellmann, den
12ten Februar. Augspurg, 1728.

## p. 15 (#27) ##############################################



^ddalius^ 116, O. See Tacitus.

MHanus^ 322, 0. CI. ^liani Sophistae variae Historiae, cum No-
tis Joannis Scheflferi. Graece et Latine. Argentorati,

^lius Lampridius^ 252, O. See Historix Augustse Scriptores.

.^schinesy 24, F. See Demosthenes.

Msopus, 360, O. Selectiores iEsopi Phrygis Fabulae, et Luciani
Samosatensis Dialogi. Isocratis Orationes duae, ad De-
monicum et Nicoclem. Cebetis Thebani Tabula: nee
non Galeni Pergameni Suasoria ad artes Oratio. Graece
et Latine. Edinburgi, 1767.

Agathias Myrrinaeiis,, 346, 0. See Justinianus.

Agesilaus, 338, O. See Xenophon.

Alcibiades Secundus, 22, D. See Plato.

Mexis^ 320, O, See Poetse Minores Graeci.

Amasseus, 112, F. See Pausanias.

Jimpelius, 44, D. See Florus.

251. O. See Florus.

Amphis, 320, O. See Poetae Minores Grseci.

Anacreon, 38, D. Anacreon Teius, Poeta liyricus, summa cura,
ad fidem etiam Vet. MS. Vatican, emendatus. Aliquot
justis Poematiis,et Fragmentis plurimis, auctus. Item,
Anacreontis Vita, &c. &:c. &c. Opera et Studio Josuae
Barnes, S. T. B. Graece et Latine. Cum Effigiis. Can-
tabrigiae, 1705.

Anaxandridas, 320, O. See Poetas Minores Graeci.

Anebo, 106, F. See Jarnblichus.

Anna, Tan. Fabri Filia, 156, O. See Aurelius Victor.

Antiphanes, 320, O. See Poetae. Minores Grasci.

Antoninus, 94, Q. Marci Antonini Imperatoris de rebus suis; sive
de eis quae ad se pertinere censebat, Libri XII. Locis
baud paucis repurgati, suppleti, restituti: Versione La-
tina nova; Lectionibus variis, Locis parallelis; ac Com-
mentario perpetuo explicati et illustrati. Studio Operft.-
que Thomas Gatalceri. Accessere Annotationes selec-
tiores A. D'Acerii, necnon Marci Antonini Vita, &c.
&c. a Geo. Stanhope. Graece et Latine. Londini,

Apollodorus, 320, O. See Poetae Minores Graeci.

Apuleius, 318, O. L. Apuleii Madaurensis Opera omnia quae ex-
stant, emendata et auctaj cura Petri Colvii Brugensis;

## p. 16 (#28) ##############################################


cum ejusdem ad omnia uberioribus Notis. Accessit,
inter alia, Liber de Syllogismo Categorico, &c. Lug-
duni Batavorum, 1688. .

Jlrg. £izantinus,.105, Q. ^qq. Porphyrins.

Aristophanes, 53, D. Aristopiianis Comoediae undecim, Grsece et
Latine, cum Fragmentis et emendationibus virorum doc-
torum, prsecipue Josephi Scaligeri. Lugduni Batavo-
rum, 1625-

Aristoteles, 43, F. Aristotelis Stagiritse Opera omnia quse exstant.
Grsece. et Latine, cum Notis, Emendationibus, &c. Is.
Casauboni aliorumque virorum doctorum. Acesserunt
Kyriaci Strozse libri duo Politicorum Graecolatinij item,
Fragmenta ex libris Aristotelis qui hodie non supersunt,
&c. &c. Tom. 2. Aurelise AUobrogum, 1605.

276, O. Aristotelis Stagiritae Opera, Graece et Latine. —

Tom. I. Aurelise AUobrogum, 1607.

70, O. Aristotelis de Poetica liber, ex Versione Theodo-

ri Goulstoni. Lectionis Varietatem e Codd. IV. Bibl.
Medicese, Indicem et Observationes suas adjunxit T.
Winstanley, A. M. &c. &c. Grsece et Latine. Oxonii,

— 128, Q. Aristotelis Physicse auscultationis libri 8.— De

Coelo, 4. — De Generatione et Corruptione, 2. — Meteo-
rologicorum, 4. — De Mundo, 1. — De Anima, 3. — De
Sensu et Sensilibus, 1. — De Memoria et Reminiscentia,
1.'— De Somno et Vigilia, 1.— De Insomniis, 1.— De
Divinatione per Somnum, 1. — De Juventute, Senectute,
Vita et Morte, 1. — ^De Respiratione, 1.— De Longitu-
dine et Brevitate Vitse, 1. — Addita in tractatus cujus-
que fine varia locorum lectio; Inventaria rerum et ver-
borum, &c. &c. &c. Grsece et Latine. Francofurti,

105, Q. See Porphyrius.

Arrianus, 289, O. See Epictetus.
Asconius, 38, Q. See Cicero.

Aurelius Victor, 156, O. Sexti Aurelii Victoris Historise Romanae
Breviarium, illustratum And. Schotti, Dom. Machanei,
Jani Gruteri, et Annas Tanaquili Fabri Filise Commen-
tariis: ut et Csesarum, Augustorum, &c. &c. iconibus
ex nummis veteribus expressis, in ses incisis. Cura et
labore Samuelis Pitisci. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1696.

Ausonius, 79, D. Magni Ausonii Burdig. viri consularis, Opex-a,
a Josepho Scaligero, et Elia Vineto, recognita, disposita,
et variorum Notis illustrata, &c. &c. &c. Mannhemii,

JBabelonius, 175, O. See Suetonius.

Bailey, 77, O. See Phsedrus.

## p. 17 (#29) ##############################################


£arbarits, H. 158, O. See Pomponius Mela.
Barlseus, 280, O. See Lucianus.
Barnes, 38, D. See Anacreon.

72, Q. See Homerus.

Benedictus, 280, 0. See Lucianus.
Bemartius, 259, O. See Boethius.
Bertius, 259, O. See Boethius.

Bion, Sniyrn. 304, O. See Poetse Minores Grseci.

320, O. See

Boeder, 73, B. See Cornelius Nepos.
Boeclerus, 351, O. See Velleius Paterculus.

Boethius, 259, O. An. Manl. Sever. Boethii Consolationis Philo-
sophiae, libri V. Ejusd. Opuscula Sacra. Cum integris
Notis Johannis Bernartii, Theodori Sitzmani, et Renati
Vallini. Accedit Petri 13ertii Praefatio.
Severinus, 105, Q. See Porphyrins.

Bourdelotius, 280, O. See Lucianus.

Boyle, 201, O. See Phalaris.

Buchananus, 358, O. See Euripides.

Catlimachus, 320, O. See Poefa? Minores Graeci.

Calpurnius Flaccus, 284, O. See Quintilianus.

Camerarius, 38, Q, See Cicero.

Casaubonus, 43, Jl See Aristoteles.

209, O. See TTieophrastus.

319, O. See Theophrastus.

252, O. See Historix Jlugustse Scriptores.

Catullus, 71, /?. Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, cum C. Galli
Fragmentis, serio castigati. Amstelaedami, 1686.

310, O. CatuUi, Tibulli, Propertii, nova cditio. Josephus

Scaliger, Jul. Caesaris F. recensuit. Ejusdem in eos-
dem Castigationum Liber. Lutetiae, 1577.

Cato, 71, Q. See Scriptores liei Rusticae.

Cebes, 289, O. See Epictetus.

Cebetis Thebani Tabula, 22, D. See Plato.

360, O. See .Esopus.

Cicero, 38, Q. Marci TuUii Ciceronis Opera, quae supersunt, om-
nia, cum Asconio et Scholiaste veteri; ac Notis Integris
P. Victorii, J. Camerarii, F. Ursini, et selectis P. Ma-
nutii, D. Lambini, J. Gulielmii, J. Gruteri, J. F. et J.
Gronoviorum, J. G. Graevii et aliorum quamplurimorum,
qui aliquam Ciceronis Operum Partem, Animadversio-
nibus illustraverunt. Isaacus Verburgius coUegit, dispo-
suit, recensuit, &c. &c. &c. Tom. 4. Amstelsedami,

65, B. M. Tulli Ciceronis Opera omnia, post Dion. Lam-

bini, Mich. Bruti, Dion. Gothofredi, A!. Scot, aliorum-
que editiones. Cum Alexandri Scot, sectionibus Appa-

## p. 18 (#30) ##############################################


ratui Latinae locutionis respondentibus. 8 torn, in 7.

Lngduni, 1609.
Cicero, 29, B- M. Tullii Ciceronis de Officiis, libri tres. Item,

Cato Major, Lselius, Paradoxa, et Somnium Scipionis.

Philadelphiae, 1793.
Ciacconius, 158, 0. See Pomponius Mela.
Clarke, 69, O. See Homer.

114, O. See Homerus.

115, O. See

212, 0. See Florus.

Claudianus, 74, B. CI. Claudiani quae exstant: ex emendatione
Nicolai Heinsii,Dan. F. Amstelodami,apud Elzevirium,

Clearchus, 320, O. See Poetss Minores Grseci.

Clericus, 131, O. See Hesiodus.

343, O. See Livius.

Cnippingius, 196, O. See Ovidius.

266, O. See Ovidius.

Colvius, 318, O. See Jlpuleius.
Commelinus, 312, 0. See Heliodorus.

Cornelius Nepos, 73 — 1, D. Cornelii Nepotis excellentium Im-
peratorum Vitae. Cui accessit Index Boecleri locuple-
tissimus. Londini, 1741.

73 — 2, D. Corn. Nepos, vulgo ^^milius Probus, de Vita

excellentium Imperatorum, selectissimis Notis variorum
illustratus. Rotomagi, 1758.

Cratetes, 320, 0. See Poetse Minores Grseci.

Crispinus, 263, O. See Ovidius.

Crito, 22, D. See Plato.

Curtius, 311, 0. Q. Curtius Rufus de Rebus Alexandri Magni.
Nebst Teutschen Summarien, Teutschen Supplementis,
&c. &c. &c. durcli Emanuel Sincerum. Augspurg,

D^^cerius, 94, Q. See Antoninus.

Banetus, 77^ O. See Phxdrus.

Bemocrates, 297, O. See Opuscula Mythological fyc.

Bemophilus, 297, O. See

Bemosthenes, 24, F. Demosthenis et ^schinis Principum Graeciae
Oratorum Opera, cum utriusque autoris Vita et Ulpiani
Commentariis, novisque Scholiis, ex Quarta eaque pos-
trema recognitione, Graecolatina: variis Lectionibus
adaucta, Annotationibus illustrata: per Hieron. Wol-
fium. His recens accedit vita Demosthenis ex Parallelis
Andreae Schotti. Tom. 3. Francofurti, 1604.

Biodorus, 70, i).Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae Historicae libri XVII.
Lugduni, 1559.

Sinop. 320, O. See Poetse Minores Grxci.

## p. 19 (#31) ##############################################


Dionysius, 290, O. Dionysii Geographia emendata et locupletata,
Additione Scil. Geographiae llodiernae, Grseco Carmine
pariter doiiatac : cum 1 6 tabulis geo^raphicis. Ab. Edw.
Wells, A. M. &c. Giaece et Latine. Oxonii, 1704.

Biphihis, 520, O. Sec Foetx Minores Gracci.

Du-Ganlus, 45, D. See Lucianus.

Duportus, 209, O. See Theophrastus.

Epictetus, 289, O. Epicteti Stoici Philosophi Enchiridion: una
cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Quibus adjiciuntur Sim-
plicii Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti. Item, Ar-
riani Commentariorum de Epicteti Disputationibus, libri
IV. Omnia Hieronymo Wolfio Interprete. Graece et
Latine. Londini, 1G70.

Erasmus, 87, F. See Plinius.

Eratosthenes, 320, O. See Poetse Minores Grxci

Eriphus, 320, O. See

Ernesti, 260, O. See Xenophon.

Eiibulus, 320, O. See Poetse Minores Grseei.

Evenusy Par. 329, O. See

Euripides, 268, O. Euripidis Tragoediae octodecim, Graece. Ba-
sileae, 1537,

183, O. Euripidis Hecuba, Orestes, et Phoenissae, cum

Scholiis antiquis; ac Versione, Notisque Johannis King,
fere integris; curante Thoma Morell: qui Alcestin ad-
jecit, cum Scholiis quae extant, nova Versione, ct Notis
perpetuis. Graece et Latine. Tom. 2. Londini, 1748.

358, O. Euripidis Tragoediae dure, Medea et Alcestis;

cum Interpretatione Latina Georgii Buchanani Scoti. —

Graece et Latine. Edinburgi, 1722.
Faber, Tan. 280 O. See Lucianus.
Fabius Avus, 284, O. See Quintilianus.
Fannius, 335, O. See Poetae Latini Minores.
Farnabius, 43, D. See LucOnus.

50, D. See Seneca.

286, O. See Martialis.

Ficinus, 269, O. See Plato.

Flavins Vopiscus, 252, O. See Historic Jlugustx Scriptores.

Floras, 44, D. L. Julii Flori Rerum a Romanis gestarum libri
IV. A Johanne Stadio emendati. Seorsum excusus in
eos Commentarius J. Stadii elaboratissimus. Cui acces-
serunt Chronologicae CI. Salmasii excerptiones: una cum
variis Lectionibus,&c. — Item, L. Ampelii Liber Memo-
rialis, &c. Oxoniae, 1669.

251, O. L. Annaei Flori Epitome Rerujn Romanarumcum

Notis integris CI. Salmasii, et selectis Variorum. Ac-
cedunt Jo. Georgii Graevii Annotationes; nee non Nu-
mismata et antiqua Monumenta, cum Variantibus Lee-

## p. 20 (#32) ##############################################


tionibus, &c. &c. &c. In fine additus est L. Ampelius.

Amstelsedami, 1682.
Florus, 212, 0. L. Annaei Flori Epitome Rerutn Romanarum. —

With an English Translation as literal as possible. By

John Clarke. Latin and English. London.
Freinshemius, 116, O. 8ee Tacitus.

216, 0. See Quintus Curtius.

343^ 0. See Livius.

Gale, 106, F. See Jamhlichus.

Galeni Pergameni Suasoria ad artes Oratio, 360, O. See ^sopus.

Gallus, 71, D. See Catullus.

Gatakerus, 94, Q. See Antoninus.

Gelenius, 87, F. See Plinius.

Gellius, 325, O. A. Gel Hi luculentissimi Scriptoris, Noctes Atti-

cae. Lugduni, 1571.
Gesnerus, 71, Q. See Scriptores JRei Musticse.
Goulstonus, 70, O. See Aristotdes.
Graevius, 38, Q. See Cicero.

131, O. See Hesiodus.

251, O. See Florus.

280, O. See Lucianus.

Gronovius, 38, Q. See Cicero.
— 59, -O. See Tacitus.

116, O. See Tacitus.

158, O. See Pomponius Mela.

265, O. See Plautus.

275, O. See Plautus.

280, O. ^eo. Lucianus.

337, O. See Pomponius Mela.

Grotius, 43, D. See Lucanus.

116, O. See Tacitus.

Gruterus, 32, F. See Livius.

38, Q. See Cicero.

80, F. See Seneca.

116, O. See Tacitus.

'-. 156, O. See ^urelius Victor.

■ ■ 252, O. See Historic ^ugustse Scriptores.
Guietus, 131, O. See Hesiodus.

280, O. See LUcianus

Gulielmius, 38, Q. See Cicero.
Harduinus, 16, F. See Themistius.
Heindorjius, 200, O. See Plato.
Heinsius, 74, i). See Claudianus.

131, O. See Hesiodus.

196, O. See Ovidius.

266, O. See

Heliodorus, 312, O. Heliodori Aethiopicorum libri X. Ad fidem

## p. 21 (#33) ##############################################


MSS. ab Hieronymo Commelino emendati, multis in
locis aucti, ejusdemque Notis illustrati. Graece et La-
tine. Lugduni, 1611.

Hdiodori Larissxi Optica^ 297, O. See Opiiscula Mythologica,

HeraclUus, '■297, O. See Opuscula Mythological ^-c.

Hesiodus, 131, O. Hesiodi Ascrasi quaecuinque exstant, Graece et
Latine, ex recensione JoannisClerici, cumejusdem Ani-
madversionibus. Cum Notis, &c. &c. Scaligeri, Hein-
sii, Guieti, S. Clerici, Graevii, et Pasoris. Amstelo-
dami, 1701.

Heyne, 161, O. See Silius Italicus.

Hipparc/ms, 320, O. See Pacta; Minores Graeci.

Historise Auguatse. Scriptores, 252, O. Historiae Augustae Scrip-
tores VI. ifr'Jiiis Spartianiis, Jnlius Capitolinus, TElius
Lampridius, Vulc. Gallicanus, Trebell. Pollio, Flavius
Vopiscus. Cum integris Notis Is. Casauboni, CI. Sal-
masii, et Jani Gruteri, &c. Tom. 2. Lugduni Bata-
vorum, 1671.

Historiae, 3, 1). Selectas e profanis Scriptoribus Historiae. Phila-
delphiae, 1819.

Homenis, 72. Q. Homeri Opera Omnia, et in eadem Scholia, sive
Interpretatio Veterum. Una cum Notis perpetuis, in
Textum et Scholia, necnon Variis Lectionibus longe.
Plurimis, et Versione Latina, accuratiori limil perpolita.
Opera, Studio, et Impensis, Josuae Barnes, S. T. 13. &c.
Tom. 2. Cantabrigiae, 1711.

114, O. Homeri I lias, Graece et Latine. Cum Annota-

tionibus Samuelis Clarke, S. T. P. Tom. 2. Londini,

115, O. Homeri Odyssea, Grace et Latine. Edidit, An-

notationesque ex Notis nonnuUis MStis. a Samuele
Clarke, S. T. P. defuncto relictis, partim coUectas, ad-
jecit Samuel Clarke, Societ. Reg. Soc. Tom. 2. Lon-
dini, 1758.

69, O. Homeri Ilias, Graece et Latine. Cum Annota-

tionibus Samuelis Clarke, S. T. P. Vol. II. Dublinii,
Honorius, Julius, 158, O. See Pomponius Mela.

337, O. See

Hutchinson, 177, O. See Xenophon.

338, O. See

Isocrates, 100, F. Isocratis Scripta, quae quidem nunc extant,
omnia, Graecolatina, postremo recognita: Annotationibus
novis et eruditis illustrata, Castigationibusque necessa-
riisque expolita: Hieronymo Wolfio CEtingensi inter-
prete et auctore, &c. &c. Basilae, 1570.

## p. 22 (#34) ##############################################


Orationes duse, <^c. 360, O. See j^sopus.

Jamblichus, 106, F. Jamblichi Chalcidensis ex Ccele-Syria, de
Mysteiiis Liber. Prasmittitur Epistola Porphyrii ad
Anebonem iEgyptium, eodem argumento. Thomas
Gale, Anglus Grsece nunc primura edidit, Latine vertit,
et Notas adjecit. Oxonii, 1678.

Johnson, 89, O. See Sophocles.

Jornandes Jllanus, 346, O. See Justinianus.

Julius Capitolinus, 252, O. See Historix Augustse Scriptores.

Firmicus, 132, O. See Minucius Felix.

Juvenalis, 80, B. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrse,
ex doctorum virorum emendatiojie. -Hagse-Comitum,

Justinus, 34, JD. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis 11-
bri XLIV. Londini, 1756.

Justinianus, 346, O. Justinian! August! Historia, in qua Bellum
Persicum, Vandilicum, Gothicum, Belisari! praesertim
Narsetisque, prudentia &c. fellciter absolutum^ opera
autem et studio Procopii Csesariensis, Agathige Myrri-
nsei, Jornandis Alani, Libris XIII continetur. Acce-
dunt Procopii de Justiniani JEdificiis Lib. VI. et Jor-
nandis de regnorum et temporum Liber. &c. &c. Ge-
nevae, 1594.

King, 183, O. See Euripides.

Laertius, 269, O. See Plato.

Lallemand, 41, 2). See Plinius.

Lamhinus, 38, Q. See Cicero.

— 88j, Q. See Lucretius.

LeunclaviuSf 67, F. See Xenophon.

177, O. See —

Libanius, 98, F. Libani! Sophistse Opera Omniaj nunc prlmum
prodeunt, partim e Bibliotheca Regia, partim e Vaticana,
aliisque. Fed. Morellus Prof. Reg. Decanus recensuit,
castigavit, Latine vertit, et Notis lliustravit. Grsece et
Latine. Tom. 2. Parisiis, 1606—1627.

Lindenhrogius, 51, Q. See Virgilius.

Linus, 320, O. See Poetse Minores Grseci.

Lipsius, J. 116, O. See Tacitus.

-Livius, 32, F. Tit! Livii Patavini Historlcorum Romanorum Prln-
cipis, libr! omnes superstites, recognit! et emendati ad
MSS. Codd. Fuld. Mogunt. et Colon, fidem, a Francis-
co Modio; nunc etiam comparati cum Membranis Bibl.
Palat. Elect., melioresque facti cura tertia Jani Gruteri:
cujus accedunt Notae criticae et politicsej nee non quin-
quaginta aliquot In Corn. Taciturn Discursus, &c. Fran-
cofurti ad Moenum, 1628.
' ' 343, O. Titi LivU Hlstorlarum quod exstat, cum integris

## p. 23 (#35) ##############################################


Joannis Freinshemii Supplementis. Tabulis Geographi-
cis, &c. Recensuit et Notulis auxit Joannes Clericus.
Tom. 10. Anvstelaedami, 1710.

Livius, 197, O. T. Livii Patavini Historiarum ab Urbe condita
Libri. Tom. 2.

Longinus^ 1 37, O. Dionysii Longini de Sublimitate Commenta-
rius. Cum Versione et Nolis Zacharire Pearce, A. M.
&c. Accessit Fr. Porti Cretensis in Longinum Com-
mentarius integer. Grsece et Latine. Amstelaedami,

LucanuSy 43, D. M. Annaeus Lucanus de Bello Civili: cum Hu-
gonis Grotii, Farnabii Notis intcgris, et Variorum selec-
tissimis^ accurante Cornelio Schrevelio. — Item, Petronii
Arbitri specimen Belli Civilis, — Item, Supplementum
Lucani Libri septem. Authore Thoma Maio, Anglo,
&c. &c. Lugduni, 1670.

127, F. M. Annei Lucani Pharsalia, cum duobus com-

mentis Joannis Sulpitii Verulaniet Omniboni Vicentini,
&c. &c. Venetiis, 1505.

297, O. See Opuscula Myt/iologica, ^'C.

Lucianus, 280, O. Luciani Samosatensis Opera. Ex Versione
Joannis Benedicti. Cum Notis integris Bourdelotii,
Palmerii Tan. Fabri, Menagii, Guieti, Graevii, Grono-
vii, Barlasi, Tollii, et selectis aliorum. Accedunt in-
edita Scholia in Lucianum, ex Bibliotheca Isaaci Vossii.
GrDece et Latine. Tom. 2. Amstelodami, 1G87.

• 45, D. Luciani Samosatensis Dialogorum selectorum li-
bri duo, a Gulielmo Du-gardo recogniti, &c. Graece
et Latine. Londini, 1737.

360, O. See Msopus.

Ludarif 24, D. The select Dialogues of Lucian, in Greek. With
a new literal Translation in Latin, and Notes in Eng-
lish. By Edward Murphy, M. A. Dublin, 1785.

Lucretius, 88, Q. T. Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura, libri VI,
a Dion. Lambino, Monstroliensi ex auctoritate quinque
Codd. MSS. emendati, et commentariis illustrati, &c.
&c. &c. Cum Vita Lucretii, eodem Lambino auctore.
liUtctiae, 1570.

Machanms, 156, 0. See Aurelius Victor.

Mains, 43, D. See Lucanus.

Mamttius, 38, Q. See Cicero.

Marcellus, 335, O. See Poetre Lcitini Minores.

Martialis, 7\, Q. See Scripforcs Rei Rusticx.

286, O. M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammata, cum Notis

Farnabii et Variorum. Accurante Cornelio Schrevelio.
Lugduni Batavorum, 1661.
Masvicius^ 5\, Q. See Virgilius.

## p. 24 (#36) ##############################################


Menagius, 280, O. See Lucianus.

Menander, 320, O. See PoHcr Minores Grceci.

Menecrates, 320, O. See

Merceriis, 116, O. See Tacitus.

Metrodorus, 320, O. See PoettB Minores Grtsci.

Meursius^ 132, O. See Minucius Felix.

Mimnermus, 320. O, See Poet<B Minores Greed.

Minucius Felix, 132, O. M. Minucii Felicis Octavius cum inte-
gris omnium Notis, &c. novaque Recensione Jacobi
Ouzelii. Cujus et accedunt Animadversiones. Insuper
Joh. Meursii Notse. Et Liber Julii Firmici Materni, V.
C. De Errore Profanarum Religionum. Lugduni Ba-
tavorum, 1672.

329, O. Marci Minucii Felicis Octavius. Ex recensione

Johannis Davisii. Glasgufe, apud Foulis, 1 750.
Modius, 32, P. See Livius.
Morell, 183, O. See Euripides.
Morellus, 98, F. See Lihanius.
Moschus, 304, O. See Poetce Minores Grteci.

320, O. See

Muretus, 116, O. See Tacitus.

177, O. See Xenophon.

Murphy, 24, D. See Lucian.

MusfBus, 304, O. See Poetce Minores Grcsci.

■ -320, O. See

J^aumachius, 320, O. See —

Needham, 209, O. See Theophrastus.

Nemesianus, 335, O. See Poette Latini Minores.

Nicostratus, 320, O. See Poetce Minores Grceci.

Novus Historiarum Delectus, 255, O. Novus PlistoriaVum Fabel-
larumque Delectus: cum Notis et Versione. Graece et La-
tine. In Usum Scholce Etonensis. Londini, 1701.

Ocellus Lucanus, 297, O. See Opuscula 3Iythologica, (Sfc.

Olivarius, 158, O. See Pomponius Mela.

Opuscula Mythologica, Ethica, et Physica, 297, O. Opuscula My-
thologica, Ethica, et Physica. Graece et Latine. Palae-
phatus, Heraclitus, Anonymus, Phurnutus, Sallustius,
Ocellus Lucanus, Timeeus Locrus. — Demophilus, Demo-
crates, Secundus, Sextius P^/^Aa^oncw.?, Theophrasti Cha-
racteres., Pythagoricorum Fragmenta. — Heliodori Laris-
saei Optica. Cantabrigice, 1671.

Orpheus., 320, O. See Poetce. Minores Grceci.

Ouzelius, 132, O. See Minucius Felix.

Ovidius, 196, O. P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera Omnia, cum integris Ni-
colai Heinsii, D. F. lectissimisque Variorum Notis: qui-
bus non pauca, ad suos quaeque antiquitatis fontes dili-

## p. 25 (#37) ##############################################


genti comparatione reducta, accesserunt, studio Bor-
chardi Cnippingii. Tom. 3. Amstelodami, 1702.

Ovidius 266. O. P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera Omnia, cum integris
Nic Heinsii, D. F. lectissimisque Variorum Notis, &c.
&c. Studio Borchardi Cnippingii. Tom.' 3. Lugduni
Batavorum, 1670.

47, J). P. Ovidii Nasonis Operum Tom. II. Londini,


61, B. Ovidii Nasonis Tristium, libri V. cum Notis no-
vis et perpetuis ad modum J. Minellii, &.c. &c. Opera
et Studio M. Erdmaniii Uhsei. Lipsiae, 1711.

109, O. P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon. libri XV.

Cum notis Anglicis, &c.

263, O. P. Ovidii Nasonis Epistolse. Cum Interpreta-

tione et Notis Danielis Crispini Helvetii, &c. &c. &c.

Palladius, 712, O. See Scriptores Rei Rusticx.

Palmeriiis, 280, O. See Lucianiis.

Panyasis, 320, O. See Poetae Minor es Grseci.

Parens, 292, O. See Plautus.

Pasor, 131, O. See Hesiodus.

Pausanias, 112, F. Pausaniae accuralaGraeciaeDescriptio, k Gui-
lielmo Xylandro Augustano diligenter recognita, accesse-
runt Annotationes G. Xvlandri et Frid. Sjiburgi, et
Romuli Amasaai Versio, &c. &c. Graece et Latine.—
Hanoviaa, 1613.

Pearce, 137, O. See Longinns.

Persiiis, 80, D. See Juvenalis.

Petavius, 16, F. See Themistius.

Petronius ^Irbitcr, 43, B. See Lucanus.

Phaedrus, 77-, O. Phscdri Augusti Caesaris Liberti, Fnbularum
iEsopiarum libri quinque; una cum Clave, &c. et Notis
Petri Daneti, &c. &c. &c. Latine et Anglice. Opera et
Studio N. Bailey. Londini, 1744.

6, B. The Fables of Phaedrus in Latin, M'ith English

Notes and a Vocabulary. Baltimore, 1827. (Presented

by the Rev. Charles Williams.)
Phalaris^ 201, O. Phalaridis Agrigentinorum Tyranni Epistolae.

Ex. MSS. recensuit, Versione. Annotationibus, et Vita

insuper Authoris donavit Car. Boyle ex iiide Christi

Graece et Latine. Oxonii.
Pherecrates, 320, 0. See Poetae Minorca Graeci.
Philargyrius, 51,, Q. See Virgilius.
Philemon., 320, O. See Poetae Minores Graeci.

Philippus^ 320, O. See

Phocylides, 304, O. See

320, 0. See

## p. 26 (#38) ##############################################


Phurnutus, 297, O. See Opuscula Mythologica, &c.

Fichena, 116, O. See Tacitus.

Pierius, 51, Q. See Virgilius.

Pindarus, 15, i). Omnia Pindari quae extant, Olympia, Pythia,
Nemea, Isthmia. Cum Interpretatione Latina. Grsece
et Latine. Glasguse, apud Foulis, 1744.

110, F. Pindari Olympia, Nemea, Isthmia. Una cum

Latina omnium Versione Carmine Lyrico per Nicolaum
Sudorium, Scholiis antiquis Graecis, Variantibus Lec-
tionibus. Vita Pindari, Chronologia Olympionicarum,
&c. &c. &c. Qxonii, 1697-

Pintianus. 158, O. See Fomponius Mela.

Pitiscus, 156, O. See Aurelius Victor,

Plato, 269, 0. Platonis Philosophi quse exstant Graece ad edi-
tionem Henrici Stephani accurate expressa, cum Mar-
silii Ficini Interpretatione, Prsemittitur L. III. Laertii
de Vita et Dogm. Platonis. Cum Notitia Literaria.
Accedit Varietas Lectionis. Tom. 12. Biponti, 1781.

200, O. Platonis Phaedo. Scholarum in usum seorsum, cum

Annotatione perpetua edidit, L. H . Heindorfius. Graece.
Berolini, 1810.

22, D Platonis Apologia Socratis.


Alcibiades Secundus.
Cebetis Thebani Tabula-

Xenophontis Prodici Hercules. Graece et La-
tine. Abredonise, 1759.
Plautus, 265, O. M. Accii Plauti Comoediae. Accedit Com-
mentarius ex Variorum Notis et Observationibus, &c.
&c. Ex recensione Joh. Frederici Gronovii. Lugduni
Batavorum, 1664.
275, O. M. Accii Plauti Comoediae, cum Commentariis Va-
riorum ex recensione Joh. Frederici Gronovii. Tom. 2.
Amstelodami, 1684.

292, 0. M. Accii Plauti, Sarsinatis Umbi Comoediae XX.

superstites et deperditarum fragmenta. Philippus Pa-
rens tertium recensuit: ac Notis perpetuis illustravit.
Francofurti, 1641.
Plinius, 41, JD. C Plinii Caecilii Secundi Epistolae et Panegyri-
cus Trajano dictus. Recensuit Joannes Nic. Lalle-
mand. Parisiis, 1769.

87, F. C. Plinii Secundi Historiae Mundi libri triginta

septem. Cura Bes. Erasmi Roterodami. Cum Cas-
tigationibus Sigismundi Gelenii. Lugduni, 1548.
Plotinus, 125, F. Plotini Divini illius e Platonica familia Philoso-
phi, De rebus Philosophicis libri LIII. in Enneades sex
distributi, a Marsilio Ficino Florentine e GrtBca lingua

## p. 27 (#39) ##############################################


in Latinam versi, et ab eodem doctissimis commentariis
illustrati, omnibus cum Gra3Co exemplari coUatis et di-
ligenter castigatis. Basileae, 1559.

Flutarchus,il7.F. Plutarchi Chaeronei, Philosophi, Historicique,
Clarissimi, Opuscula (quae quidem extant) omnia, unde-
quaque collecta, et diligentissime jampridemrecoguita.
Latine. Basileae, 1530.

57, F. Plutarchi Chaeronensis Moralia, Gulielmo Xy-

landro interprete. Graece et Latine. Francofurti, 1620.

Poetx Minores Graeci, 320, O. Poetae Minores Graeci, Hesiodus,
Tlieocritus, Moschus, Bion, Smyrn. Simmias, Ji/iod.
Musaeus, Theognis,Phocylides, Pythagoras, Solon, Tyr-
taeus, Simonides,Rhianus, Naumachius, Panyasis, Or-
pheus, Mimnermus, Linus, CalUmachus, Evenus, Far.
Eratosthenes, Menecrates, Posidippus, Metrodorus. —
Fragniienta quaedam Philemonis, Alexidis, Amphidis,
Anaxandridae, Antiphanis. Apollodori,Diphili, Menandri,
Diodori, Sinop. Eubuli,Hipparchi,Nicostrati,Pherecra-
tis, Philippi, Sotadac, Cratetis, Eriphi, Posidippi, Timo-
clis,Clearchi, et aliorum incertorum Autorum. Accedunt
Observationes Radulphi "VVintertoni in Hesiodum.
Graece et Latine. Cantabrigiae, 1677.
304, O. Poeta Minores Graeci, selecti et emendati:

scilicet, Hesiodus, Theocritus, Moschus, Bion, Smyrn.
Musaeus, Theognis, Phocylides, Pythagoras. Cum ex-
plicationegrammaticavocumdifficiliorum, et tabulisaere
incisis. Graece et Latine. Londini, 1739.

Foetx Latini Minores, 335, O. Poetae Latini Minores, Faliscus,
M. Aur. 01. Nemesianus, T. Cal. Siculus, CI. Ruti-
lius, Q. Ser. Samonicus, Marcellus, Q. Rh. Fannius,
Sulpicia, ex editione Petri Burmanni fideliter expressi.
Glas^uae, apud Foulis, 1752.

Fomponius Mela, 337, O. Pomponii Melae libri ties de Situ Orbis,
nummis antiquis et notis illustrati a Jacobo Gronovio.
Julii Honorii Oratoris Excerpta Cosmographiae ab eodem
nunc primum ex MS.edita. Cosmographia, falso ^thi-
cum auctorem praeferens, cum variis Lectionibus e MS.
Ravennas Geographus, ex MS. Lugdunensi suppletus.
Lugduni Batavorum, 1696.

158, O. Pomponii Melae de Situ Orbis, libri IIL Cum

Notis Integris H. Barbari, P. G. Olivarii, F. N. Pin-
tiani, P. Ciacconii, A. Schotti, J. Vossii, et J. Gronovii.
Accedunt Julii Honorii Oratoris Excerpta Cosmogra-
phiae, &c. &c. &c. Curante Ab. Gronovio. Tom. 2.
Lugduni Batavorum, 1722.

Porphyrins, 105. Q. Porphyrii Phoenicis Isagoge, id est, Intro-
ductio in Dialecticen. Item, Aristotelis Stagiritae

## p. 28 (#40) ##############################################


Principis Philosophorum Opera omnia, quae pertinent
ad inventionem et judicationem Dialecticse. Partim
Argyropolo Bizantino, partim Boethio Severino inter-
prete. Colonias, 1586.

Porphyrins, 106, F. See Jamblichus.

Partus, 67, F. See Xenophon.

177, O: See

137", O. See Longinus.

Posidippus, 320, 0. See Poetse Minores Graeci.
Procopius, 346, O. See Justinianus.
Propertius, 71, D. See Catullus.
310, O. See

O. See libullus.

Pythagoras, 304, O. See Poetse. Minores Grseci.

320, O. See

Pythagoricorum Fragmenta, 297, O. See Opuscula Mythological

Quintilianus, 284, O. M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionum Orato-

riarum libri duodecim.-^Declamationes undeviginti. M.

Eabii Avi et Calpurnii Flacci Declamationes. Auctoris

incerti Dialogus,de causis corruptse ETbquentiae. Cum

Variorum Notis. Tom. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1665.
Quintus Curtius, 81, B. Quintus Curtius Rufus de Rebus gestis

Alexandri Magni Regis Macedonum, cum supplemen-

tis, &c. &c.

216, O. Quintus Curtius de Rebus gestis Alexandri

Magni Regis Macedonum. Cum. Notis et J. Freinshemii

Supplementis, &c. &c. Londini.
Rhenanus, 116, O. See Tacitus.
Rhianus, 320, 0. See Poetse Minores Grseci.
Ruseus, 108, 0. See Virgilius.
Ruperti, 161, O. See Silius Italicus.
Rutilicus, 335, O. See Poetse Latini Minores,
Sallustius, 297, O. See Opuscula Mythologica, &c.
Salmasius, 252, O, See Historiae Augustse Scriptores.

44, I). See Florus.

Samonicus, 335, O. See Poetse Latini Minores.
Scaliger, 53, B. See Aristophanes.

131, O. See Hesiodus.

79, B. See Jiusonius.

51, Q. See Virgilius.

310, O. See Catullus.

Schefferus, 322, O. See j^lianus.
Schottus, 24 F. See Bemosthenes,

158, O. See Pomponius Mela.

156, O. See Aurelius Victor.

Schrevelius, 43, B. See Lucanus.

## p. 29 (#41) ##############################################


Scot, 65, D. See Cicero.

Scriptores Rei Rusticse, 71, Q. Scriptores Rei Rusticae veteres
Latini, Cato, VaiTO, Columella, Palladius, quibus nunc
acceclit Ve-^etius de Mulo-Medicina, et Gargilii Mar-
tialis Frasmentum, cum editionibus prnpe omnibus et
MSS. pluiibus collati, adjectse Nolae Viiorum Clariss.
integrae tuui editae turn iiieditae, et Lexicon Rei Rusti-
cae, curaiite Jo. Mattliia Gesnero: cum iiguris. Lip-
siae, 1735.
Seamdus, 297, O. See Opuscula Myfhofogica, &c.
Seneca, 80, R L. Annaeus Seneca, a M. Antonio Mureto cor-
rectus et Notis illustratus. Accedunt seorsim, Ani-
madversiones Jani Gruteri. 1594.

50, B. L. Annaei Senecae Tragoediae, cum Notis Farnabii.

Amstelodami, 1678.
Serviiis, 5\, Q. See Virgilius.

Sextius Pythagoras, 297, O. See Opuscula Mythologlca, &c.
Sicuhis, 335, O. See Poetse Lafini Minores.
Silius llalkus, 161, 0. Caii Silii Italici Punicorum libri septem-
deciin, VarietateLectioniset perpetuaadnotatione illus-
trati a G. Alex. Ruperti. Cum Praefatione Chr. Gottl.
Heyne. Tom. 2. Goettingae, 1795.
Simmias, Rhod. 320, O. See Poetse Minores Grssci.

Simonides, 320, O. See

Simplicius, 289, O. See Epictetus.
Sincerus, 5l\, O. See Q. Cnrtius.
Sitzmanus, 259, O. See Boethius.
Solon, 320, O. See Poetae Minores Grseci.

Sophocles, 89, O. Soplmclis Tragoediae Septem: nova versione
donatae, Scholiisque vetei ibus illustratae; accedunt Notae
perpetuae, et Variae Lectiones, Opera Tbomae Johnson,
A. M.,&c. Accessere etiam Notae selects et Enien-
dationes ex Codd. Variorum doctorum Virorum, nuper
editis. Graece et Latine. Tom. 2. Etonae, 1775.

298, O. Sophoclis Tragoediae VII. Una cum omnibus

graecis Scholiis ad calcem adnexis. Graece et Latine.
Cantabrigiae, 1669.

27, D. Sophoclis Tragoediae, cum Versione Latina et se-

lectis quibusdam Lectionibus. Graece et Latine.^
Tom. 2. Londini, 1747.
Sofadas, 320, O. See Poetae Minores Grseci.
Sladius, 44, D. See Floras.
Stanhope, 94, Q. See Antoninus.
Stephanas, 177, O. See Xenophoru
Stroza Kyr. 43, F. See Jlristoteles .
Sudoriiis, 110, F. See Pindarus.
Suetonius, 1 75, O. C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera omnia quae ex-

## p. 30 (#42) ##############################################



tant, cum Interpretatione et Notis Augustini Babelonii.
Londini, 1718.

Suetonius, 218, O.Q. Suetonii Tranquilli XII. Csesares. With an
English translation. London.

Sulpida, 335, O. See Poetse Latini Minores.

Sulpitius, 127 F. See Lucanus.

Sylburgus, 112, F. See Pausanias.

Tacitus, 116, D. C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, quae exstant, inte-
gris J. Lipsii, Rhenanij, Ursini, Mureti, Pichense, Mer-
ceri, Gruteri, Acidalii, Grotii, Freinshemii^ et selectis
aliorum commentariis illustrata. Joh. Fred. Gronovius
recensuit, et suas Notas passim adjecit. Accedunt
Jac. Gronovii excerpta ex variis Lectt. MS. Oxon. —
Tom. 2. Amstelodami, 1685.

59, D. C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quse supersunt. Ex

editione Jacobi Gronovii fideliter expressa. Tom. 4.
Glasguse, apud Foulis, 1753.

76, D. C. Cornelius Tacitus, cum optimis exemplaribus

coUatus. Amstelodami, apud Elzevirium, 1678.

32, F. See Livius.

Terentius, 77, B. Pub. Terentii Comoedise sex, ex recensione
Heinsiana. Amstelodami.

Ihemistius, 16, F. Themistii Orationes XXXIII. e quibus tre-
decim nunc primum in lucem editae. Dionysius Peta-
vius e Soc. Jesu latine plerasque reddidit, ac fere vi-
cenas Notis illustravit. Accesserunt ad easdem XX.
Orationes Notae alternse ad reliquas tredecim perpetuae
Observationes Joannis Harduini. Graece et Latine. —
Parisiis, 1684.

Theocritus, 304, O. See Poetse Minores Grseci.
320, O. See

Theognis, 304, O. See

320, O. See

Theophrastus, 209, O. Theophrasti Characteres Ethici. Grsece
et Latine. Cum Notis ac Emendationibus Isaaci Ca-
sauboni et aliorum. Accedunt Jacobi Duporti Praelec-
tiones. Graeca cum vetustissimis MSS. collata, recen-
suit et Notas adjecit Pet. Needham, S. T. B. &c. —
Cantabrigiae, 1712.

319, O. Theophrasti Narrationes Morum. Isaacus Ca-

saubonus recensuit, in Latinum sermonem vertit, et
Libro Commentario illustravit. Graece et Latine.—
Lugduni, 1638.

297, O. Theophrasti Characteres, See Opuscula Mytho-

logica, &c.
libidlusj 334, O. Tibulli et Propertii Opera. Ex editione J.

## p. 31 (#43) ##############################################


Broukhusii fideliter expressa. Glasguae, apud Foulis,

TibuUus, 71, B. See Catullus.

310, 0. See

Timaeus, 297, O. See Opiiscula Mythologica, &c.

Timocles, 320, O. See Poetse 3nnores Graeci.

Tollius, 280, O. See Lucianus.

Trebellius Pollio, 252, 0. See Historic Jlugustx Scriptores.

Thrtaeus, 320, O. See Poetae Minores Graeci.

ifhseus, 61, Z). See Ovidius.

Ulpianus, 24, /I See Demosthenes.

Ursinus, 38, Q. See Cicero.

116, O. See Tacitus.

Vallimts, 259, O. See Bocthivs.

Varro, 71, $. See Scriptores Pei Rusticae.

Vegetius, 71, Q. See

Velleius Paterciilus, 340, O. Caii Velleii Paterculi quae super-
sunt ex Historise Romanse voluminibus duobus. Ex
editione Petri Burmanni fideliter expressa. Glasguae,
apud Foulis, 1752.

351, O. P. Velleii Paterculi Hist. Rom. ad M. Vinicum

Cos. libri duo. Cum Annotatis Jo. Henrici Boecleri. —

Argentorati, 1663.
Verburgius, 38, Q. See Cicero.
Vicentinus, 127, F. See Lucanus.
Victorias, 38, Q. See Cicero.
Vinetits, 79, D. See Ausonius.
Virgilius, 51, Q. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera, cum integris Com-

mentariis Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii. Accedunt Scali-

gerietLindenbrogiiNotse ad Culicem, Cirin, Catalecta.

Ad Cod. MS. Regium Parisiensem recensuit Pancratius

Masvicius. Cum figuris, &c. Tom. 2. Leovardiae,


108, O, P. Virgilii Maronis Opera. Interpretatione et

Notis illustravit Carolus Ruaeus, Soc. Jesu, ad usum
Delphini. Londini, 1785.

11, Q. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et

^neis. Birminghamiae, apud Baskerville, 1757. (Pre-
sented by J. Penn.)

66. D. Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, et

^neis. Cantabrigiae, 1702.
Vossiics, 158, O. See Pomponius Mela.
Vulc. Gallicanus, 252, O. See Historian Augustas Scriptores.
Wells, 240, 0. See Dionysius.
Winstanley, 70, O. See Jiristoteles.
Winterfonus, 320, O. See Poetae Minores Graeci.
fVolfius, 24, F. Sec Demosthenes.

## p. 32 (#44) ##############################################


fVoIfius, 100, F. See Isocrates.

289, 0. See Epictetus.

Xenophon, 67, F. Xenophontis, Philosophi et Imperatoris cla-
rissimi, qua exstant Opera, cum Nova Adpendice, &c.
Opera Joannis Leunclavii Amelburni. Accesserunt
^milii Porti, Fr. Porti Cr. Fil. Notae, &c. &c. &c.
Greece et Latine. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1625.

177. O. Xenophontis de Cyri Institutione libri Octo.

Cum NotisStephani, Leunclavii, Porti et Mureti, Variis
Lectionibus, &c. &c. &c. Cura Thomas Hutchinson,
A. M. Grsece et Latine. Londini, 1747.

83, O. Xenophontis de Cyri Expeditione libri septem,

a Thoma Hutchinson. Greece et Latine. Cantabrigiae,
. 260, O. Xenophontis Memorabilium Socratis Dictorum,
libri IV. Grsece et Latine. Cum Notis Integris Ernesti,
aliorumque Selectis, &c. &c. Oxonii, 1741.

338, 0. Xenophontis de Agesilao Rege Oratio. Adjecta

est Versio Latina ex editione T. Hutchinson. Graece
et Latine. Glasguse, apud Foulis, 1747.

Xenophontis, Prodici Hercules, 22, D. See Plato.

Xylander, 57, F. See Plutarchus.

112, i^. See Pausanias,

## p. 33 (#45) ##############################################



Academia Oxoniensis, TO, F. Academiae Oxoniensis Comitia
Pliilologica in Tlieatro Sheldoniano decimo die Julii,
A, D. 1713. Celebrata in Honorem Ser. Reginae
Annae Pacificae. Oxonii, 1713.

Mminiculum Puerile^ 23, D. Adminiculum Puerile: or, an Help
for Schoolboys, &c. &c. Philadelphia, 1785.

Mnsworth, 90, O. An Abridgement of the Quarto Edition of
Ainsworth's Dictionary, English and Latin, &c. by
Thomas Morrell, L. L. D. London, 1785.

AntesignanuSy 321, O. See Hesiodus.

Ascham, 195, O. The Scholemaster: shewing a plain and perfect
way of teaching the learned Languages. By Roger
Ascham, Esq. Preceptor to Queen Elizabeth. Revised
and improved by James Upton, A. M., &c. London,

257, O. See Faber, Tan.

Jlulus Gellius, 341, O. See P. Mosellanus.

Bachmair, 211, O. A German Grammar, containing the Theory
of the Language, through all the Parts of Speech, &c.
&c. By John James Bachmair, M. A. Philad. 1788.

Bentzius, 69, F. Thesaurus Elocutionis Oratoriae Graecolatinus
Novus, &c. a M. Joanne Bentzio, Bruxellense. Basileae,

Blount, 99, F. Censura celebriorum Authorum, sive Trac-
tatus in quo Varia Virorum Doctorum de Claris-
simis cujusque Seculi Scriptoribus judicia traduntur,
&c. &c. Omnia in Studiosorum gratiam coUegit, &c.
Thomas Pope Blount, Anglo-Britannus, Baronettus. —
Londini, 1690.

Brutus, 330, O. Joh. Michaelis Bruti Opera varia selecta, nimi-
rum Epistol. Lib. V. de Historiae Laudibus, sive de Ra-
tione legendi Scriptores historicos liber, Praeceptorum
Conjugalium liber, Epistolis et Orationibus compluri-
bus. Berolini, 1698.

Calepinus, 34, F. Ambrosii Calepini Dictionarium, tanta taraque
multa verborum, turn Latinorum, turn etiam Graecorum,
quae suis Latinis bellissime respondent, loquendique
formularum accessione adauctum, ut thesaurus Linguae
Latins^ dici possit. Adjunctae sunt praeterea singulis

## p. 34 (#46) ##############################################


Vocibus Latinis, Italicae, Gallicae, et Hispanicae inter-
pretationes, &c. &c. &c. Prseterea subjuncta sunt,
Pauli Manutii, Aldi F. Additamenta, &c. &c. &c.—
Lutetise, 1570.

Calepinus, 72, F. AmbrosiiCalepiniDictionariumLinguarum sep-
tem. Quo respondent Latinis vocabulis, Graeca, Italica,
Gallica, Hispanica, Germanica, Belgica; prsefixi sunt
Tres Indices Alphabetici, in quibus, Hebraicse, Latinae
et Germanicse dictiones, mutatis vicibus, sibi mutuo re-
spondent. Item, Onomasticum, &c. &c. Basilese, 1579.

Carew, 257^ O. See Faher, Tan.

Carey ^ 34, O. A Work in Bengalee. (Presented by W. Carey.)

42, O. A Work in Bengalee. (Presented by W. Carey.)

2, Q. A Grammar of the Swngskrit Language, composed

from the Works of the most esteemed Grammarians.
To which are added, Examples for the Exercise of the
Student, and a complete List of the Dhatoos, or Roots.
By W. Carey, Teacher of the Swngskrit, Bengalee,
and Mahratta Languages, in the College of Fort Wil-
liam. Serampore, 1806. (Presented by the author.)

41, O. Dialogues; intended to facilitate the acquiring of

the Bengalee Language. By W. Carey. Serampore,
1801. (Presented by the author.]

Carre, 8, D. Traite complet de la Prononciation de la Langue
Anglaise, &c. par Charles Carre. Philad. 1818.

Cellarius, 51, B. Christophori Cellarii, Smalcaldiensis, Curae
posteriores de Barbarismis et Idiotismis Sermonis La-
tini, secundum secula distributse. Cizse, 1681.

52, D. The same work. Jense, 1700.

Chamberlayne, 129, Q. Oratio Dominica in diversas omnium fere
Gentium Linguas versa et propriis cujusque Linguae
Characteribus expressa, una cum Dissertationibus non-
nullis de Linguarum Origine, variisque ipsarum Permu-
tationibus, Editore Joanne Chamberlaynio, F. R. S., &c.
Amstelodami, 1715.

Chrysostomus, D. Joan7ies, de Babyla Marty re, 341, O. See P.

Cicero, 119, F. See Woljius.

342, O. See Frandus.

Curio, 77, F. See Nizolius.

Clencus, 345, O. Joannis Clerici Ars Critica; cum Epistolis Cri-
ticis et Ecclesiasticis. Tom. 3. Amstelodami, 1697.

Clenardus, 321, O. Institutiones Linguae Graeca, N. Clenardo,
authore. Cum Scholiis et Praxi P. Antesignani Rapis-
tagnensis. Coloniae, 1569.

Dasypodius, 47, O. Lexicon Graecolatinum in usum juventutis

## p. 35 (#47) ##############################################


Grsecarum literarum studiosse, diligenter congestum;
opera Petri Dasypodii. Argentorati, 1539.

De-Rossi, 5, Q. Annales Hebrseo-1 ypographici Sec. XV. de-
scripsit, fusoque Commentario illustravit Joh. Bernar-
dus De-Rossi, Ling. Orient. Profess. Parmae, 1795.

Du Ponceau, 76 — 4, O. See Eliot.

Eliot, 76 — 4, O, A Grammar of the Massachusetts Indian Lan-
guage. By John Eliot. With Notes and Observations,
by Peter S. Du Ponceau, LL. D. and an Introduction
and Supplementary Notes, by John Pickering. Boston,

Erasmus, 67, D. Querela Pacis undique gentium ejectae, profli-
gataeque.— Encomium Moriae, sive Declamatio in lau-
dem Stultitiae. — De ratione studiorum libellus. — De ra-
tione instituendi Discipulos. — De utraque Verborum ac
Rerum Copia libri IL ad sermonem et stylum forman-
dum utilissimi. — Omnia a Desiderio Erasmo Rotero-
damo Scripta. Lugduni Batavorum et Amstelodami,

— — — 75, D. Desiderii Erasmi Roter. Liber utilissimus de
conscribendis Epistolis; continens artificium et prae-
cepta in earum compositione observanda. Amstelo-
dami, 1636.

— — — Erasmi Epistola in tyrologum quendam impudentissimum
calumniatorem, 341, O. See P. Mosellanus.

Erasmi Epistola de Modestia projitendi Linguas, 341, O.

See P. Mosellanus.

Faber, Tan. 257, O. A Compendious Way of teaching Ancient
and Modern Languages, as practised by Tanaquil Fa-
ber, &c. with Observations by Ascham, Carew, Milton,
Locke, &c. &c. &c. By J. 1. Philipps. London, 1727.

Frandus, 342, O. Petri Francii Eloquentiae exterioris specimen
primum, ad Orationem M. T. Ciceronis pro A. Licin.
Archia accommodatum. Amstelodami, 1700.

Franklin, 42, D. De Linguae Graecae Tonis Tractatulus. R.
Franklino Autore. Edidit Jac Richardson, A. M., &c.
Londini, 1717.

Grammatica, 17. D. Brevissima Institutio seu Ratio Gramnia-
tices cognoscendae, &c. &c. Oxonii, 1678.

Grammatica Graeca, 327, O. Graecae Grammatices Rudimenta.
In usum Scholae Regiae Westmonasteriensis. Londini,

Guignes, de \\, F. Dictionnaire Chinois, Francais et Latin, public
d'apres Tordre de S. M. I'Empereur et Roi Napoleon
le ^rand; par M. de Guignes, Resident de France a la
Chine, &.C. &,c. a Paris, 1813.

## p. 36 (#48) ##############################################


Harris, 240, O. Hermes; or, a Philosophical Inquiry concerning
Language and Universal Grammar. By James Harris.
London, 1751.

Hedericus, 105, 0. Benjamini Hederici Lexicon Manuale Latino-
Germanicum. &c. &c. &c. Cum Compendiorum Scrip-
turge Signorumque, &c. &c. Interpretatione, &c. &c. —
Tom. 2. Lipsise, 1766.

Howison, 26, Q. A Dictionary of the Malay Tongue, as spoken
in Malacca, Java, Borneo, &c. &c. With a Grammar
of that Language. By James Howison, M. D. Map.
London, 1801.

Johnson, 19, F. A Dictionary of the English Language: in which
the words are deduced from their originals, and illus-
trated in their dift'erent significations by examples from
the best Writers, &c. &c. &c. By Samuel Johnson.
A. M. 2 vols. London, 1755.

Ker, 247, O. Selectarum de Lingua Latina Observationum libri
duo. Ductu et Cura Joannis Ker. Tom. I. Londini,

Leusden, 126, Q. Philologus Hebraeus, in quo plerseque quaes-
tiones generales philologico-hebraicse, concernentes
Textum HebraeumVeteris Testament! dilucide. pertrac-
tantur. Cum Catalogo hebraico et latino sexcentorum
et tredecim Prseceptorum, in quo totus Pentateuchus
ex sententia Judseorum divisus est. Authore Joanne
Leusden, M. A. &c. Ultrajecti, 1657.

Locke, Q57, O. See Faber, Tan.

Manuthis, 281, O. Adagia optimorum utriusque Linguae Scrip-
torum omnia, quaecunque ad hunc usque diem exierunt.
Pauli Manutii Studio, &c. &c. &c. Ursellis, 1603.

34, F. See Calepinus.

Aiiege, 54, F. The Great French and English Dictionary, accord-
ing to the Ancient and Modern Orthography with
Grammars, &c. &c. &c. By Guy Miege, Gent. Lon-
don, 1688.

Milton, 9.57, O. See Faber, Tan.

Moor, 184, 0. Elementa Linguae Graecae; novis, plerumque,
Regulis tradita, &c. &c. Studio Jacobi Moor, LL. D.
&c. Edinburgi, 1798.

Morrell, 90, O. See Mnsworth,

Morrison, 1, Q. A Dictionary of the Chinese Language, &c. &c.
By the Rev. R. Morrison. Vol. I. part 1. Macao, 1815.

20, Q, A Grammar of the Chinese Language. By the

Rev. Robert !^orrison. Serampore, 1815.

Mosellanus, P. 341, O. Annotationes Petri Mosellani Protogen-
sis in clarissimas Auli Gellii Noctes Atticas. — Plu-
tarchus Chaeron. de educatione puerorum. Graece.^

## p. 37 (#49) ##############################################


Epistola Erasmi de modestia profitendi Linguas. —
Libellus D. Joannis Chrysostomi de Babjla martyre
Graece. — Epistola Erasmi in tyrologum quendam impu-
dentissimum calumniatorern. Basilese, 1527.

Neandrus, 316, O. Graecae Linguae Erotemata. Michaele
Neandro, Soraviensi autore, Basileae, 1576.

Nizolius, 77, F. Nizolius sive Thesaurus Ciceronianus, post
Mar. Nizolii, Basilii, Zanchi, et Caelii Secundi Cu-
rionis, nunquam satis laudatas operas, per Marcel-
lum Squarcialupum Plumbinensem, cum insigni acces-
sione, digestus et illustratus. Basileae, 1576.

69, Q. See Scot.

Ortdius, 85, Q. Abrahami Ortelii, Antverpiani, Synonymia
Geographica, sive Populorum, Regionum, Insularum,
Urbium, &c. &c. &c. occ, variae, pro Auctorum tradi-
tionibus, saeculorum intervallis, gentiumque idiomatis
et migrationibus, appellationes et nomina. Antverpiae,

Parkhurst, 28, Q. An Hebrew and English Lexicon, without
Points, &c. &c. Also a Methodical Hebrew Grammar,
without Points, &c. &c. By John Parkhurst, M. A.
&c. London, 1762.

Ferizonius, 155, O. See Sanctius.

Fhilipps, 257, O. See Faber, Tan.

Pickering, 76 — 4, O. See Eliot.

Plutarc/ius Chaeron. de educatione puerorum, 341, O. See P.

Richardson, 42, D. See Franklin.

Ruddimannus, 303, O. GrammaticaeLatinaelnstitutiones. Thomae
Ruddimanno, A. M. Auctore. Edinburgi, 1746.

Sanctius, 155, O. Francisci Sanctii, Brocensis, Minerva; seu de
Causis Linguae Latinae Commentarius. Cum Addit.
Gasp. Scioppii et Animadversionibus Jac. Perizonii.
Amstelodami, 1714.
Scaligerus, 295, O. Julii Caesaris Scaligeri exotericarum Exer-
citationum liber XV. de Subtilitate, ad Hieronymum
Cardanum. Francofurti, 1576.

301, 0. The same work. Francofurti, 1601.

Schrevelius, 189, O. Lexicon Manuale Graeco-Latinum et La-

tino-Graecum. A Cornelio Schrevelio editum, &c.
&c. Londini, 1699.

— — 125, 0. The same work. Augustaeapud Vindelicos, 1782.

Scot, 69, Q. Apparatus Latinae Locutionis, in usum studiosae
juventutis: post Marii Nizolii Principia ex M. T. Ci-
ceronis libris collectus. Auctore Alexandro Scot,
Scoto, A. M. &c. Accessit ad calcem Progymnasma-

## p. 38 (#50) ##############################################


turn in artem oratoriam libellus, ex Francisci Sylvii
opere in Synopsim redactus. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1622»

Scioppius, 155, O. See Sanctius.

Scriverius, 72, D. See Erasmus.

Sewel, 39, Q' A Large Dictionary, English and Dutch, &c.
With a Grammar for both Languages. &c. &c. By W.
Sewel. 2 vols. Amsterdam, 1727.

SobrinOf 73. Q. Dicionario Nuevo de las Lenguas Espafiola y
Francesaj en que se contiene la explicacion del Espa-
nol al Frances, y del Frances al EspaSol, &c. &c. Per
Don Francisco Sobrino. 2 torn. En Brusselas, 1721.

Squarcialupus, 77, F. See Nizolius.

Steenberch, Van, 349, O. Vera ac Genuina cognoscendi Metho-
dus studiosse Juventuti praescripta ab Elia Van Steen-
berch, Phil. Doct. &c. Daventriae, 1697.

Stuotrt, 5, 0. A Hebrew Grammar, with a copious Syntax and
Praxis. By Moses Stuart. Andover, 1821.

Stvbelius, 270, O. M. Andr. Stubelii, Grsecismus in Nuce; sive
aureum inventum Grammaticae Graecae accuratissimae,
&c. &c. &c. Londini, 1716.

Sylvius, 69, Q. See Scot.

Upton, 195, O. See Ascham.

Vossius, 8fC. 109, Q. Disquisitiones Criticae de variis per diversa
Loca et Tempora Bibliorum Editionibus. Quibus acce-
dunt Castigationes Theologi cujusdum Parisiensis ad
opusculum Isa. Vossii de Sibjllinis Oraculis, et ejus-
dem Responsionem ad objectiones nuperae criticae sacrae.
Londini, 1684.

134, Q. Gerardi Joannis Vossii de Vetera m Poetarum

Temporibus libri duo, qui sunt de Poetis Graecis et La-
tinis. Amstelodami, 1654.

135, Q. Gerardi Joannis Vossii Duo Tractatus Aurei,

Unus de Historicis Latinis, Alter de Historicis Graecis.
Cum effigie. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1677. (Pre-
sented by Lewis Evans.)
Walker, 14, D. A New Dictionary of English Particles, with a
Praxis upon the same. By William Walker, B. D. —
London, 1706.

300, O. A Treatise of English Particles, &c. &c. With

a Praxis upon the same. By William Walker, B. D. —
London, 1691.

45, O. A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of the

Greek, Latin, and Scripture proper names, &c. &c. &c.
By John Walker. Philadelphia, 1808.
Ward, 273, O. A System of Oratory, delivered in a Course of
Lectures publicly read at Gvesham College, Londonj

## p. 39 (#51) ##############################################


with an Inaugural Oration in Latin, &c- &c. By John
Ward, LL. D., &c. 2 vols. London, 1759.

Willymott, 242, O. The Peculiar Use and Signification of cer-
tain Words in the Latin Tongue, &c. &c. By William
Willymott, M. A. &c. Cambridge, 1705.

Wilson, 121, O. An Essay on Grammar; the Principles of which
are exemplified and appended in an English Gram-
mar. By James P.Wilson, D. D. Philadelphia, 1817.
(Presented by the author.)

Wolfius, 119, F. Hieronymi Wolfiii in Ciceronis officia, Catonem,
Laslium, Paradoxa, et Scipionis Somnium Commentarii
atque Scholia, ad vitam recte instituendam, methodum-
que Scholarum exercendam, accommodata. Basileae,

Zanchus, 77, F. See Nizolius.

## p. 40 (#52) ##############################################




Mams, 185, O. A Treatise on the Construction and Use of new
Celestial and Terrestrial Globes, &c, &c. By George
Adams. Plates. London, 1766.

Jilmanac, Nautical, fyc. 82, O. The Nautical Almanac and As-
tronomical Ephemeris for the years 1767, 8, 9, '70, (with
Martin's Institutions of Astronomical Calculations.—
Tables de la Lune, &c. par M. Clairaut— Tables, re-
quisite to be used with the Astronomical and Nautical
Ephemeris, &c. &c.) 1771, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, '80,
2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, '90. (Cum Tabulis pro supputan-
dis Eclipsibus Secundi Satellitis Jovis: auctore D. War-
gentin, &c.— Description of a method for adjusting
Hadley's Quadrant, &c. by R. Blair. — Edwards on Re-
flecting Telescopes. — Right Ascensions and Zenith Dis-
tances of the Moon, deduced from Dr. Bradley's Ob-
servations, &c. Lyons's Astronomical Problems.)

1791, 96, 97, 99, 1802, 3, 4. London— T. Y.

Apollodorus, 1 5, F. See Mathematici Veteres.

Aristotle, 60, Q, Commentarii CoUegii Conimbricensis Societatis
Jesu, in Quatuor libros de Coelo, Meteorologicos et
Parva Naturalia, Aristotelis Stagiritae. Colonise, 1603.

Jithenseus, 15, F. See Mathematici Veteres.

Bailly, 56, Q. Histoire de I'Astrondmie Moderne, depuis la fon-
dation de I'ecole d'Alexandrie jusqu'a I'epoque de
1782. Por M. Bailly. Tome 3me. a Paris, 1782.

Beaumont, 99 — 1, Q. See Burnet.

Belidor, 16, I). Le Bombardier Francois, ou Nouvelle Methods
de jetter les Bombes avec precision. Par M. Belidor.
A vec figures. A Paris, 1731.

Bezout, 350, O. Elementos de Analyse por Mr. Bezout, traduzi-
dos de Francez. Tom. II. Coimbra, 1801.

Bito, 15, F. See Mathematici Veteres.

Blair, 82, O. See Almanac, Nautical, fyc.

Boyle, 313, O. Experimenta, Observationes, &c. circa Mechani-
cam variarum particularium Qualitatum Originem sive
Produfitionem. Accessit Tractatus, quo Chymistarum
de Qualitatibus Doctrinae Imperfectio detegitur. Nec-
non quaedam in Hypothesin de Alcali et Acido Animad-

## p. 41 (#53) ##############################################


versiones. Authore Roberto Boylaeo, Armigero, R.
Soc. Socio. Londini, 1692.

Bradley^ 82, O. See Mmanac^ Nautical^ ^-c.

Beaumont, 99 — 1, Q. Considerations on a Book, entituled, The
Theory of the Earth, publisht some years since by the
learned Dr. Burnet. By John Beaumont, Jun. Lon-
don, 1693.

Cassini, 191, O. See Whiston.

Cellarius, 88, O. Christophori Cellarii Smalcaldiensis Geogra-
phia Antiqua. CurS, Samuelis Patrick, LL. D. Lon-
dini, 1808.

Celsius, 129 — 2, O. Andreas Celsii Oratio de Mutationibus gene-
ralioribus quae in superficie Corporum Coelestium con-
tingunt. Lugduni Batavorum, 1744.

Chabert, 54, Q. Voyage fait par ordre du Roi, en 1750 et 1751,
dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, pour rectifier ies Cartes
des Coles de l'Acadie,de I'Isle Royale et de I'lsle de
Terreneuve; et pour en fixer Ies principaux points par
des Observations Astronomiques. Par M. de Chabert
Avec Cartes, &c. Paris, 1753.

Clairaut, 82, O. See Almanac, Nautical, 8,'C.

Clare, 233, O. The Motion of Fluids, Natural and Artificial, in
particular that of the Air and Water, with Experiments,
&c. &c. &c. By M. Clare, F. R. S. &c. Plates.—
London, 1747.

Clarke, 204, O. See Rohault.

210, O. See Rohaultus.

246, O. See Newton.

Clericus, 356, O. Joannis Clerici Physica, sive de Rebus Corpo-
reis Libri quinque. Tom. 2. Amstelodami, 1698.

Colson, 104, O. See Musschenbroek.

Commandine, 214, O. See Euclid.

Commandinus^QQS, 0. See

Cotes, 165, O. Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures, by
Roger Cotes, A. M. &c. The second edition. By
Robert Smith, D. D. &c. Plates. Cambridge, 1747.

77, Q. Harmonia Mensurarum, sive Analysis et Synthe-

sis per Rationum et Angulorum Mensuras promotae: ac-
ceduntaliaOpuscula Mathematica: per Rogerum Cotes-
ium. Ediditet auxitRobertus Smith, Astr. &c. Prof.
Cantabrigiae, 1722.
Courtanvaux, 55, Q. Journal du Voyage de M. le Marquis de
Courtanvaux, sur le fregate I'Aurore, pour essayer par
ordre de I'Academie, plusieurs Instrumens relatifs a la
Longitude. Mis en ordre par M. Pingre, noram^ par
I'Academie pour cooperer a la verification desdits In-

## p. 42 (#54) ##############################################


strumens, de concert avec M. Messier, Astronome de la
Marine. Avec figures. A Paris, 1768.

Cunn, 214, O. See Euclid.

Dolby, 17, Q- See Williams.

Besaguliers, 79, *§• See s^ Gravesande.

Des-Cartes, 102, Q. Renati Des-Cartes Principia Philosophiae.
Amstelodami, apud L. Elzeviriura, 1750.

De Dimensione, 8fc. 120 — 1, Q. De dimensione quarundam superfi-
cierum curvilinearium, ac corporum inde genitorum, &c.
&c. &c. Bambergse, 1773.

Edwards, 82, O. See Almanac, Nautical, Sfc.

Ellicott, 40, Q. The Journal of Andrew Ellicott, late Commis-
sioner on behalf of the United States during part of the
year 1796, the years 1797, 1798, 1799, and part of 1800,
for determining the Boundary between the United
States and the Possessions of his Catholic Majesty in
America, containing Remarks on the Situation, Soil,
Rivers, Natural Productions, and Diseases of the dif-
ferent Countries on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Gulf of
Mexico. With six Maps, and an Appendix. Phila-
delphia, 1803.

Emerson, 75, Q. The Principles of Mechanics, &c. &c. &c. By
William Emerson. With 43 copperplates. London,

134. O. The Elements of Trigonometry. By William

Emerson. Plates. London, 1749.

Euclid, 228, O. Euclidis Elementorum libri priores sex, item,
undecimus et duodecimus. Ex Versione Latina Fede-
rici Commanding Quibus accedunt Trigonometriae
planse et sphericse Elementa. Item, Tractatus de Na-
tura et Arithmetica Logarithmorum. Oxonii, 1723.

214, O. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, from the Latin

translation of Commandine. With Treatises on Arith-
metic and Trigonometry, &c. &c. By Dr. John Keil,
F. R. S. &c. Revised, &c. &c. &c, by Samuel Cunn. —
London, 1741.

6, F. SieeLuders.

Ewing, 56, O. A Plain Elementary and Practical System of Na-
tural and Experimental Philosophy; including Astro-
nomy and Chronology. By the late Rev. John Ewing,
D. D. &c. With Notes, &c. by Robert Patterson, Prof.
&c. and the Life of the Author. Plates. Philadel-
phia, 1809.

Ferguson, 32, Q. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's
Principles, and ma3e easy to those who have not studied
Mathematics. By James Ferguson. Plates. London,

## p. 43 (#55) ##############################################


Ferguson, 33, Q. The same Work. — To which are added, A plain
Method of finding the Distances of all the Planets from
the Sun, by the Transit of Venus over the Sun's disc in
1761.— ^An account of Mr. Horrox's Observation of the
Transit of Venus in 1639; and of the Distances of all
the Planets from the Sun, as deduced from Observations
of the Transit in 1761. London, 1764.

Flamsteed, 3, F. Atlas Ccclestis. By the late Rev. Mr. John
Flamsteed, Regius Professor of Astronomy at Green-
wich. Portrait. London, 1753.

191, O. See Whiston.

Gardiner^ 10, Q. Tables of Logarithms, for all numbers from 1 to
102100, and for the Sines and Tangents to every ten
seconds of each degree in the Quadrant; as also, for the
Sines of the first 72 minutes to every single second:
with other useful and necessary Tables. By William
Gardiner. London, 1742.

s^Gravesande, 7, B. G. J. s'Gravesande, Philosophioe Newton-
ianaelnstitutiones, in Usus Academicos. Lugduni Ba-
tavorum, 1723.

79, Q. Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy,

confirmed by Experiments: or, an Introduction to Sir
Isaac Newton's Philosophy. Written in I^atin by the
late W. James s'Gravesande, LL. D., F. R. S. &c. —
Translated into English by the late J. T. Desaguliers,
LL. D., F. R. S. With 127 copper-plates. 2 vols. —
London, 1747.

Gray, 244, O. A Treatise of Gunnery. By John Gray. Lon-
don, 1731.

Greene, 63, F. The Principles of the Philosophy of the Expansive
and Contractive Forces. Or, an Inquiry into the Prin-
ciples of the Modern Philosophy; that is, into the Seve-
ral Chief Rational Sciences, which are extant. By Ro-
bert Greene, M. A. &c. Cambridge, 1727.

Gregory, 58, F. Astronomise Physicae et Geometricse Elementa.
Auctore Davide Gregorio, M. D. Astron. Prof. Savil.
Oxonian, &c. Oxoniae, 1702.

85, O. See Hauy.

Guttenberg, de 1 20 — 5, Q. De Sectionibus Conicis, &c. Auct
D. P. T. L. B. de Guttenberg. Bambergae, 1773.

Hcdle^, 191, O. See Whiston.

Hamilton, 29, Q. De Sectionibus Conicis, Tractatus Geometri-
cus; in quo ex Natura ipsius Coni Sectionum Aft'ec-
tiones facillime deducuntur; Methodo Nova. Auctore
Hugone Hamilton, A. M. &c. Londini, 1758.

Hammond, 130, O. The Practical Stirveyor, &c. &c. &c. By

## p. 44 (#56) ##############################################


John Hammond and Samuel Warner. Plates. Lon-
don, 1750.

Hasshr, SO, O. Elements of Analytic Trigonometry, plane and
spherical. By F. R. Hassler, F. A. P. S. New York,
1826. (Presented by P. S. Du Ponceau, Esq.)

Hauy, ^5, O. An Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy.
Translated from the French of M. R.-J. Haiiy, Prof, of
Mineralogy, &c. By Olinthus Gregory, A. M. &c.—
With Notes by the Translator. Plates. 2 vols. Lon-
don, 1807.

Helsham, 167, O. A Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy.
By the late Richard Helsham, M. D. &c. Published by
Bryan Robinson, M. D. Plates. London, 1739.

205, O. The same Work. Philadelphia, 1802.

Hero, 15, F. See Mathematici Veferes.

Horrox, 33, Q. See Ferguson.

Hugenius, 100, Q. Christian! Hugenii Zelemii, dum viveret,
Toparchae, Opuscula Postuma, quae continent Dioptri-
cam. Commentarios de Vitris figurandis. Disserta-
tionem de Corona et Parheliis. Tractatum de Motu,
de Vi Centrifuga. Descriptionem Automati Planetarii.
Cum figuris. Lugduni Batavorum, 1703.

267, O. See Keill

Jacquier, 70, Q. See Newtonus.

Jxger, 120 — 6, Q. SchemseExercitationisMathematicaein Arith-
maticam, Algebram, ad ususdomesticos, &c. applicatus,
&c. &c. &c. Auctore J. Jaeger. Bambergae, 1768.

Kastner, 75, O. Einleitung in die neuere Chemie, Behufs seiner
Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterrichte fiir Aufanger
herausgegeben. Von C, W. G. Kastner, M. D. &c. —
Halle, 1814.

Keillf 267, O. Introductio ad veram Physicam: seu Lectiones
physicae habitae in Schola Naturalis Philosophiae Acade-
mise Oxoniensis, quibus accedunt Christiani Hugenii
Theoremata de Vi Centrifuga, et Motu Circular! de-
monstrata, per Jo. Keill, A. M. &c. Oxouiae, 1702.

214, O. See Fudid.

Kelly, 231, O. The Modern Navigator's compleat Tutor: or, A
Treatise of the whole Art of Navigation in its Theory
and Practice, &c. &c. &c. By Joshua Kelly. 2 vols.
London, 1733.

Lamy, 31, D. Elemens des Mathematiques, ou Traite de la
Grandeur en general, &c. &c. par le R. P. Bernard
Lamy. A Paris, 1704.

Leadbetter, 163, O New Tables of the Motions of the Planets,
the fixed Stars, and the first Satellite of Jupiter; of

## p. 45 (#57) ##############################################


Right and Oblique Ascensions and Logistical Logar-
ithms. Bj Charles Leadbetter. Vol.11. Loud. 1728.

Ia. Genlil, 47, Q. Voyage dans les Mers de I'liide, fait par ordre
du Roi, a I'oecassion du Passage de Venus, sur le
Disque du Soleil, le 6 Juin, 1761, et le 3 du meme
mois 1769. Par M. Le Gentil, de I'Academie Royale
des Sciences. Avec figures. Tom. 2. A Paris, 1779.

Le Seur,, 70, Q. See Newfonus.

Linnseus, 129 — 1, O. Caroli LinnaeiOratio de Telluris habitabi-
lis Incremento. Lugduiii Batavorum, 1744.

Luders, 6, F. Traicte Matheniatique; contenant les principales
Definitions, &c. d'Euclide, l'Arithmeti(iue decimale, la
Trigonometric, la Longimetric. la Planimetrie et Stereo-
metrie, la Fortification Hollandoise, Fran^oise, Ita-
lienne et Espagnole, la Perspective militaire, et la Geo-
graphie Universelle: par Theodore Luders. A Paris,

Ludlam, 52, Q. Astronomical Observations made at St. John's
College, Cambridge, in 1767 and 1768: with an Account
of several Astronomical Instruments. By the Rev. Mr.
Ludlam. Plates. Cambridge, 1769.

Lyons, 82. O. See Almanac, Nautical, 4'C.

Machin, 171, O. See Newton.

Mac Laurin, 93, Q. A Treatise of Fluxions. By Colin Mac
Laurin, A. M., F. R. S. &c. Plates. 2 vols. Edin-
burg, 1742.

Macquer, 123, O. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chy-
mistry. Translated from the French of M. Macquer.
Vol. II. London, 1758.

Mairan, 46, Q. Traite physique et historique de I'Aurore Bore-
ale. Par M. de Mairan. Suite des Memoires de
I'Academie Royale des Sciences, Annee. 1731. Avec
figures. A Paris, 1754.

Martin, 82, O. See Almanac, Nautical, Src.

Mathematici Veteres, 15, F. Veterum Mathematicorum Athenaei,
Apollodori,Philonis, Bitonis, Heronis et Aliorum Opera,
Graece et Latine, pleraque nunc primum edita. Ex
M8S. Codd. Bibliothecae Regis. Parisiis, 1693.

Matliematiques, 8rc. 50, F. Divers Ouvrages de Mathematique
et de Physique. Par MM. de I'Academie Royale des
Sciences. A Paris, 1693.

Messier, 55, Q. See Courtanvaux.

Miller, 97, D. Elements of Natural Philosophy. By George
Miller, D. D., &c. Plates. Dublin, 1799.

Motte, 171, O. See Newton.

Mudge, 17, Q. See Williams.

## p. 46 (#58) ##############################################


Mulkr, 119 — 3, Q. De justo Probabilitatis valore et usu, &c.

Auctore P. L. S. Muller. Erlanga, 1757.
MusschenI)roek, 104, O. The Elements of Natural Philosophy.

By Peter Van Musschenbroek, M. D. Translated from

the Latin by John Colson, M. A. &c. Vol. I. London,

— 31, Q. Introductio adPhilosophiamNaturalem. Auctore

Petro Von Musschenbroek. Cum figuris. Tom. 2.—

Lugduni Batavorum, 1 762.
Newton, 80, Q. Philosophise Naturalis Principia Mathematicaj

Auctore Isaaco Newtono, Eq. Aurato. Cum effigie.

70, Q. Philosophise Naturalis Principia Mathematica;

Auctore Isaaco Newtono, Eq. Aurato j perpetuis Com-
mentariis illustrata, communi studio PP. Thomse Le
Seur et Francisci jacquier, ex Gallicana Minimorum
Familia, Matheseos Professorum. Tom. 3. Colonise
Allobrogum, 1760.

171, 0. The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philo-

sophy. By Sir Isaac Newton. Translated into Eng-
lish by Andrew Motte. With the Laws of the Moon's
Motion, according to Gravity^ by John Machin, Astron.
Prof. &c. Plates. 2 vols. London, 1729.

246, O. Optice: sive de Reflexionibus, Refractionibus,

Inflexionibus et Coloribus Lucis, libri tres. Authore
Isaaco Newtono, Eq. Aurato. Latine reddidit Samuel
Clarke, S. T. P. Londini, 1719.

15, Q. A View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. By

Henry Pemberton. Plates. London, 1728. (Presented

79, Q. See s' Gravesande.

Ozanam, 282, O. Cursus Mathematicus: or, a complete Course
of Mathematicks. Vol. II. Containing Arithmetic and
Trigonometry. With Tables, &c. &c. Translated from
the French of M. Ozanam. London. 1712.

138, O. Cours de Mathematique. Par M. Ozanam.

Tomes 2, 3, 4, 5. A Paris, 1693.

Patrick, 88, O. See Cellarius.

Patterson, 91, O. A Brief Outline of Physics, or Natural Philo-
sophy: being an Appendix to Adams's Lectures, &c.
By Robert Patterson. Philadelphia, 1807.

56, O. See Ewing.

Pemberton, 15, Q, See Newton.
Philo, 15, F. See Mathematid Veteres.
Pingre, 55, Q. See Courtanvaux.

Priestley, 49, Q. The History of the present State of Discoveries
relating to Vision, Light, and Colours. By Joseph

## p. 47 (#59) ##############################################


Priestley, LL. D.,F. R. S. Plates. London, 1772.
(Presented by Dr. Franklin.)
Robinson, 167, O. See Helsham.

205, O. See

Rohault, 210, 0. Jacobi Rohaulti Physica, Latine vertit, recen-
suit, Adnotationibus ex illustr. Isaaci Newtoni Philoso-
phia maximam partem haustis amplificavit et ornavit
Saniuel Clarke, S. T. P. Cum tabulis aere incisis. —
Londini, 1718.

204, O. Rohault's System of Natural Philosophy, illus-

trated with Dr. Samuel Clarke's Notes, taken mostly
out of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. Done into Eng-
lish by John Clarke, D. D., &c. Plates. 2 vols. Lon-
don, 1735.
Roppelt, 120 — 2, Q. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die praktische
Geometrie von J. Roppelt. Ein Programm, &c. &c. —
Bamberg, 1794.

139 — 6, Q. De Apparatu et Usu Gnomonis geodastici

seu Norma Mensorum, &c. &c. &c. AuctoreD. G. J.
Roppelt. Bambergsc, 1781.

Rutherforth, 48, Q. A System of Natural Philosophy, being a
Course of Lectures on Mechanics, Optics, Hydrosta-
tics, and Astronomy; whtcTi are read in St. John's Col-
lege, Cambridge. By T. Rutherforth, D. D., F. R. S.,
&c. Plates. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1748.

Saint Remy, 62, Q. Memoires d'Artillerie, recueillis par le Sr.
Surirey de Saint Remy, Commissaire Provincial de
I'Artillerie, &c. Avec plusieurs figures. 2 torn. A
Paris, 1697, (Presented by Lewis Evans.)

Sciences, Academie Roy ale des, 44, F. Recueil d 'Observations
faites en plusieurs Voyages par ordre de sa Majeste, pour
perfectionnerl'Astronomieetla Geographic Avec divers
Traitez Astronomiques. Par MM. de i'Academie Roy-
ale des Sciences. A Paris, 1693.

Ships, working of, ^-c. 278, O. The Theory of the Handling or
Working of Ships at Sea. Translated from the French.
Plates. London.

Simpson, 150, O. The Doctrine and Application of Fluxions.
Containing (besides what is common on the subject) a
number of new Improvements in the Theory, Solutions,
&c. &c. &c. By Thomas Simpson, F. R. S. 2 vols. —
London, 1750.

84, Q. Miscellaneous Tracts on some curious, and very

interesting subjects in Mechanics, Physical Astronomy,
and Speculative Mathematics; wherein, the precession of
the Equinox, the Nutation of the Earth's Axis, and the

## p. 48 (#60) ##############################################


Motion of the Moon in her Orbit, are determined. By
Thomas Simpson, F. R. S. &c. Plates. Lond. 1757.

Simpson, 86, Q. Mathematical Dissertations on a variety of Phy-
sical and Analytical subjects. By Thomas Simpson. —
London, 1743.

Simson, i?. 90, Q. Sectionum Conicarum libri quinque. Auctore
Roberto Simson, M. D., &c. Cum figuris. Edin. 1760.

Smith, 76 — 1, O. A Dissertation on the General Properties of
Eclipses, and particularly that of 1748. By George
Smith, Esq. London, 1748.

TTt Q. See Cotesius.

165, a See Cotes.

Starrat, 186, O. The Doctrine of Projectiles demonstrated and
applied to all the most useful Problems in Nautical
Gunnery. With the Description of a New Mathemati-
cal Instrument, &c. &c. By William Starrat. Plates.
Dublin, 1733.

Stenglein, 120 — 7, Q. Specimen Praxeon Geometricarum Cam-
pestrium, &c. &c. &c. Auctore G. F. X. Stenglein.' —
Bambergse, 1769.

Stewart, 188, O. Propositiones Geometricse, more Veterum de-
monstratas, ad Geometriam Antiquam illustrandam et
promovendam idoneae. Auctore Matthseo Stewart, S. T.
D. &c. Edinburgi, 1763.

124, O, Tracts, Physical and Mathematical. Containing.

an Explication of several important Points in Physical
Astronomy^ and a new method for ascertaining the Sun's
distance from the Earth, by the Theory of Gravity. By
Dr. Matthew Stewart, Prof. Math. &c. Edinb. 1761.

Street, 191, O. See Whiston.

Sreete, 95, Q. Astronomia Carolina: a new Theory of the Celes-
tial Motions. With Tables, &c. &c. By Thomas
Streete. Also, Lunar and Planetary Observations, &c.
London, 1710.

Switzer, 67, Q. An Introduction to a General System of Hydros-
taticks and Hydraulicks, Philosophical and Practical.
Wherein the Methods of raising and conducting Water,
&c. &c. are carefully laid down. With Descriptions
of Engines, &C.&C. &c. 60 Copperplates. By Stephen
Switzer. 2 vols, in 1. London, 1729.

Tacquet, 332, O. Andreas Tacquet Soc. Jesu Matheseos Prof.
A rith meticse Theoria et Praxis. Amstelooami. 1704.

Theses, Philosophical, 145 — 6, Q. Theses Philosophicas, selec-
tiores ex Physica experimentali et Mathesi, &c. &c. &c.
Fuldae, 1765.

Value, 9, D. Arithmetic, theoretical and practical, &c. &c. By
Victor Value. Part I. Philadelphia, 1823.

## p. 49 (#61) ##############################################


Voasius, 130, Q. Isaaci Vossii de Motu Mariumet Ventorum Li-
ber. Hagae-Comitis, 1663.

Wales, 76 — 3, O. The Method of finding the Longitude at Sea,
by Time-Keepers: With Tables of Equations, &c. &c.
By William Wales, F. R. S. &c. London, 1800.

Ward, 241, O. The Young Mathematician's Guide: being a
plain and easy Introduction to the Mathematics. By
John Ward. With a Supplement, &c. Lond. 1740.

Wargentin, 80, 0. See Almanac, Nautical, ^-c.

Webber, 86, O. Mathematics, compiled from the best Authors,
&c. &c. By Samuel Webber, A. M.,&c. Vol. IL Bos-
ton, 1801.

WeUs, 38, O. Elementa Arithmeticae Numerosae et Speciosae.
Auctore E. Wells. Oxoniae, 1698.

West, 99, O. Elements of Mathematics. Comprehending Geome-
try, Conic Sections, Mensuration, Spherics. For the
use of Schools. By John West. Plates. Edinburg,

Whiston, 191, O. Astronomical Lectures, read in the public
schools of Cambridge. By William Whiston, M. A.,
&c. With a collection of Astronomical Tables; being
those of Mr. Flamsteed, corrected; Dr. HalleyjM. Cas-
sini; and Mr. Street. London, 1728.

Williams, 17, Q. An Account of the Trigonometrical Survey
carried on in the years 1791, 1792, 1793, and 1794, by
order of His Grace the Duke of Richmond, late Master
General of the Ordnance. By Lieut. Col. Edward Wil-
liams, Captain William Mudge, and Mr. Isaac Dalby.
Plates. Read before the Royal Society, June 25, 1795.

Winkler, 172, 0. Elements of Natural Philosophy delineated.
By John Henry Winkler, F. R. S., &c. Translated from
the German. Plates. 2 vols. London, 1757.

Wright, 79, O. Elements of Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical :
with the Principles of Perspective and Projection of the
Sphere. By John Wright. Edinburg, 1772. (Presented
by the author.)

Young, 68, O. An Analysis of the Principles of Natural Philo-
sophy. By Matthew Young, D. D., &c. now Bishop of
Clonfert. Dublin, 1800.

## p. 50 (#62) ##############################################



Acts and Statutes, 8fc. 1 23, F. Acts and Statutes made in a Par-
liament begun at Dublin Nov. 12, A. D. 1715. In the
second year of King George I., &c.&c. Dublin, 1716.

Mdison, 59, — 5, O. Trial of Judge Addison, reported by Lloyd.
Lancaster, 1803.

Jimory, 164, O. See Grove.

Andretvs, 136, Q. An Apologie for certeineproceedings in Courts

Ecclesiasticall. Item, Qusestionis; Nunquid per Jus

Divinum Magistratui liceat aReo Jusjurandum exigere,
&c. &c. Theologica Determinatio. Per Lancelotum
Andrews, S. T. D. , 1591.

Aristotle, 96, Q. D. Fi-ancisci Toleti Soc. Jesu Commentaria,
una cum Qusestionibus in tres libros Aristotelis de Ani-
ma. Coloniae Agrippinae, 1583.

61, Q. Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis

Jesu, in libros de Generatione et Corruptione Aristo-
telis Stagiritse. Moguntise, 1615.

■. 74, Q. Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis

Jesu, in tres Libros de Anima, Aristotelis Stagiritae. —
Colonise Agrippinae, 1596.

— 92, Q. D. Francisci Toleti Soc. Jesu Commentaria, una

cum Qusestionibus in universam Aristotelis Logicam.—
Colonise Agrippinae, 1596.

Austin, 31, O. See Selfridge.

Barth, 122 — 2, Q. Rigor Moderatus doctrinse Pontificiae circa
Usuras,&c. &c. Auctore F. J. Barth. Ingolstadii, 1747.

Baxter, 141, O. An Inquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul,
&c. &c. (by Baxter.) Vol. II. London, 1745.

Behr, 125—3, Q. DIssertatIo InaVgVraLIs De IVre & praXI
CIrCa saCra In Castro noblLI e trIpLICIs aeVI LapsV
InVestlgatIs, &c. &c. Auctore J. A. Behr.

Benedictus XIV. Papa, 47, F. See Sanchez.

Brandt, 124 — 6, Q. De ContinentiaCaussae, &c. &c. &c. Auct.
J. F. G. Brandt. Wetzlariae, 1754.

Braun, 91 — 4, Q. Positiones Universal es ex Uni verso Jure, &c.
Auctore Jos. G. A. Eraun. Bambergse, 1742.

Brerewood, 323, O. Tractatus quidam Logici de Praedicabilibus,
Praedicamentis, ab Edwardo Brerewood, A. M. &c. Ac-

## p. 51 (#63) ##############################################


cessere duoejusdem Authoris insignes Tractatus; prior
de Meteoris posterior de Ocido, &c. Oxoniae, 1631.

Breutigamby 138 — 4, Q. De Executione in causis Feudalibus,
&c. &c. Auctore S. Breutigamb. Bambergae, 1762.

Buchnerus, 27, F. See Faber, Basilius.

Buddeus, 308, O. See Vitriarius.

Burlamaqui, 128, O. The Principles of Politic Law: bein» a se-
quel to the Principles of Natural Law. By J. J. Burla-
maqui. Translated into English by Mr. Nugent. —
London, 1752.

Ccdvinus, 66, F. Lexicon Juridicum Juris Caesarei simul, et
Canonici, Feudalis item, Civilis, Criminalis, theoretic!
et practici, &c. &c. Accedunt Feudale Lexicon; Leges
et Magistratus Roman. &c. &c. &c. Studio et Opera
Johannis Calvini, alias Kahl, Wettrani, Juris Doctoris,
&c. Cum Praefationibus Gothofredi et Vulteii. Gene-
vae, 1653.

Carpzovius, 97, F. Benedicti Carpzovii, J. U. D. et Cons.
Electoris Saxonici Definitiones Ecclesiasticae seu Con-
sistoriales, &c. &c.&c. &c. Accessit usus Arboris Con-
sanguinitatis et Affinitatis in foro Saxon. &c. &c. &c. —
Lipsiae, 1708.

CeVarius, 27, F. See Faber, Basilius.

Chauvinus, 18, F. Lexicon Philosophicum secundis Curis Ste-
phani Chauvini, Philosophiae Professoris, &c. &c. Cum
Tabulis aeneis. Leovardiae, 1713.

Corvinus, 62, D. Johannis Am. Corvini, J. C. Enchiridium;
seu Institutiones Imperiales insertis latioribus materiis,
theorice, et practice digestae et explicate per Eroteraata.
Amstelodami, 1649.

Curtius, J. 76, Q. See Theophilus.

Cyril, S. 5], F. See Julianus.

Dangel, 91 — 1, Q. De eo, quod Jure publico universali circa
Collegia, praesertim litteraria. Juris est, &.c. &c. Auct.
G. A. Dangel. Bambergae, 1744.

124—1, Q. The same Work.

Demeradt, 124 — 5, Q. Dift'erentiae Juris Communis et Franconici
Petri Rod. Demeradt, &c. &c. &c. Cum notis Leo
nardi Curlier, &c. Wirceburgi, 1742.

Duane, W. J. 52 — 1, 0. An Investigation of the Law of Nations.
By W. J. Duane. Philadelphia, 1809.

Dumler, 140 — 2, Q. Certamen Possessorium per Canonico-Le-
gales expositum Controversias, &c. &c. Auctore G. S.
Dumler. In^olstadii, 1693.

Ehrthal, 139 — 5, Q. Dissertationes Ethicae ex principiis Philoso
phiae Moralis, et Oraculis Christianorum ac Gentium
concinnatae, &c. &c. Auct. C. F. W. L. B. ab Ehrhtal.
Herbipoli, 1736.

## p. 52 (#64) ##############################################


Faher, Basilius, 9,7, F. Basilii Fabri Sorani Thesaurus Eruditionis
Scholasticae, omnium usui et disciplinis omnibus accom-
modatus, post celeberrimorum virorum Buchneri, Cel-
larii, Graevii, Operas et Adnotationes et multiplices
Andrese Stubelii curas, recensitus, emendatus, locuple-
tatus a Jo. Matthia Gesnero. Lipsiae, 1726.

Fabrotus, 7Q, Q. See Theophilus.

Fran. Toleti, 92, Q. See Aristoteles.

96, q. See

Friderich, 121 — 2, Q. Juris Ecclesiastici ad Statum Germaniae
adcommodati summa Capita, &c. Auctore P. P. Fride-
rich. Bambergae, 1789.

Gassendus, 46, B. Institutio Logica, et Philosophise Epicuri Syn-
tagma. AuthoreV. CI. Petro Gassendo. Londini, 1668.

Geilfusius, 352 — 2, O. Intelligentia, seu primorum Principiorum
Habitus, &c, &c. Opera JohannisGeilfusii. Tubingae,

GrseviuSj 27, F. See Faber, Basilius.

Gesnerus, 27, F. See

Gothofredus, 66, F. See Calvinus,

Grove, 164, O. A System of Moral Philosophy, by the late Reve-
rend and Learned Mr. Henry Grove, of Taunton. Pub-
lished from the Author's MS. by Thomas Amory. 2
vols. London, 1755.

Gutkius, 352 — 1, O M. Georgii Gutkii Habitus primorum Prin-
cipionum seu Intelligentise. Cum Disputationibus, &c.
&c. et Additamento Heinzelmani. Berolini, 1661.

Habermann, 145 — 5, Q. F. Lud. Habermann, Commentarius in
Institutiones Juris Civilis, &c. &c. Cum Coroll. D. C.
F. L. B. abHutten. Herbipoli, 1726.

143 — 4, Q. F. Lud. Habermann, continuatio Com-

mentarii in Institutiones Juris Civilis, &c . &c. &c. Cum
coroll. &c. D. F. J. L.B. de Munster. Herbipoli, 1726.

Hanaver, 119 — 2, Q. Existente alio valore Monetae tempore con-
tractus celebrati, &c. &c. &c. &c. Auctore F. B. Hana-
ver. Bambei-gae, 1776.

Haysdorff, 125 — 4, Q. De Reservato Posiarum Csesaris proprio,
et qua tali a Statibus Imperii agnito, &c. &c. Auctore
J. H. Haysdox-ff'. Bambergse, 1745.

Heineccius, 178, O. A Methodical System of Universal Law: or
the Laws of Nature and Nations deduced from certain
Principles, and applied to proper Cases. Translated
from the Latin of Jo. Got. Heineccius, and illustrated
with Notes and a Supplement, by George TurnbuU,
LL. D. With a Discourse on the Nature, &c. of Mo-
ral and Civil Laws, &c. &c. 2 vols. London, 1741.

Grasmannsdorf, de 124 — 3, Q. De Decimis,&c. &c. &c. Auctore
J.F.J. Heinrichen de Grasmannsdorf. Bambergae, 1761.

## p. 53 (#65) ##############################################


Heinzelmanus, 352, 0. See Chitkius.

Helvetius, 59, Q. De I'Espiit: or, Essays on the Mind, and its
several Faculties. Translated from the French of
Helvetius. London, 1759.

Heme, 130, F. The Pleader: containing Perfect Presidents and
Forms of Declarations, &c. &c. &c. By John Heme.
London, 1657.

Heyl, 138— 2, Q. De Genuine Sensu Paragr. 52. Art. 5. I. P.
&c. &c. Auctore C F. Heyl. Bambereae, 1774.

Hogan, 50—6, O. The Trial of the Rev. William Hogan, Pastor
of St. Mary's Church, for an Assault and Battery on
Mary Connell, in April, 1822. Philadelphia, 1822.—
(Presented by R. De Silver.)

Hollf 111 — 5, Q. De Potestate imperantis circa mutationes ulti-
marum Voluntatum ut legibus conformium, &c. &c. —
Auctore P. J. Hoi I. Bambergae, 1778.

Hunold, 141 — 2, Q. Theses ex Jure Canonico de Legibus, &c.
&c. Auctore D. J. C. Hunold. Bambergae, 1712.

Hutcheson, 66, Q. A System of Moral Philosophy; written by
the late Francis Hutcheson, LL. D. Professor of Philo-
sophy in the University of Glasgow. With some Ac-
count of the Life, Writings, and Character of the Au-
thor, by the Rev. William Leechman, D. D. &c. 2 vols
Glasgow, 1755.

78, O. An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty

and Virtue, &c. By Francis Hutcheson. Lond. 1729.

Intellectus Operationes, 8fc. 139—4, Q. Intellectus Operationes
pro exercitio, &c. &c. &c. Fuldae, 1789.

Jsseus, 19, Q. The Speeches of Isaeus in causes concerning the
Law of the Succession of Property at Athens, with a
Prefatory Discourse, Notes, critical and historical, and
a Commentary. By William Jones, Esq. Barrister, &c.
London, 1779.

Jones, 19, Q. See Isaeus.

Jvlianus, 51, F. Juliani Imperatoris Opera quae supersunt omnia,
et S. Cyrilli, Alexandriae Archiepiscopi, contra impium
Julianum libri decem. Accedunt Dionysii Petavii in
Julianum Notae, etaliorum aliquot ejusdem Imperatoris
libros Praefationes ac Notae. Cura &c. Ezechielis
Spanhemii. Graece et Latine. Lipsiae, 1696.

Judex in Judicium, <^c. 138 — 5, Q. Judex in Judicium Scholas-
ticum vocatus, &c. &c. &c. Bambergae, 1756.

Jus Canonicum, 33, F. Corpus Juris Canonici Gregorii XIII.
Pont Max. jussu editum: a Petro Pithoeo, et Francisco
Fratre, Jurisconsultis, ad veteres Codices MSS. resti-
tutum et Notis illustratum. Parisiis, 1687.

106, Q. Demonstratio Jurium Status Ecclesiastici circa

## p. 54 (#66) ##############################################


Temporalia, ex Principiis Juris Naturae potissimum de-

ducta. 1757.

Jus Canomcum, 123 — 2, Q. Corollaria ecclesiastico-juridica ho-

dierno Germanise Statui accommodata, &c. &c. &c.—

Bambergse, 1768.
Jus Civile, 250, O. Corpus Juris Civilis, a Dionysio Gothofredo

J. C. recognitum, in quo vice interpretationis, variae

lectiones, si non omnes, prsecipuae tamen, et magis ne-

cessariae adjectae. Tom. 2. Lugduni, 1589.

162, 0. Corpus Juris Civilis. Tom. 2. Amstelodami,


Kahty 66, F. See Calvinus.

Kunsberg, 97 — 5, Q. Dissertatio Juris Germanici, de Renuncia-
tionibus Filiarum illustrium, &c. &c. &c. Auctore W.
Fr. L. B. de Kunsberg. Bambergae, 1750.

Laws of Pennsylvania, 107, O. Laws of Pennsylvania, vols. 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10. 1802—1809.

Leechman, 66, Q. See Hutcheson.

Leisner, 145 — 3, Q. De Beneficio DivisionisCorreis debendinon
tribute, &c. &c. Auctore A. Leisner. Bambergse, 1772.

Zibertas humana, 111 — 8, Q. De libertate Humana, &c. Bam-
bergae, 1797,

Lindenfels, 119 — 6, Q. Theses selectae ex universo Jure, &c. —
Auctore C. F. L. B. de Lindenfels. Bambergse, 1773.

Linheimer, 13S — 1, Q. De Principe legibus soluto, &c. &c. Auc-
tore J. G. Linheimer. Giessae, 1737.

Lochner, de 111 — 3, Q. Positiones inaugurates ex universo Jure.
Auctore A. F. L. B. de Lochner. Bambergse, 1794.

Logica, ^c. 139 — 1, Q. Hypomnemata logica, &c. &c. Wirce-
burgi, 1753.

.. 120 — 3,Q. Positiones ex Logica, MetaphysicaetMathesi,

&c. &c. &c. Bambergse, 1773.

122 — 7, Q. Logica in Compendium redacta,&c.&c. &c.

Herbipoli, 1732.
Logique,57, D. LaLogique, oul'Artde Penser: contenant, outre

les Regies communes, plusieurs Observations nouvelles,

propres a former le Jugement. A Paris, 1668.
Lorber, 138 — 3, Q. De Legatis et Fidei — Commissis particulari-

bus, &c. &c. Auctore J. T. J. Lorber a Storchen. —

Herbipoli, 1719.

141 — 3, Q. De Allodio Stante superioritate Statuum ter-

ritoriali quoad prsesumptionem hodie imaginario, &c. &c.
&c. Auctore J. C. Lorber a Storchen. Bambergae,

145>— I, Q. De Jure Directorii in Circulo Franconico,

&c. &c. &c. Auctore J. C. Lorber a Storchen. Bam-
bergae, 1746.

## p. 55 (#67) ##############################################


Loven, 144 — 1, Q. Ue Jure Principis CathoUci circa Sacra, &c.
&c. &c. Auctore C. C. Loven. Bambergae, 1744.

Low, 139 — 3, Q. De Recentiorum quarta Mentis operatione sive
Methodo, &c. &c. Auctore J. Low. Bambergae, 1750.

Malebranche, 71, F. Father Malebranche his Treatise concerning
the Search after Truth. With the Author's Treatise
of Nature and Grace, &c. &c. &c. Also a Short Dis-
course upon Lights and Colours, by the same Author. —
Translated by T. Taylor, M. A. &c. London, 1700.

Montaigne, 79, F. Les Essais de Michel Seigneur de Mon-
taigne. Avec des Annotations en Marge, et la Vie de
I'Auteur extraicte de ses propres Escrits. A Paris,

Montesquieu, 199, O. The Spirit of Laws. Translated from the
French of M. de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, by
Mr. Nugent. 2 vols. London, 1752.

MuUer, 122 — 3, Q. De Pedi et Gladii, sive Jurisdictionis Spiri-
tualis et Temporalis in Episcopatibus Germaniae Con-
nubio, &c. &c. &c. Auctore Chr. Miiller. Bambergae.

Mulzer, 97 — 4, Q. De eo, quod circa Communionem Bonorura,
&c. &c. justum esse videturj auctore G. C. Mulzer. —
Bambergae, 1757.

124 — 2, Q. De eo, quod circa Communionem Bonorura

Dominii translativam inter Conjuges, ex jure Naturae,

&c. &c. &c. justum esse videtur, &c. oic. Auctore

J. C. Mulzer. Bambergae, 1758.
125 — 5, Q. Casus selecti ad Quatuor libros Institutionum,

&c. &c. &c. Auctore G. C. Mulzer. Bambergae, 1754.
Muyden, van, 355. O. Johannis van Muyden, Compendiosa

Pandectarum Tractatio, edita in usum Collegiorum.—

Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1695.
Nieser, 122 — 5, Q. Theses, &c. Juridicae-Theologicae, &c. &c. —

Auctore, D. N. Nieser. Bambergae, 1766.
Nugent, 128, O. See Burlamaqui.

199, O. See Montesquieu.

Padum, 111 — 7, Q. Positiones Philosophicae, &c. &c. Auct

D. C. Padum et D. J. Wagner. Bambergae, 1792.
Petavius, 51, F. See Julianus.
Pflaum, 138 — 6, Q. De Bonae Fidei Possessore Fructus con-

suraptos, si exinde locupletior factus, restituente, &c.

&c. Auctore M. Pflaum. Bambergae, 1773.
Philosophise, Ichnographia ^c. HI — 9, Q. Ichnographia Philoso-

phiae, Critica, &c. Bambero;ae, 1796.
Pitlweus, 33, /l See Corpus Juris Civilis.
Platnerus, 141 — 4, Q. Super usu Legis Rhodiae de Jactu in

Bello terrestri, &c. &c. Auct. F. Platnerus. Lipsiae,


## p. 56 (#68) ##############################################


Puis, 111 — 4, Q. De Jure eundi in partes in Negotiis circulari-
bus locum non tenente, &c. &c. Auctore G. F. Piils.

Bambergae, 1773.

Reichard, 146' — 3, Q. De DifFerentiis Juris Communis et Fran-
conici, &c. &c. &c. Auctore C. B. Reichard. Wirce-
burgi, 1742.

Reid, 55, O. An Inquiry into the Human Mind, on the Principles
of Common Sense. By Thomas Reid, D. D. &c. Edin-
burg, 1764.

Reider, 119 — 1, §. De Consensu feudali definite data, &c. Auct
C. Reider. Bambergae, 1773.

Reindl, 140 — 1, Q. De Judiciis et Processu Judiciario ad Lib.
II. Decretalium Gregorii IX. &c. &c. &c. Auctore P.
E. Reindl. Sali&burgi, 1723.

Ritter, 111—2, Q. De Consensu feudali in genere, et in specie
de personis consentientibus, &c. &c. Auctore J. G.
Ritter. Bambergae, 1770.

Rutherforth, 149, O, Institutes of Natural Law, being the sub-
stance of a Course of Lectures on Grotius de Jure Belli
et Pads, read in St. John's College, Cambridge, by T.
Rutherforth, D. D. F. R. S. &c. 2 vols. Cambridge,

Sacheverell, 121, F. TheTryalof Dr. Henry Sacheverell, before
the House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors,
&c. &c. Begun Feb. 27, 1709-10, and continued till
March 23d. following. London, 1710.

Sanchez, 47, F. R. P. Thomas Sanchez Cordubensis, e Societate
Jesu, de Sancto Matrimonio Sacramento. Cum Con-
stitutionibus SS. D. N. Papae Benedicti XI V. circa idem
Sacramentumeditis, &C.&C. 3 tom. Viterbii, 1754.

Schell, 111 — 6, Q. De Agnato dominove vasalli absentis ut ut No-
bilis immediati curatore, &c. &c. &c. Auctore J. M. E.
Schell. Bambergae, 1778.

Schild, 125 — 6, Q. Collatio Juris Civilis Romani de Emptione
Venditione Fructuum imperfectorum in herbis penden-
tium cum Ordinatione Topica Fuldensi de qua Martii
1728, &c. &c. Auctore G. J. Schild. Fuldae, 1748.

Schlehlein, 111— -1, Q. De Stylo et Praejudiciis summorum impe-
rii Tribunalium, &c. Auctore G. A. Schlehlein. Bam-
bergae, 1773.

Schmidt, 119 — 4, Q. Positiones inaugurales ex omnigeno Jure et
ejus Historia, &c. Auctore P. Antorius Schmidt. —
Bambergae, 1763.

125 — 1, Q. De Indole ac Natura Judiciorum Germanise,

&c. &c. &c. Auctore B. Schmidt. Bambergae, 1749.

223, 0. Institutiones Juris Ecclesiastici Germaniae ad-

commodatse. Edidit in usum Auditorum suorum An-

## p. 57 (#69) ##############################################


touius Schmidt, V. J. D. &c. Tom. 2. Bambergae,

Schubert, 141 — 1, Q. Zoesius redivivus, sive Institutionum Imp.

JustinianicumNotis, &c.&c. 8a:. liber primus; &c. &c.

&c. Auct. J. G. A. Schubert. Wirceburgi, 1741.
Schuberthy 142 — 4, Q. De Origineetconditione EcclesiarumCol-

legiatarum in Genere et Ecclesiae Collegiatae ad B. V. M.

et S. Gangolphum Bambergae in Specie, &c.&c. Auct.

M. H. Schuberth. Bambergae, 1768.
Schuz, 141 — 7, Q. De Potestatuum Imperii, &c. &c. Auct. B.

M. L. B. Schliz ab Holzhausen. Bambergae, 1748.
Schwarz, 104, F. Institutiones Juris Universalis, Naturae, et

Gentium, &c. &c. &c. Authore P. Ignatio Schwarz, S.

J. Sacerdote. Augustae, 1743.
Selfridge, 31, O. Trial of Thomas P. Selfridge, Counsellor at

Law, before the Hon. Isaac Parker, Esq. for killing

Charles Austin, on the Public Exchange, Boston, Aug.

4, 1806. Boston, 1806.
Senckenberg, 87, Q. Methodus Jurisprudentiae; ex propriis et pe-

regrinis Juribus Germaniae receptae; aliquibus moni-

mentis anecdotis illustrata. Opus Henrici Christian!

Baronis de Senckenberg. Cons. Imp. Aul. Francofurti

ad Moenum, 1756.
Seicberth,l58 — 7, Q- Diss. Inaug. JuricUca,&c. &c. &c. ad illust.

Capit. Noviss. Art. XIII. § IX. &c. Auct. J. L. Seu-

berth. Bambergae, 1759.
Shaftesbury, 20, B. Shaftesbury's Characteristics, vols. 2 and 3.

London, 1757.
Sondinger, 125 — 2, Q. De Nobili immediato cum persona Rus-

ticaNuptias contrahente, &c. &c. Auct. H. Sondinger.

Bambergae, 1755.
Spanhemius, 51, JP. See Julianus.
Stanley, 5%, Q. The History of Philosophy: containing the Lives,

Opinions, Actions and Discourses of the Philosophers of

every Sect. By Thomas Stanley, Esq. With an Ac-
count of his Life and Writings. London, 1743.
Stapff, 143— 1,Q. ObservationesJuristeudalisGermanici, &C.&C.

Auct. J. G. Stapff. Bambergae, 1747.
Stehle, 143 — 5, Q. Disputatio Inaug. Juridica Judiciorum formam

exhibens, &c. &c. &c. Auct. A. J. Stehle. Heidel-

bergae, 1731.
Stengel, 124 — 4, Q. De Sequestro, &c. &c. Auct. P. H. Sten-
gel. Heidelbergae, 1732.
Stubelius, 27, F. See Faber, Basilius.
Sweling, 326, O. Clavis Scientiarum, vulgo Logica, perfectioni

suae restituta, per Johannem Eberhardum Sweling, J. U.

D. &c. Bremae, 1678.


## p. 58 (#70) ##############################################


Taylor. Tl, F. See Mcdehranche.

TTieophilus, 76, Q. Theophili Antecessoris Institutionum libri
IV. Carolus Annibal Fabrotus Antecessor Aquisextien-
sis ex tribus MSS. Codd. Biblioth. Regiae recensuit et
Scholiis Grsecis auxit. Idemque Jacob! Curtii Latinam
interpretationem emendavit, et Notas adjecit. Graece
et Latine. Parisiis, 1679.

Theoria, ^c. 123 — 6, Q. Theoria Facultatis Repraeseiitandi, &c.
&c. &c. &c. Bambergae, 1795.

Thyllius, 141—5, Q. C. 0. Thyllii Spicilegiorum, &c. &c. Spe-
cimen quartum, &c. &c. &c. Subm. P. W. L. Flad.—
Heidelbergse. 1731.

Trautenberg. 139 — 2, Q. De Scientia, ejusque genuinis princi-
piis cognoscendi verum, &c. &c. &c. Auct. D. Chr.
P. L. B. de Trautenberg. Wirceburgi, 1754.

Trostf 141 — 6, Q. De Actionibus forensibus, &c. &c. Auct. J.
F. Trost. Heidelbergi, 1732.

Turnbull, 120, O. The Principles of Moral Philosophy. An
Enquiry into the wise and good Government of the
World, &C.&C. By George Turnbull, LL. D. 2 vols.
London, 1740.

178, O. See Heineccius.

Van Uspen, 48, F. Zegeri Bernard! Van Espen Juris utriusque
Doctor, &c. Opera omnia. 2 torn. Coloniae Agrippinae,

Veri de Sensu, ^c. 39 — 6, Q. De Sensu Veri, &c. &c. Wirce-
burgi, 1774.

Victor, 145 — 4, Q. De eo quod justum est circa Bonorum immo-
bilium ad Manus Mortuas Translationes, &c. &c. Auct
A. E. Victor. Moguntise, 1746.

Vitriarius, 308, O. Phil. Reinh. Vitriarii Institutiones Juris Na-
turae et Gentium. Ad methodum Hugonis Grotii con-
scriptae et auctae a Joh. Jac. Vitriario. Accedit Joh.
Franc. Buddei Historia Juris Naturalis, ut et Synopsis
Juris Naturalis et Gentium juxta disciplinam Ebraeorum.
Lugduni Batavorum, 1719.

Vogt, 97 — 2, Q. Specimen Gentium de Neutralitate, &c. Auct.
J. A. Vogt. Bambergae, 1752.

143—3, Q. De Neutralitate, &c. Auct. J. A. Vogt.—

Bambergae, 1752.

Vulteius, 66, F. See Calvinus.

Wagner, 119 — 5, Q. De legislatoria Poenas Statuendi potestate,
etc. Auct. C. Wagner. Wirceburgi, 1778.

Watts, 166, O. Logick: or the right Use of Reason in the En-
quiry after Truth. With a Variety pf Rules to guard
against Error, in the Affairs of Religion and Human

## p. 59 (#71) ##############################################


Life, as well as in the Sciences. By Isaac Watts, D. D.

London, 1751.

143, O. The same Work. London, 1745.

ff^eisserth, 91—5, Q. Ichnographia Conclusionum ex universo

Jure, etc. etc. Auctt. PP. FF. Ab. Weisserth, et Rog.

Kayser. Bambergae, 1719.
Wurzfeld, 143 — 2, Q. De Jure et Jurisdictione Abbatum, etc.
etc. etc. Auct. P. C. Wiirzfeld. Wirceburgi, 1736.

## p. 60 (#72) ##############################################



Acherley, 68, F. The Britannic Constitution: or, the Fundamen-
tal Form of Government in Britain. Demonstrating,
the Original Contract entered into by the King and
People, according to the Primary Institutions thereof, in
this Nation, &c. &c. &c. By Roger Acherley, Esq.
With a Supplement, &c. London, 1741.

Mcwinus Flaccus, 1 05, F. See Gale.

American Philosophical Society, 33, O. Transactions of the His-
torical and Literary Committee of the American Philo-
sophical Society, held at Philadelphia, &c. Vol. I. —
Philadelphia, 1819.

Anonymus Elyensis, 105, F. See Gale.

• Malmesbur. 1 05, F. See Gale.
• • Rames. 105, F. See Gale.

,&nquetil, 66, O. A Summary of Universal History; exhibiting
the Rise, Decline, and Revolutions of the different Na-
tions of the World, from the Creation to the present
Time. Translated from the French of M. Anquetil,
Member of the Nation£^l Institute of France, &c. 9 vols.
Philadelphia, 1806.

Anville, d' 5, F. A Complete Body of Ancient Geography; by
Mons. d'Anville. 13 Plates; with the Modern Names
of Places inserted under the Ancient. London, 1806.

Arcq, d' 34, Q. Histoire Generale des Guerres, depuis le Deluge
jusqu' a I'Annee 1748. Avec une Dissertation sur
chaque Peuple, &c. Par M, le Chevalier d'Arcq. 2 torn.
A Paris, 1756.

VArt de Verifier les Dates, 8fc. 40, F. L'Art de verifier les
Dates des Faits Historiques, des Chartes, des Chro-
niques, et autres Anciens Monumens, depuis la Nais-
sance de Notre-Seigneur, etc. etc. Par un Religieux
Benedictin de la Congregation de St. Maur. Tome pre-
mier. A Paris, 1 783.

Asserius, 105, F. See Gale.

Aurora, Editor of, 53—8, O. Charges against the Editor of the
Aurora refuted.

Bacon, Lord, ^\, F. See Kennet.

## p. 61 (#73) ##############################################


Bancks, 220, 0. A Compendious History of the House of Aus-
tria and the German Empire, &c. &c. By JohnBancks-
Barlow, 53 — 10, O. Barlow's Letter to his Fellow Citizens.
Barbary, 217, O. A Compleat History of the Piratical States of
Barbary, \\z. Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli and Morocco, &c.
&c. London, 1750.
Barnes, 64, F. The History of that most victorious Monarch
Edward III. King of England and France, and Lord of
Ireland, &c.; toj^ether with that of his most renowned
Son Edward, Prince of Wales and Aquitain, sirnamed
the Black Prince, &c. By Joshua Barnes, B. D., &c.
Portrait. Cambridge, 1688.
Baronius, 63, B. See iVoldius.

Bayle, 46, F. A General Dictionary, Historical and Critical; in
which a new and accurate Translation of that of the ce-
lebrated Mr. Bayle, with the Corrections and Observa-
tions printed in the late Edition at Paris is included, and
interspersed with several thousand Lives never before
published, &;c. &:c. AVith Reflections on such passages
of Mr. Bayle. as seem to favour Scepticism and the
Manichee System. By the Rev. John Peter Bernard;
the Rev. Thomas Birch; John Lockman; and other
hands; the Articles relating to Oriental History, by
George Sale, Gent. 10 vols. London, 1734— 1741.
Belleisle, 124 — l,F. LettresdeM. le Marechal Due de Belleisle,
a M. le Marechal de Contades, trouvees parmi les pa-
piers de M. Contades apres la Bataille de Minden.—
Benezet, 28, J). Some Account of Guinea, its Situation, &.c. —
With an Essay on the Slave Trade, &c. &c. By An-
thony Benezet. Philadelphia, 1761.
Bernard, 46, F. See Bayle.
Birch, 46, F. See Bayle.

Blair, 10, F. The Chronology and History of the World, from
the Creation to the year of Christ, 1753, illustrated in
LVI. Tables; of which IV, are introductoryand include
the Centuries prior to the 1st Olympiad; and each of the
remaining Lll. contain in one expanded View, 50 Years,
or Half a Century. By the Rev. John Blair, LL. D.
London, 1754,
Bleterie, VMbe de la, 21, D. See Tacitus.
Bodinus, 279, O. Joan. Bodini Andegavensis de Republica libri

sex, Latine ab Auctore redditi, &c. Ursellis, 1601.
Bohun, 30, F. See Heylyn.
Boivirif 14, F. See Nicephorus.

## p. 62 (#74) ##############################################


Bolingbroke, 145, 0. Letters on the Study and Use of History.
By the Right Hon. Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bo-
lingbroke. London, 1752.

— — — 174, O. Remarks on the History of England, (by Lord
Bolingbroke.) London, 1743.

Bourbon, 35, Q. See Desormeaux.

British America, 144, O. The British Empire in America, con-
taining the History of the Discovery, Settlement, Pro-
gress, and State or the British Colonies in the Continent
and Islands of America. 2 vols. London, 1741.

Buck, 31, F. See Kennet,

Burk, 100, O, The History of Virginia; commenced by John
Burk, and continued by Skelton Jones, and Louis Hue
Girardin. 4 vols. Petersburg. (Va.) 1804—1816. ^

Byzantinas Historisn Scriptores, 12, F. See Historias Byzantinss

Caldwell, 8, O. See Greene.

Callender, 53 — 4, O. Letters to Alexander Hamilton, by Callen-
der. New York, 1802.

Cambden, 31, F. See Kennet,

Carte, 36, F. A General History of England. From the earliest
Times to the year 1654. By Thomas Carte, an Eng-
lishman. 4 vols. London, 1747 — 1755.

Catrou, 41, F. The Roman History; with Notes historical,
geographical and critical; and illustrated with Copper-
plates, Maps, and a great number of authentick Medals.
Done into English, from the original French of the Rev.
Fathers Catrou and Rouille. With a summary of the
Work. 6 vols. London, 1728.

Census of the United States, <^c. 7, F. Census of the United
States for 1820. Published by Authority of an Act of
Congress. Washington, 1821.

8, Q. Aggregate Amount of each Description of Persons

in the United States and their Territories, according to
the Census, taken in virtue of the Acts of Congress of
1820 and 1821. With a List of the Taxable Inhabi-
tants, &c. &c. in Pennsylvania in 1821; a Summary of
of the Census of New York in 1821. Also Coxe's
Statement of the Arts and Manufactures of the United
States. Philad. 1822. (Presented by R. De Silver. )

Chamherlayne, 110, O. Magnae Britanniae Notitia: or, the Pre-
sent State of Great Britain; with divers Remarks upon
the Antient State thereof. By John Chamherlayne, Esq.
London, 1723.

Chapman, 57, Q. See Vertot.

Charles I. 116, F. See Ludlow.

Chirac, La Mamye- 18, D. Histoire de Perse, depuis le com-

## p. 63 (#75) ##############################################


mencement de ce Siecle. Par La Mamye-Clairac. 3 torn.
A Paris, 1750.

Clarendon, 22, F. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars
in England, begun in the year 1641. With the prece-
dent Passages, and Actions, that contributed thereto,
and the happy End and Conclusion thereof by the King's
blessed Restoration and Return, upon the 29th of May
in the year 1660. Written by the Right Hon. Edward
Earl of Clarendon. Portraits aud Plates. 3vols.ini.
Oxford, 1732.

Cluverus, 112, Q. Johannis Cluveri Historiarum totius Mundi
Epitome a prima Rerum Origine usque ad annum Christi
MDCXXX, ex sexcentis amplius Authoribus sacris pro-
fanisque, deducta, &c. Accessit per ipsum Authorem
continuatio Historiae ad annum MDCXXXIII, nunc
aucta ad annum MDCLIII. Lugduni Batavorum, 1657.

Combe/isius,l2, F. See Ilistoriae Byzantinae Scriptores.

Congress of the United States, 25, O. Secret Journals of the
Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the tirst meet-
ing thereof, to the dissolution of the Confederation, by
the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. 4
vols. Boston, 1821.

Congress, Journals of, 24, O. Journals of Congress, containing
their Proceedings from September 5, 1774, to November
3, 1788. 13 vols. Philadelphia, 1800—1801.

26, O. Journals of the House of Representatives of the

United States, commencing with the second session of
Thirteenth Congress, and concluding with the 2d session
of the Eighteenth Congress, both inclusive. 12 vols. —
Washington, 1 8 1 3—1 824.

27, O. Journals of the Senate of the United States, com-

mencing with the second session of the Thirteenth Con-
gress, and concluding with the second session of the
Eighteenth Congress, both inclusive. 12 vols. Wash-
ington, 1813—1824.

12, O. State Papers, 2d Session, 13th Congress. 3 vols.

Washington, 1813—1814.

13, 0. State Papers, 3d Session, 13th Congress. 3 vols.

Washington, 1814.

14, O. State Papers, 1st Session, 14th Congress. 3 vols.

Washington, 1815—1816.

15, O. State Papers, 2d Session, 14th Congress. 3 vols.

Washington, 1816—1817.

16, O. State Papers, 1st Session, 15th Congress. 10 vols.

Washington, 1817—1818.

17, O. State Papers, 2d Session, 15th Congress. 10 vols.

Washington, 1818—1819.

## p. 64 (#76) ##############################################


Congress, 18, O. State Papers, 1st Session, 16th Congress. 14
vols. Washington, 1819— 1820.

19, O. State Papers, 2d Session, 16th Congress. 15 vols.

Washington, 1820—1821.

20, 0. State Papers, 1st Session, 17th Congress. 14 vols.

Washington, 1821—1822.

21, O. State Papers, 2d Session, 17th Congress. 14 vols.

Washington, 1822—1823.

22, O. State Papers, 1st Session, 18th Congress. 17vols.

Washington, 1823—1824.

23, O. State Papers, 2d Session, 18th Congress. ISvols.

Washington, 1 824—1 825.

88, F. State Papers, 2d Session, 13th Congress. Wash-


89,7^. State Papers, 2d Session, 13th Congress. Wash-


90, F. State Papers, 3d Session, 13th Congress. Wash-


91, F. State Papers, 1st Session, 14th Congress. Wash-

— 92, /''. State Papers, 1st Session, 14th Congress. Wash-

93, F. State Papers, 1st Session, 14th Congress. Wash-


94, F. State Papers, 2d Session, 14th Congress. Wash-


95, F. State Papers, 2d Session, 14th Congress. Wash-


96, F. State Papers, 2d Session, 14th Congress. Wash-


52 — 2, 0. Debate in the Senate of the United States on

an Amendment of the Second Article of the Constitu-
tion—reported 1804. Philadelphia, 1804.

Contades, Marechal de, 124, F. See Belleisle.

Coxe, 58, O. A View of the United States of America, in a Se-
ines of Papers, written at various times, between the
years of 1787 and 1794, by Tench Coxe, of Philadel-
phia; with Documents, &c. Philadelphia, 1794.

Daniel, 31, i^. See Kennet. .

D'Jivenant, 80, O. The Political and Commercial Works of that
celebrated Writer Charles D'Avenant, LL. D. relating
to the Trade and Revenue of England, the Plantation
Trade, the East India Trade, and African Trade. Col-
lected and revised by Sir Chai'les Whitworth, M. P.—
5 vols. London, 1771.

De Lolme, 142, O. The Constitution of England, or, an Account
of the English Government; in which it is compared

## p. 65 (#77) ##############################################


both with the Republican form of Government, and the
other Monarchies of Europe. By J. L. De Lolme, Ad-
vocate, &c. Dublin, 1785.

Des FontaineSy226, 0. The History of the Revolutions of Poland,
from the Foundation of that Monarchy to the Death of
Augustus II. By M. I'Abbe Des Fontaines. Trans-
lated from the French. London, 1736.

Besormeaicx, 35, Q. Histoire de la Maison de Bourbon. Par M.
Desormeaux, Historiographe de la Maison de Bourbon,
&c. 3 torn. A Paris, 1772.

Diaz, del Castillo, 37, Q. The True History of the Conquest of
Mexico, by Captain Bernal Diaz, del Castillo, one of
the Conquerors. Written in 1568. Translated from
the original vSpanish by Maurice Keatinge, Esq. Lon-
don, 1800.

Dictionary, Biographical 153, O. A New and General Biograph-
ical Dictionary: containing an historical and critical
Account of the Lives and Writings of the most eminent

fersons in every nation, particularly the British and
rish; from the earliest Accounts of lime to the present
Period. With a Catalogue of their Productions, &c. &c.
1] vols. (Vol. IV. wanting.) London, 1761 — 1762.

Dodsley^s Annual Register, 28, 0. See Register, Annual.

Du Cange, 13, F. See Zonaras.

Dugdale, 254, O. See Varenius.

D wight, 51—4, 0. D wight's Letter to Washington. Philad. 1796.

Echard, 29, F. The History of England: from the first Entrance
of Julius Caesar and the Romans, to the Conclusion of
the Reign of King James the second, and the establish-
ment of King William and Queen Mary upon the
Throne, in the year 1688, &c. By Lawrence Echard,
A. M. &c. Portrait. London, 1720.

Edditis, 105, F. See Gale.

Edward III. 64, F. See Barnes.

Edward, the Black Prince, 64, F. See Barnes.

England, History of, 133, O. The History of England from the
invasion of Julius Caesar to the year 1688. 11 vols
(Vol. II. wanting.) Dublin, 1762.

194, O. The Critical History of England, Ecclesiastical

and Civil: wherein the Errors of the Monkish Writers,
and others before the Reformation, are exposed and cor-
rected, &c. &c. 2 vols. London, 1728.

3, Q. England illustrated, or, a Compendium of the Na-

tural History, Geography, Topography, and Antiquities,
ecclesiastical and civil, of England and Wales. With
Maps and Engravings of many remains of Antiquity,

## p. 66 (#78) ##############################################


remarkable Buildings, and principal Towns. 2 voIW
London, 1764.

Erasmus, 72, D. Magni Des. Erasmi Roterodami Vita; partim
ab ipsomet Erasmo, partim ab amicis sequalibus fiueliter
descripta. Acceduut Epistolse illustres plus quam Sep-
tuaginta, quas aetate provectiore scripsit nee inter vul-
gatas in magno volumine comparent. P. Scriverii, et
Fautorum auspiciis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1642.

France^ History of, 230, O. The History of France from the Ori-
gin of that Nation to the beginning of the present Cen-
tury. With an Account of the Steps taken by their
late Princes to subvert their Civil Liberties, &c. &c. &c.
Many Portraits. 2 vols. . London, 1732.

Franklin, 94, O. An Historical Review of the Constitution and
Government of Pennsylvania, from its Origin; so far as
regards the several Points of Controversy which have
from Time to Time, arisen between the several Gover-
nors of that Province, and their sevei-al Assemblies.—
Founded on authentic Documents. London, 1759. —
(Presented by Dr. Franklin.)

Freinsheim, 126, O. See Livius,

Gale, 105, F. Historise Britannicse, Saxonicae, Anglo-Danicae,
Scriptores XV. nempe, Gildas, Eddius, Ninnius, Asse-
rius. Ran. Higden. , W. Malmesb., Anonymus Malmesb.,
Anonymus Rames., Anonymus Elyens., Thomas Elyens.,
Joan. Wallingford, Rad. de Diceto, Anonymus, Joan.
Fordun., Alcwinus Flaccus, ex vetustis Codd. MSS.
editi, opera Thomae Gale, Th. Pr. Oxoniae, 1691.

Gallatin, 53 — 1, O. Views of the Public Debt and Expenditure,
by Gallatin. Philadelphia, 1801.

Gildas, 105, F. See Gale.

Girardin, 100, O. See Burk.

Godefroy, 45, F. See Jaligny.

Government, Sfc. 52 — 6, O. Experience the Test of Government,
&c. by a Senator of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1807.

Greene, 8, O. Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of the Hon.
Nathaniel Greene, Major General in the Army of the
United States, &c. By Charles Caldwell, M. D., &c.
Portrait. Philadelphia, 1819. (Presented by R. De

Guy on, de 182, O. The History of the East Indies, Ancient and
Modern. Partly transtated from the French of the
Abbe de Guyon, &c. 2 vols. London, 1757.

Habington, 51, F. See Kennet.

Hamilton, 52 — 7, O. A Letter from Alexander Hamilton, re-
specting the public conduct and character of John Ad-
ams, Esq. President, &c. Philadelphia, 1800.

## p. 67 (#79) ##############################################


Ifaytvard, S\, F. See Kennet.

Henry, 93, O. The History of Great Britain, from the first Inva-
sion of it by the Romans under Julius Caesar. Written
on a New Plan. By Robert Henry, D. D. &c. Por-
trait. 12 vols. London, 1805.

Herbert, Lord, 51. F. See Kennet.

Hereford, Bishop of, 51, F See Keyinet.

Heylyn, 30, F. Cosmography, in four books. Containing the
Chorography and History of the whole World: and all
the Principal Kingdoms, Provinces, Seas, and the Isles
thereof. By Peter Heylyn, D. D. Improved with a
Historical continuation to the present Times, by Ed-
mund Bohun, Esq. Maps. London, 1703.

Historic Britannicx, Saxonicae, Anglo-Danicae, Scriptores XV. —
\Q5,F. See Gale.

Hiatoriae Byzantinm Scriptores, ^c. 12, F. Historise Byzantinae
Scriptores post Theophanem, partim nuncprimum editi,
partim recensiti, et nova Versione adornati. Cura et
Studio R. P. Francisci Combefisii. Graece et Latine.
Parisiis, 1785.

History, Universal, 139, O. An Universal History, from the Ear-
liest Account of Time. Compiled from original Authors;
and illustrated with Maps, Cuts. Notes, &.c. The An-
cient part in 20 vols., the Modern in 40 vols. (Vols 31,
38, 39, wanting.) London, 1747— 1763.)

Hooke, 127, O. The Roman History, from the building of Rome to
the Ruin of the Commonwealth. By N. Hooke, Esq.
4 vols. Dublin, 1759.

57, Q. See Vertot.

HowelySZ, F. An Institution of General History, or, the His-
tory of the World. Being a complete Body thereof
from the beginning of the World till the Monarchy of
Constantine the Great, &c. &c. &c. By William Howel,
LL. D. &c. 3 vols. London, 1680.

Hvberus, 104, Q. Ulrici Huberi Institutiones Historiae Civilis,
quae continent summam rerum toto Orbe Gestarum ab
ortu Imperiorum, usque ad medium saeculum a Christi
nato decimum septimum. Cura Zach. Huberi, Ulr. Fil.
Franequerae. 1703.

Hutchinson, 65, O. The History of Massachusetts, from the first
settlement thereof in 1628, until the year 1750. By
Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. &c. 2 vols. Boston, 1795.

Ingersoll, 32, O. A View of the Rights and Wrongs, Power and
Policy, of the United States of America. By Charles
Jared Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1808.

Jaligny, 45, F. Histoire de Charles VIII. Roy de France, par
Guillaume de Jaligny, Andre de La Vigne, et autres

## p. 68 (#80) ##############################################


Historiens de ce temps-la. Ou sont decrites les Glioses
les plus memorables arrivees pendant ce Regne depuis
1483 jusques en 1498. Enrichi de plusieurs Memoires,
Observations, &c. &c. &c. Le tout recueilli par feu
M. Godefroy, Historiographe, &c. A Paris, 1684.

Joan. Fordun. 105, F. See Gale.

Joan. Wallingford. 105, F. See Gale.

Joinville, 26, F. Histoire de Saint Louis, par Jehan, Sire de
Joinville. — Les Annales de son Regne, par Guillaume
de Nangis. — Sa Vie et ses Miracles, par le Confesseur
da la Reine Marguerite. — Le tout publie d'apres les
MSS. de la Bibliotheque du Roi, et accompagne d'un
Glossaire. A Paris, 1761.

Jones, 100, O. See Burk.

Josephus, 63, D. See Noldius.

Journals, 8fc. 23, F. Journals of the House of Representatives of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Beginning Nov.
28th. 1776, and ending Oct. 2d. 1781. With the Pro-
ceedings of the several Committees and Conventions,
before and at the commencement of the American Re-
volution. Vol. I. Philadelphia, 1782.

■ 112, O. Journals of the House of Representatives of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, from Dec. 6, 1803, to
April 1, 1823, (14th. to 33d. House inclusive.) 21 vols.
Lancaster and Harrisburg, 1803—1823.

113, O. Journals of the Senate of the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania, from Dec. 4, 1804, to April 1, 1823. (vols.
XV. to XXXIII. inclusive.) 21 vols. Lancaster and
Harrisburg, 1804—1823.

of Congress, 24, O. See Congress, Journals of.

of the Senate of the U. S. 27, O. See Congress.

of the House of Representatives of the United States,

26, O. See Congress.

Jurin, 254, O. See Varenius.

Kxmpfer, 85, F. The History of Japan; giving an Account of the
Antient and present State and Government of that Em-
pire, of its Temples, Castles, &c. ; of its Metals, Mine-
rals, Trees, Plants, Animals, &c. &c. Together with
a Description of the Kingdom of Siam. Written in
High Dutch by Engelbertus Kaempfer, M. D. &c. and
translated from his Original MS. by J. G. Scheuchzer,
F. R. S., &c. With the Life of the Author and an In-
troduction. Also, Part of a Journal of a Voyage to Japan,
made by the English in 1673. Illustrated with many
copperplates. 2 vols. London, 1728.

Keatinge, 37, Q. See Diaz del Castillo.

## p. 69 (#81) ##############################################


Aennetf 51, F. A Complete History of England: with the Lives
of all the Kings and Queens thereof; from the Earliest
Account of Time, to the Death of his late Majesty King
William III. Containing a faithful Relation of all Af-
fairs of State, Ecclesiastical and Civil, &c. &c. By
Milton, Daniel, Habington, Moore, Buck, Lord Bacon,
Lord Herbert, Haywood, Francis, Bishop of Hereford,
Cambden, Wilson, and Kennet. With Notes, &c. —
3 vols. London, 1719.

Laet, de, 102, F. Novis Orbus, seu Descriptiones Indiae Occiden-
talis Libri XVIII. Authore Joanne de Laet, Antverp.
Novis Tabulis Geographicis et variis Animantium, Plan-
tarum, Fructuumque Iconibus illustrati. Lugduni Ba-
tavorum, apud Elzevirios, 1633.

La Vigne, Andre de, 45, F. See Jaligny.

Lediard, 229, O. See Terasson.

Leunclaviiis, 299, O. See Zosimus.

Leiuis XIV. 10, D. See Voltaire.

Linda, de, 283, O. Lucas de Linda Descriptio Orbis et omnium
ejus Rerumpublicarum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1655.

Livius, 126, O. The Roman History, by Titus Liviusj with the
entire Supplement of John Freinsheim; translated into
English, and illustrated with geographical and chrono-
logical Notes. Vols. II, III, IV, V, VI. London, 1 745.

Lochnan, 46, F. See Bayle.

Lonicenis, 309, O. Historia Turcica, in qua Turcorum Origo,
Principes, Imperatores, Bella, &c. &c. exponuntur. Ac-
cessere, Narratio de Baiazethis filiorum seditionibus;
Turcicarum rerum epitome, quomodo captivi Christiani
distrahantur, &c. &c. &c. Omnia collecta, Sermoneque
Latina exposita, a D. Philippo Lonicero. Tom. 2 in 1.
Francofurti, 1584.

Louisiana, 53 — 9, O. An Account of Louisiana. Philad. 1803.

Ludlow, 116, i^. Memoirs of Edmund Ludlow, Esq. Lieut. Gen.
of Horse, Commander in Chief of the Forces in Ireland,
Member of the Parliament which begun on November 3,
l640,&c. With a Collection of original Papers, servingto
confirm and illustrate many important Passages con-
tained in the Memoirs. Also, the Case of King Charles
the First. London, 1751.

Macaulay, 14, Q. The History of England from the Accession of
James I. to that of the Brunswick Line. By Catharine
Macaulay. 2 vols. London, 1763.

— — ^— 118, O. The History of England from the Accession of
James I. to the Election of the House of Hanover. By
Catharine Macaulay. Vols. II, III, IV. London, 1769

Maffeiy 219, O. See Rawlinson.

## p. 70 (#82) ##############################################


Major, 63, Q. Historia Majoris Britannise, tam Angliae quam
Scotiae, per Joannem Majorem, nomine quidem Scotum,
professione autem Theologum, e veterum Monumentis
concinnata. Edinburgi, 1740.

Malmesbur. W. 105, F. See Gale.

Ma7'tiniere, 221, 0. See Puffendorf.

Memorial, in answer to English Ministry, Spc. 293, O. A Memo-
rial containing a Summary View of Facts, with their
Authorities, in Answer to the Observations sent by the
English Ministry to the Courts of Europe. Translated
from the French. Philadelphia, 1757.

Messenger, American Weekly, 2, O. The American Weekly
Messenger; or Register of State Papers, History, and
Politics. For 1813-14-15 and 16. 2 vols. Philadel-
phia. (Presented by R. De Silver.)

Middleton, 57, Q. See Tertot.

Milton, 31, F. See Kennet.

Mississippi Question, 51 — 9, O. Mississippi Question. Report
of a Debate in the Senate of the United States, February,
1803. Philadelphia, 1803.

Monroe, 40, O. A View of the Conduct of the Executive, in the
Foreign Affairs of the United States, connected with the
Mission to the French Republic, during the year 1794,
'95, and '96. By James Monroe, late Minister, &c. —
With Documents, &c. Philadelphia, 1797.

Moore, 31, i^. See Kennet.

Nangis, Guillaume de, 26, F. See Joinville.

Newton, 99 — 2, Q. Sir Isaac Newton's Chronology, abridged by
himself. Some Observations on ditto; printed at Pa-
ris in 1725. Done into English.

New Annual Register, 9.9, O. See Annual {New) Register.

New York Historical Society, 6, O. Collections of the New York
Historical Society for the year 1821. Vol. III. New
York, 1821.

Nexu, de fyc, 97 — 3, Q. De Nexu Historise cum Scientiis, &c. —
Wirceburgi, 1774.

Nicephorus, 14, F. Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina Historia. Cum
versione latina Hier. Wolfii, et Joh. Boivin. qui Codices
contulit, Notas addidit, et alias Appendices. Graece et
Latine. Tom 2. Parisiis, 1702.

Ninnius, 105, F. See Gale.

Noldius, 63, D. Christ. Noldii Historia Idumaea, seu, de Vita et
gestis Herodum Diatribe. Accesserunt hinc inde Notae
in Josephum: ut et pro eo vindiciae etresponsiones, contra
Baronium, Serarium, Salianum et alios. Franequerae,

## p. 71 (#83) ##############################################


Ozell, 146, O. See Vertot.

Paine, 51 — 10, O. Paine on Government. Paris, 1795.

51—6, O. Speech of T. Paine, July 7, 1795.

51 — 2, O. Letter to Washington. By Paine. Phila-

delphia, 1796.

52 — 4, O. Speech in the French Convention, by Paine.

52 — 3, O. The Decline and Fall of the English Finance,

by Paine.

53 — 5, O. Paine on Government. Paris, 1795.

Parker^ \0\, O. Memoirsof the most remarkable Military Trans-
actions from the year 1683, to 1718. Containing a par-
ticular account of the several Battles, Sieges, &,c. in
Ireland and Flanders, during the Reigns of King Wil-
liam and Queen Anne. By Capt. Robert Parker, late
of the Royal Regiment of Foot in Ireland, who was an
Eye-witness to most of them. London, 1747.

Patterson, 53—7, O. Petition of Alexander Patterson to the Le-
gislature of Pennsylvania. Lancaster, 1804.

Pennsylvania, Journals of the House of Representatives of, 23, F.
and 112, O. ^qq Journals of the House of Representatives
of Pennsylvania.

Journals of the Senate of, 115, O. See Journals of the

Senate of Pennsylvania.
Perizonius, 324, 0. Jac. Perizonii Rerum per Europam maxime

Gestarum ab ineunte Saeculo sextodecimo usque ad

Caroli V. Mortem, &c. Coraraentarii Historici. Lug-

duni Batavorum, 1716.
Petavius, 336, O. D. Petavii Aurelianensls e Soc Jesu, Rationa-

rium Temporum, in quo aetatum omnium sacra profana-

que historia Chronologicis probationibus munita suin-

matim traditur. Franequerae, 1694.
Pickering, 51 — 8,0. Pickering's Three Letters. Philad. 1799.

iS— 2, O. The same Work.

Puffendorf, 221, O. An Introduction to the History of the princi-
pal Kingdoms and States of Europe. Begun by Baron
Puffendorf. Enlarged, &c.; continued down to the year
1743, by M. Martiniere. Improved from the French
by Joseph Sayer. 2 vols. London, 1748.

Rod. de Diceto, 105, P. See Gale.

Ran. Higden. 105, F. See Gale.

Ramsay, 37, O. See Washington.

Ravaillac, 92, O. See Sully.

Rawlinson, 219, O. A New Method of Studying History, &c.;
with a Dissertation of Count Maffei on the use of In-
scriptions and Medals, &c. By Richard Rawlinson,
LL. D. &c. 2 vols. London, 1727.

## p. 72 (#84) ##############################################


Register, Annual^ 28, O, The Annual Register, (Dodsley's)
or, a View of the History, Politics, and Literature,
for the years 1758 to 1794, inclusive. 37 vols. (vols.
11. 17. 23. 25. 27, 28, 29. 33, 34, wanting.) Lon-
don, 1768—1799.

New Annual^ 29, O. The New Annual Register, or,

general Repository of History, Politics, and Literature,
for the years 1795 to 1801, inclusive. 7 vols. Lond.

American, 39, O. The American Register, or General

Repository of History, Politics, and Science, for 1810.
Vol. Vn. Philadelphia, 1811.

Robertson, 117, O. The History of Scotland during the
Reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI. till his
accession to the Crown of England. With a Review of
the Scottish History previous to that Period. An Ap-
pendix, &c. &c. By William Robertson, D. D. &c. —
2 vols. London, 1761. (Presented by David Hall.)

Rollin, 13, D. The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Cartha-
ginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians,
Macedonians and Grecians. By Mr. Rollin. 10 vols,
(vols. 1, 2, and 7 wanting.) Edinburg, 1758.

187, O. The Roman History from the Foundation of

Rome to the Battle of Actium^ that is, to the End of the
Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin. Translated from the
French. Maps and Plates. 16 vols. (Vol. L wanting.)
London, 1754.

Rouille, 41, i^. See Catrou.

Sale, 46, F. See Bayle.

Salianus, 63, D. See Noldius.

Sampson. <^c. 51 — 7, O, Sampson against the Philistines, &c. —
Philadelphia, 1805.

Savage, 190, O. A compleat History of Germany, comprehend-
ing the Lives and Reigns of all the Empefors from its
origin to this Time. By Mr. Savage. With many Por-
traits. London, 1702.

Sayer, 221, O. See Puffendorf.

Scaligerus, 62, F. Josephi Scaligeri Jull Csesaris F. Opus de
Emendatione Temporum. Addita veterum Graecorum
Fragmenta selecta, &c. Cum Notis ejusdem Scaligeri.
Colonise Allobrogum, 1629.

Scheuchzer, 85, F. See Kaempfer.

Secret Journals of Congress, 25, O. See Congress, Secret Jour-
nals of.

Selden, 7, Q. An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws
and Government of England, from the First Times to
the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. With a Vin-

## p. 73 (#85) ##############################################


dication of the Antient Way of Parliament, in England.
Collected from some Manuscript Notes of John Selden,
Esq. by Nathaniel Bacon, Esq. Corrected and im-
proved by a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. Lon-
don, 1760.

Serariiis, 63, B. See Noldius.

Seybert^ 6, Q. Statistical Annals; embracing Views of the Popu-
lation, Commerce, Navigation, Fisheries. Public Lands,
Post Office Establishment, Revenues, Mint, Military
and Naval Establishments, Expenditures, Public Debt,
and Sinking Fund of the United States of America:
founded on Official Documents: commencing March 4,
1789, and ending April 20, 1818. By Adam Seybert,
M.D, &c. Philadelphia, 1818.

Shau\ 254, O. See Varenius.

Sidney y 198, O. Discourses concerning Government; by Alger-
non Sidney, &c. With his Life. 2 vols. Edinb. 1750.

Smith, 135, O. The History of the Province of New York from
the first Discovery to the year 1732. With a Descrip-
tion of the Country, &c. &c. &c. By William Smith,
A. M. Philadelphia, 1792.

SmoUet, 67, O. A complete History of England, from the Descent
of Julius Caesar, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle,
1748. Containing the Transactions of one thousand eight
hundred and three years. By F. Smollet, M. D. 7 vols.
(Vol. I. wanting.) London, 1758.

Stanlwpe, 146, O. See yertot.

State Papers, 15th Congress, 12 & 13, O 88, 89. & 90, /I—

See Congress.

I4th Congress, 14& 15, O.— 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 & 96, F.

See Congress.

15//t Congress, 16 & 17, O. See Congress.

I6th 18 & 19, O. See

17th . 20 & 21, O. See

18//t 22 & 23, O. See

Steele, 99 — 4, Q. The Crisis: or, a Discourse representing, from
the most authentic Records, the just Causes of the late
happy Revolution, &c. &c. &c. With some Remarks
on the Danger of a Popish Succession. By Richard
Steele, Esq. London, 1714.

99 — 3, Q. Mr. Steele's Apology for himself and his

writings; occasioned by his Expulsion from the House

of Commons. London, 1714.
St. Louis, 26, F. See Joinville.
Strada, 49, D. Famiani Stradae, Romani, e Soc. Jesu, de

Bello Belgico, Decades duae, ab Excessu Caroli V. Imp.

## p. 74 (#86) ##############################################


usque ad annum MDXC. Tom. 2. Amstelodami, 1648

Sully, 92, O. Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke de
SuUj, prime Minister to Henry the Great. Containing
the History of the Life and Reign of that Monarch, and
his own Administration under him. With the Tryal of
Ravaillac for the murder of Henry the Great. Trans-
lated from the French. 5 vols. London, 1757.

Tacitus, 21, J). Tibere, ou les six pi'emiers livres des Annales
de Tacite. Traduits par M. 1' Abbe de la Bleterie, Prof.
&c. 3 torn. A Paris, 1768.

Terasson, 229, O. The Life of Sethos. Taken from private
Memoirs of the Ancient Egyptians. Translated from
a Greek MSS. into French (by the Abbe Terasson,) and
from the French by Mr. Lediard. 2 vols. Lond. 1732.

Tliomas Ely ens. 105, F. See Gale.

Treatys, Declarations, <^'C. 272, O. A General Collection of
Treatys, Declarations of War, Manifestoes, and other
public Papers, relating to Peace and War, among the
Potentates of Europe, from 1648 to the present Time,
&C.&C. &c. London, 1710.

Vareniiis, 254, O. A Compleat System of General Geography,
&c. &c. &c. Originally written in Latin by Bernhard
Varenius, M. D. improved, &c. by Sir Isaac Newton,
and Dr. Jurin. Translated, &c. by Mr. Dugdale, revised
&c.byPeterShaw, M.p. Vol. L Plates. Lond. 1734.

Vertot, 4, D. Histoire des Revolutions de Suede, por M. I'Abbe
de Vertot. 2 tom. in 1. A Amsterdam, 1722.

224, O. The History of the Revolutions in Sweden and

Portugal. With an Enquiry, whether the Kingdom of
France, from the Establishment of that Monarchy, has
been an Hereditary or Elective State. Translated from
the French of the Abbe Vertot. Dublin, 1727.

146, O. The History of the Revolutions that happened in

the Government of the Roman Republic. Translated
from the French of the Abbe de Vertot, by M. Ozell.
With Earl Stanhope's Memorial on the Roman Senate,
&c. &c. to the Ablje de Vertot, and his answer. 2 vols.
London, 1740.

— 57, Q. Observations on, L The Answer of M.P Abbe de

Vertot to Earl Stanhope's Inquiry concerning the Sen-
ate of Ancient Rome; dated Dec. 1719. — II. A Disser-
tation upon the Constitution of the Roman Senate: by a
Gentleman: published in 1743. III. A Treatise on the
Roman Senate by Dr. Middleton; published in 1747.
IV. An Essay on the Roman Senate, by Dr. Chapman;
published in 1750. By Mr. Hooke. London, 1758.

## p. 75 (#87) ##############################################


Voltaire, 10, D. The Age of Lewis XIV. Translated from the
French of M. de Voltaire. 2 vols, Dublin, 1752.

fFar in the Netherlands, 8fc. 160, O. The Theatre of the present
War in the Netherlands, and upon the Rhine, &c.
With an Introduction to the Art of Fortification, or
Military Dictionary, &c. Map, and G8 Plans of For-
tified places. London, 1745. (Presented by Lewis

ff^ashington, 37, O. The Life of George Washington, &c. By
David Ramsay, M. D. New York, 1807.

51—5, O. Letters from Washington to his friends in

June and July, 1776. Philadelphia, 1795.

51 — 3, O. Remarks on the Conduct of Washington. —

Philadelphia, 1797.

WJiitivorth, 80, O. See D'Svenant.

Wilkinson, 2, F. A General Atlas, consisting of the World and
Quarters, Kingdoms, States, and Republics, with all the
New Discoveries and Territorial Arrangements, &c. &c.
62 Maps. Published by Wilkinson. London, 1802.

Wilson, ^\, F. See Kennet.

Wolfius, 14, F. See Nicephorus.

Zonaras, 13, F. Joannis Zoiiarac Monachi magni antea vigilum
Proefecti et primi a Secretis Annates. Carolus du
Fresne, Dom. du Cangc, Wolfianum Editionem cum
scriptis Codd. contulit: Latinam Versionem recensuit,
Annales Notis illustravit. Grsece et Latine. Tom. 2.
Parisiis, 1686.

Zosimus, 299, O. Zosimi Comitis ex Advocati Fisci Historia
nova, ex recensione, Frid. Sylbur<iii, cum Latina Inter-
pretatione Joan. Leunclavii, et Notis Variorum, accu-
rante Chr. Cellario. Gra^ce et Latine. Jenae, 1729.

## p. 76 (#88) ##############################################



American Medical and Philosophical Register, 36, 0. The Ame-
rican Medical and Philosophical Register: or Annals of
Medicine, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts.
2 vols. New York, 1811—1812. (Presented by Dr.

JBarton, 74, O. A Treatise containing a Plan for the internal Or-
ganization and Government of Marine Hospitals in the
United States: together with a scheme for amending
and systematizing the Medical Department of the Navy.
By W. P. C. Barton, M. D. &c. Philadelphia, 1814.

73, O. See Gregory.

Bell, 81, O. A System of Surgery, by Benjamin Bell. Vol. I.
Edinburg, 1783.

Bellinus, 108, Q. Laurentii Bellini Opuseula aliquot; in quibus
praecipue agitur, de Motu Cordis in et extra Uterum,
ovo, ovi aere et respiratione. De Motu Bilis et Liqui-
dorum omnium per corpora animalium. De Fermentis
et GlanduliS:, &c. Cum figuris. Lugduni Batavorum,

JBoerhaave, 180, 0. Dr. Boerhaave's Academical Lectures on the
Theory of Physic. Being a genuine Translation of his
Institutes and explanatory Comment, &c. &c. 6 vols.
(Vol. I. wanting.) London, 1743.

206, O. Boerhaave's Medical Correspondence; contain-

ing the various Symptoms of Chronical Distemper: the
Professor's opinion, method of Cure, and Remedies. —
With his Practice in the Hospital at Leyden, &c. &c.
London, 1745.

277, O. A Method of Studying Physick. Written in

Latin by Hermann Boerhaave, translated into English
by Mr. Samber. London, 1719.

5, D. See Van Swieten.

154, O. See —

Burnet, 131, Q. Thesaurus Medicinse Practice, ex praestant.
tum vet. turn recent. Medicorum Observationibus, Con-
sultationibus, Consiliis et Epistolis coUectus, &c. &c.
Studio et Opera Thomse Burnet, Scoto Britanni, M. D.,
&c. Londmi, 1673.

## p. 77 (#89) ##############################################


Celaus, 71, O. A. Cornelius Celsus of Medicine, in eight books.
Translated, with Notes Critical and explanatory, by
James Greive, M. D. London, 1756.

Chesdden, 8, F, Osteographia, or the Anatomy of the Bones. In
fifty-six Plates. By William Cheselden. London.

Cleghom, 148, O. Observations on the Epidemical Diseases in
Minorca, from 1744 to 1749. With an Account of the
Climate, Productions, &c. &c. &c. of the Island. By
George Cleghorn, Lecturer of Anatomy, &c. &.c. Lon-
don, 1762. (Presented by David Wilson.)

Corvisarty 72, O. An Essay on the Organic Diseases and Lesions
of the Heart and Great Vessels. From the Clinical
Lectures ot J. N. Corvisart. Translated from the
French, with Notes, by Jacob Gates, M. M. S. S.—
Philadelphia, 1812.

Coxe, 61, O. The American Dispensatory, containing the Natu-
ral, Chemical, &c. History of the different Substances
employed in Medicine, the Operations of Pharmacy,
&c. &c. By John Redman Coxe, M. D. &c. Phila-
delphia, 1825. [Presented by the Editor.]

62, O. The same Work. Philad. 1806.

35, O. The Philadelphia Medical Museum, conducted by

John Redman Coxe, M. D. 6 vols. Plates. Philadel-
phia, 1805—1809. [Presented by the Editor.]

Crawford, 140 — 5, O. Introductory Lectures, &c. by J. Craw-
ford, M. D. Baltimore, 1811.

Dimerbroeck, 127, Q- Isbrandi de Diemerbroeck Med. Doct. et
Prof. Tractatus de Peste, truculentissimi Morbi Histo-
riam ratione et experientia confirmatam exhibens. Am-
stelodami, 1665.

Doebelius, 61, i^. See Riverius.

Dorseyy 140 — 4, O. Syllabus, or Heads of Lectures on the Mate-
ria Medica, by J. S. Dorsey, M. D. Philad. 1817.

Femelius, 287, O. Joannis Fernelii Universa Medicina. Lug-
duni Batavorum, 1645.

291, O. Joannis Fernelii Universa Medicina. Cum ejus-

dem Fernelii Consiliis: et Guliel. Plantii Scholiis in

Pharmacopoeam seu librum Therapeutices Septimum

Genevae, 1627.

307, O. Joannis Fernelii de Morbis Universalibus et

particularibus libri IV. posteriores Pathologiae. Adjecta

est singulis morbis Praedicendi, Curandique Ratio. —

Lugduni Batavorum, 1645.
Gates, 72, O. See Corvisart.
Gibson, 11.0. The Institutes and Practice of Surgery: being the

Outlines of a Course of Lectures, by William Gibson,

## p. 78 (#90) ##############################################


M. D. Plates. Vol. I. Philad. 1824. f Presented
by the Author.]

Gregory, 75, 0. A Dissertation on the Influence of a Change of
Climate in curing Diseases, by Professor Gregory, of
Edinburgh. Translated from the Latin, with Notes,
by W. P. C. Barton, M. D. Philad. 1815.

Greive, 71, 0. See Celsus.

Hqfenreffirus, 331. O. Officina Jatrica, continens Pharmaca se-
lecta Hippocratico-Galenica, et Hermetica Paracelsica,
juxta Morborum Seriem, causarumque Indicem disposita
et condita per Samuelem Hafenrefferum, Phil, et Med.
Prof. &c. Ulmse, 1653.

Holler, 140 — 10, O. Pathological Observations, chiefly from Dis-
sections of Morbid Bodies. By Dr. Albert Haller.—
London, 1756.

Hare, 10, O. A View of the Structure, Functions, and Disorders
of the Stomach and Alimentary Organs of the Human
Body, with Physiological Observations and Remarks
upon the qualities and effects of Food and fermented
Liquorsj by Thomas Hare, F. L. S. &c. Plates. Lon-
don, 1821. [Presented by the Author.]

Hippocrates, 361, O. Aphorismi Hippocratis, Grsece et Latine;
juxta optimam editionem Theodori Janssoni ab Almelo-
veen, M. D. Anno 1685. Edinburgi, 1736.

Holland, 140 — 1, O. An Inaugural Dissertation on Apoplexy, by
N. L. Holland. A. B. Philadelphia, 1815.

Horstius, 51, i^. See Riverius.

Jenty, 249, O. A Course of Anatomico-Physiological Lectures on
the Human Structure and Animal (Economy; with
Notes, &c. &c. &c. and Essays on Injecting, Dissecting,
&c. 3 vols. By Charles Nicholas Jenty, M. A. —
[Vol I. wanting.] London, 1757.

Lettsom, 18, Q. The Natural History of the Tea Tree, with Ob-
servations on the Medical Qualities of Tea, and on the
Effects of Tea-drinking. By John Coakley Lettsom,
M. D. Coloured Plates. London, 1799.

Morgan, 203, O. De Puopoiesi, sive Teutamen Medicum Inau-
garale de Puris Confectione. Auctore Johanne Morgan,
A. M. &c. Edinburgi. 1763.

264, O. A Discourse upon the Institution of Medical

Schools in America, delivered at a Commencement May
30, and 31, 1765. With a Preface, &c. &c. &c. By
John Morgan, M. D., F. R. S. &c. Philadelphia, 1765.

Plantius, 291, O. Siee Fernelius.

Price, 1 40 — 7, O. Inaugural Dissertation on the Magnolia Glauca,
&c. &c. By T. D. Price. Philadelphia, 1802.

## p. 79 (#91) ##############################################

. ■»■

Quesnay, 140 — 8, O. The Introductory Discourse to the first
volume of the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery,
at Paris, concerning the Vices of the Humours, &c. &c.
By M. Quesnay, M. D. Translated and abridged, by
a Surgeon. London, 1760.

Riverius, 61, /I Lazari Riverii Consil. Reg. Med. Prof, in Uni-
versitatc Monspeliensi, &c. Opera Medica Omnia. Cura
Joh. Dan. Horstii et Joh. Jac. Doebelii. Luj^duni, 1679.

Robertson, 140 — 9, O. Inaugural Dissertation on Chorea Sancti
Viti. By F. Robertson. Philadelphia, 1805.

Samber, '2.77, O. See Jioerhacwe.

Stokes, 140---3, O. Dissertatio inauguralis de Asphyxia, &c. —
Auct. G. Stokes, A, B. Philadelphia, 1793.

Tilton, 140 — 2, O. Dissertatio medica inauguralis. Auct. J.
Tilton, M. B. Philadelphia, 1771.

Van Swieten, 154, O. The Commentaries upon the Aphorisms of
Dr. Herman Boerhaave, concerning the Knowledge and
Cure of the severat Diseases incident to human Bodies.
By Gerard Van Swieten, M. D. Translated into Eng-
lish. 11 vols. London, 1744.

5, D. The same Work. 18 vols. Edinburgh, 1776.

Verheyen, 107, Q. Supplementum Anatomicum, sive Anatomiae
Corporis humani liber Secundus, &c. &c. &c. Authore
Philippo Verheyen. Cum figuris. Bruxellis, 1710.

fVinslow, 64, Q. Exposition Anatomique de la Structure du
Corps humain, par Jacques-Bcnigne Winslow, de
I' Academic Royale des Sciences, &c. Avec figures.
A Paris, 1732.

## p. 80 (#92) ##############################################



Jlli Ben Mi Taleb. 215, O. Ali Ben Abi Taleb Carmina.
Arabice et Latine. Edidit et Notis illustravit Gerardus
Kuypers, Fran^. Fil. Lugduni Batavorum, 1745.

Barlseus, 64, £). Casparis Barlaei Antverpiani Poemata. Tom. 2.
Amstelodami, 1645.

354, O. The same Work. Lugduni Batavorum, 1628.

Boileau, 40, B. CEuvres diverses du Sieur D. (Boilgau) Avec le

Traite du Sublime ou du Merveilleux dans le Discours,
traduit du Grec de Longin. A Amsterdam, 1689.

Brancatus, 123>— 1, Q. Fr. Laurentii Brancati de Lauraea,
S. R. E. Card. Theantropus Reparatus, Tragoedia, &c.
&c. Wirceburgi, 1762.

Buchananus, 78, B. G. Buchanan! Scoti Opera Poetica; cum ejus-
dem Vita ab ipso scripta biennio ante mortem.

Butler, 19, B. Hudibras, poeme de Samuel Butler, ecrit pendant
les Guerres Civiles d'Angleterre, et traduit en Vers
Francais par J . Towneley, Officier Anglais au Service
de France, avec des Remarques de Larcher, et quinze
figures d'apres Hogarth. Frangais et Anglois. 3 torn.
A Paris, 1819.

Cowley, 126, i^. The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. Portrait.
London, 1680.

Erasmus, 68, B. Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami Colloquia. Lug-
duni Batavorum, apud Elzevirium, 1643.

35, B. Erasmi Colloquia selecta; with an English trans-

lalion; by John Clarke. Philadelphia, 1782.
Xnox, 63, O. Essays, Moral and Literary. By Vicesimus Knox,

M. D. &c. 3 vols. London, 1787.
Kuypers, 215, O. See *dli Ben Mi Taleh.
Larcher, 19, 1). See Butler.
Longin, 40, B. See Boileau.
Metastasio, 54, O. Opere del Signor Abate Pietro Metastasio.

In Parigi, 1780.
Milton, 122, F. Paradise Lost. A Poem. By John Milton.

With Explanatory Notes, &c. Portrait and Plates.—

London, 1695.
Montaigne, 306, 0. Les Essais de Michel Seigneur de Montaigne.

## p. 81 (#93) ##############################################


Avec Annotations en Marge, &c. et la Vie de I'Auteur

extraicte tie ses propres escrits. A Rome, 1627.
Spectator^ 30, D. The Spectator. 8 vols. (Vols. V. and VI.

wanting.) London, 1753.
Towneley, 19, D. See Butler.
VoiturCj 48, I). Recueil des CEuvres de M. de Voiture. A Brus-

selles, 1695.
fViUiston, 49, O. Eloquence of the United States: compiled by

E. B. Williston. 5 vols. Middletown, Conn. 1827.


## p. 82 (#94) ##############################################



Mams, 7, O. Report upon the Weights and Measures, by John
Quincj Adams, Secretary ot State of the United States-
Prepared in obedience to a Resolution of the Senate of
March 3d. 1817. Philadelphia, 1821.

American Philosophical Society, 12, Q. Transactions of the Ame-
rican Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia for pro-
moting Usetul Knowledge. Vol. I. New Series. —
Philadelphia, 1818.

Aringhi, 54, D. Roma Subterranea novissima, in qua antiqua
Christianorum et prsecipue Martyrum Csemeteria, Titu-
li, &c. &c. illustrantur. Ex absolutissimo opere Pauli
Aringhi, &c. Cum figuris. Arnhemiae, 1671.

Arts, handmaid to the, 147, O. The Handmaid to the Arts. 2
vols. London, 1758. [Presented by David Hall.]

Ashley^ 192, O. See Xenophon.

Asiatic Researches, 8fc. 95, O. Asiatic Researches: or, Transac-
tions of the Society instituted in Bengal for inquiring
into the History and Antiquities of the Arts, Sciences,
and Literature, of Asia. Plates. 5 vols. London, 1798 —

Bacon, 60, 0. The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam,
Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of Eng-
land. Portrait, &c. 10 vols. London, 1819.

58, B. Fr. Baconis de Verulam, Anglise Cancellarii, de

Augmentis Scientiarum Libri IX. Amstelodami, 1662.

Bailly, 236, O. Lettres sur I'Origine des Sciences, et sur celle
des Peuples de I'Asie, adressees a M. de Voltaire par
M. Bailly, et precedees de quelques Lettres de M. de
Voltaire a I'Auteur. 2 torn. A Paris, 1777.

Banier, 168, O. The Mythology and Fables of the Ancients ex-
plained from History. By the Abbe Banier. Trans-
lated from the original French. Vols. II, III, and IV.
London, 1740.

Barton, 24, Q. Florse Philadelphicse Prodromus: or Prodromus
of the Flora Philadelphica; exhibiting a List of all the
Plants to be described in that Work, which have as yet
been collected. By William P. C. Barton, M. D. &c.
Philadelphia, 1815.

## p. 83 (#95) ##############################################


Birch, 23, Q. The History of the Royal Society of London for
improving of Natural Knowledge, from its first Rise.
In which the most considerable of those Papers commu-
nicated to the Society, which have hitherto not been
published, are inserted in their proper order, as a Sup-
plement to the Philosophical Transactions. By Thomas
birch, D. D. Secretary to the Royal Society. Plates. 4
vols. London, 1756.

Boerhaave, 17, F. See Sivammerdam.

Bonamicus^ 328, O. See Rapinus.

Bougainville, 53, Q, Voyage autour du Monde, par la fregate du
Roi la Boudeuse, et la flute I'Etoile en 1766, 1767,
1768 et 1769. Par M. de Bougainville. Avec des Cartes,
&c. A Paris, 1771.

Bourrit, 235, O. Description des Alpes Pennines et Rhetiennes;
par M. T. Bourrit. Tom, H. A Geneve, 1781.

Boyle, 56, F. The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle. To
which is prefixed, the Life of the Author. Portrait. 5
vols. London, 1744.

Bradley, 157, O. A Dictionary of Plants; their Description and
Use, with their Culture and Management. By R. Brad-
ley, F. R. S. &c. 2 vols. London, 1747.

BuchttTianus, 68, Q. Georgii Buchanani, Scoti, Poetarum sui Se-
culi facile Principis, Praeceptoris Jacobi VL Scotorum
et Primi Angl. Reg. Opera Omnia, Historica, Chronolo-
gica, Juridica, Politica, Satyrica and Poetica. Cum
Notis, aliisque utilissimis Accessionibus illustrata et
aucta, &c. &c. &c. curanteThoma Ruddimanno, A. M.
etPrsefatione Petri Burmanni. Cum effigie. Tom. 2.
Lugduni Batavorum, 1725.

Buffon, 42, $. Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux. Par M. leComte
de Buffon. Avec plusieurs figures. 8 torn. A Paris,

43, $. Histoire Naturelle des Mineraux. Par M. le

Comte de Buffon. Tom. L A Paris, 1783.

41. $. Histoire Naturelle, Generaleet Particuliere, avec

la Description du Cabinet du Roy. Par MM. Buffoa
et Daubenton. Avec plusieurs figures. 15 tom. (le
tome XII. manque.) — Supplement a I'Histoire Naturelle,
Generale et Particuliere. ParM. le Comte de Buffon.
Avec plusieurs figures. 6 tom. A Paris, 1749 — 1782.

Burmanniis, 68, Q. See Buchanamis.

Caldwell, 140 — 6, O. Eulogium on Caspar Wistar, M. D. &c. by
Charles Caldwell, M. D. &c. Philadelphia, 1818.

Callimaque, 238, O. Hymnes de Callimaque, avec une Version
Fran^oise et des Notes. Par La Porte du Theil. Grec
et Francois. A Paris, 1775.

## p. 84 (#96) ##############################################


Capugnanus, 39, D. See Schottus.

Catalogue of Books, 8/-c. 9, O. Catalogue of Books belonging to
the Library Company of Philadelphia; with an Account
of the Institution, &c. &c. &c. Philadelphia, 1807. —
(Presented by the Library Company.)

76—2, O. Catalogus Collegii Yalensis, 1808.

106, O. Catalogus Bibliothecse Harvardianae Cantabri-

giae Nov-Anglorum. Bostonise, 1790.

Chambers, 20, F. Cyclopaedia : or, an Universal Dictionary of
Arts and Sciences, &c. &c. &c. By E. Chambers,
F. R. S. Plates. 2 vols. London, 1751.— Supple-
ment to ditto, 2 vols. London, 1753.

Clarke, 35, D. See Erasmus.

Clothing French Prisoners, 8fC. 118, JFl Proceedings of the Com-
mittee appointed to manage the Contributions begun at
London, Dec. 18, 1759, for clothing French Prisoners of
War. London, 1760.

124—2, F. The same Work. London, 1760.

Cooper, 57, O. A Practical Treatise on Dyeing, and Calicoe print-
ing; exhibiting the processes in the French, German,
English and American practice of fixing Colours on
Woollen, Cotton, Silk, and Linen. By Thomas Cooper,
Esq. Philadelphia, 1815.

4, O. Some Information concerning Gas Lights, by Tho-

mas Cooper, Esq. Philad. 1816. (Presented by R. De

59, O. The Emporium of Arts and Sciences. New Se-

ries. Conducted by Thomas Cooper, Esq. Vols. II.
and III. Plates. Philadelphia, 1813—1814.

Balrymple, 122, O. A Military Essay. Containing Reflections on
the Raising, Arming, Cloathing, and Discipline ot the
British Infantry and Cavalry: with Proposals for the
Improvement of the same By Campbell Dalrymple,
Esq. Lieut. Col. &c. London, 1761.

Belius, 45, Q. Traite sur la Science de I'Exploitation des Mines par
Theorie et Pratique, avec un Discours sur les principes
des finances; fait pour I'Academie Imperiale et Royale
de Schemnitz, par Christophe Francois Delius, Conseil-
ler-Commissaire, &c. Traduit en Francais par M.
Schreiber. Avec figures. 2 tom. A Paris, 1778.

Fames, 83, Q. See Lowthorp.

Education, Dialogues concerning, 87, O. Dialogues concerning
Education. Vol. II. London. 1748.

Encyclopaedia, ^c 13, Q. Encyclopaedia; or, a Dictionary of
Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature, &c. &c.
&c. &c. With 542 Plates. 18 vols. Philad. 1798.

## p. 85 (#97) ##############################################


Erasmus^ 84, F. Adagionim Opus Des. Erastni, Roterodami, ex

postrema Autoris recognitione. Lugduni, 1550.
Flloydy 17, F. See Swammerdam.
Gesner, 83, F. See Topsel.

Gibbon, 22, Q. Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq.
with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, composed by
himselfj illustrated from his Letters, with occasional
Notes and Narratives, by John Lord Sheffield. 2 vols.
London, 1796.
Gotnitzius, 69, Z>. Abrah. Golnitzii Dantisc. Ulysses Belgico-Gal-
licus, fidus tibi Dux ct Achates, per Belgium Ilispan.
Regnum Galliae, Ducat. Sabandias, Turinum usq; Pede-
montii Metropolin. Lugduni Batavorum, 1631.
Great Britain, Tour through, ^-c. 16, Z). A Tour through the
whole Island of Great Britain, the Isles of Wight,
Scilly, and other English and Scottish Isles of most
Note. Interspersed with useful Observations, &c. &c.
4 vols. (Vol. III. wanting.) London, 1762.
Grotiiis, 57, D. Hugonis Grotii quaidam hactenus inedita, aliaque
ex Belgice editis Latine versa. Argument! Theologici,
Juridici, Politici. Amstelodami, apud Elzevirium, 1652.
GrMnerw.?, 302, 0. Jo. Frider. Gruneri,A. M. Introductio in An-
tiquitates Romanas, qua Populi Romani Res publicae et
privatae tarn sub Republica libera quam sub Imperatori-
bus studiose explicantur. Jena, 1746.
Crundlingius, 145 — 2, Q. N. H. Gundlingii Icti et Antecessoris
in Acad. Fred, celeb. C. Trebatius Testa Ictus ab in-
juriis vet. atque recent. Scriptorum liberatus, cum Notis
&c. &c. G. A. Jenichen. Lipsiffi, 1736.
Hales, 248, O. Statical Essays: containing Vegetable Staticksj
or an Account of some Statical Experiments on the Sap
in Vegetables, Ha^mastatics, &:c. &c. &c. By Stephen
Hales, D. D. F. R. S. &c. 2 vols. London, 1738.

136, O. A Description of Ventilators: whereby grea

quantities of Fresii Air may with ease be conveyed into
Mines, Gaols, Hospitals, Work-houses, and Ships, in
exchange for their Noxious Air, &e. &c. &c. Which
was read before the Royal Society in May, 1741. By
Stephen Hales, D. D. F. R. S. &c. Plates. London,
Harris, 21, F. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliothecaj or,
a Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. Con-
sisting of above six hundred of the most Authentic Wri-
ters, oic. &c. &c. Witli Charts, Maps, and Cuts, an
Introduction, &c. &c. Originally published by John
Harris, D. I). & F. R. S. Now carefully revised,
with large Additions, &c. &c. 3 vols. London, 1748.

## p. 86 (#98) ##############################################


Heidfeldius, 234, O. Sphinx Theologico-Philosophicaj promens
ac proponens pia, erudita, arguta ac festiva senigmata
sive scrupos, ex variis &c. &c. authoribus sedulo com-
portatos, &c. &c. &c. &c. Au there Johanne Heidfeldio.
Herbornaes, 1631.

Henley, 225, O. See Vertot.

Hill, IT, F. See Swammerdam.

Hughes, 42, F. The Natural History of Barbadoes. By the Rev.
Griffith Hughes, A. M. F. R. S. Plates. Lond. 1750.

Jones, 83, Q. See Lowthorp.

Keysler, 179, O. Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary,
Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain. Giving a Description
of the present State of those Countries, &c. &c.&c. By
John George Keysler, F. R. S. Translated from the
German. Plates. 4 vols. London, 1760.

Rnox, 64, O. Liberal Education: or, a practical Treatise on the
Methods of acquiring useful and polite Learning, &c.—
ByVicesimusKnox, M. A.&c. Vol. II. Lond. 1789.

La Chausse, 65, F. Romanum Museum, sive Thesaurus Eruditae
Antiquitatis, in quo proponuntur ac dilucidantur Gem-
mae, Idola, Insignia Sacerdotalia, Lucernas, Vasa, Bullae,
Armillae, Fibulae, Claves, Annuli, Tesserae, Styli, Stri-
giles, Gutti, Phialae lacrymatoriae, Instrumenta Musica,
Vota, Signa Militaria, Marmora, &c. &c.. &c. Opera, et
et Studio Michaelis Angeli Causei de la Chausse. Cum
permultis figui'is. Tom. 2. Romae.

Lamarck, 207, O. Flore Fran§oise ou Description Succincte de
toutes les Plantes qui croissent naturellement en France,
disposee selon une nouvelle methode d' Analyse, et a
laquelle ou a joint la citation de leurs vertus les moins
equivoques en Medecine, et de leur utilite dans les
Arts. Par M. le Chevalier de Lamarck. Avec figures.
3 tom. A Paris, 1778.

La Porte du Theil, 238, O. See CaJEmaque.

Le Brun, \,F. La Grande Galerie de Versailles, et les deux Sa-
lons qui I'accompagnent, peints par Charles Le Brun,
premier Peintre de Louis XIV. dessines par Jean-Bap-
tiste Masse, Peintre et Conseiller, &c. et graves sousses
yeux paries meilleurs Maitres du tems. A Paris, 1752.

Lettsom, 43, O. The Naturalist's and Traveller's Companion, by
Dr. Lettsom. London.

Linnseus, 181, O. Caroli Linnaei Species Plantarum, exhibentes
Plantas rite cognitas, ad Genera relatas, cum DifFeren-
tiisspecificiSjNominibustrivialibus, Synonymis selectis,
Locis natalibus, secundum Systema Sexuale digestas. —
Tom 2. Holmiae, 1762.

208, O. Caroli a Linne Equitis Systema Vegetabilium

## p. 87 (#99) ##############################################


secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Cha-
racteribus et Difterentiis. Curante Jo. Andrea Murray.
Parisiis, 1798.

Linnamsy 111, O. Caroli Linnaei Amoenitates Academicae, seu
Dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicae, Botanicae, ante-
hac seorsim editae, nunc, collectae et auctae cum tabulis.
Accedit Hypothesis nova de Febrium intermittentium
causa. Tom. 6. Lugduni Batavorum, 1749.

LipsiuSf 328, O. See Rapinus.

Locke, 103, F. The Works of John Locke. Portrait. 3 vols.
London, 1714.

Lvbersac, 55, F. Discours sur les Monumens Publics de tous les
Ages et de tous les Peuples connus, suivid'une descrip-
tion de Monument projete a. la gloire de Louis XVL et
de la France. Termine par quelques Observations sur
les principaux Monumens modernes de laville de Paris,
et plusieurs Projets de decoration ct d'utilite publique
pour cette Capitale. Par M. I'Abbe de Lubersac. A
Paris, 1775.

Mabillon, 225, O. See Vertot.

Maimers and Principles, ^-c. 193, O. An Estimate of the Manners
and Principles of the Times. By the Author of Essays
on the Characteristics, &c. 2 vols. London, 1756.

Marie, 53 — 3, O. Case of Jane Marie. Philadelphia, 1808.

Martyn, 83, Q. See Lowthorp.

Masse, 1, F. See Le Brim.

Meursius, 328, O. See Rapinus.

Michaux, 1, O. Oaks of the United States and of Canada, by F.
Andrew Michaux. Plates. Paris.

Mirabaud, 2, D. System of Nature; or the Laws of the Moral
and Physical World. Translated from the French of
M. Mirabaud. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1808. (Presented
by R. De Silver.)

Muffet, 83, F. See lopsel

Murray, 208, O. See Linnaeus.

Nettleton, 253, O. A Treatise on Virtue and Happiness. By
Thomas Nettleton, M. D. F. R. S. London, 1751.

Palmer, 81, Q. The General History of Printing, from its first
Invention in the City of Mentz, to its first progress, &c.
through the most celebrated Cities in Europe. Particu-
larly its Introduction, Rise, and Progress, in England.
The Character of the most Celebratecl Printers, from the
first Invention to 1520 and 1550. With an Account of
their Works, &c. &c. Bv S. Palmer, Printer. London,
Philosophical Transactions, 83, Q. The Philosophical Transac-
tions and Collections to the year 1750, abridged and

## p. 88 (#100) #############################################


disposed under general heads. By Lowthorp, Jones,
Eames and Martyn. 13 vols. Plates. London, irsi—
1756.— Philosophical Transactions (at large,) giving
some Account of the Present Undertaking, Studies, and
Labours of the Ingenious in many considerable parts of
the World, from 1751 to 1761. Plates. 10 vols. Lon-
don, 1753—1762. In all 23 vols.
Pitiscus, 28, F. Lexicon Antiquitatum Romanarum, in quo
Ritus et Antiquitates turn Graecis ac Romanis com-
munes, turn Romanis peculiares, sacrse et profanse, pub-
licae et privatse civiles ac Militares exponuntur, &c. &c.
Auctore Samuele Pitisco: cum figuris in aes incisis.— -
Tom. 2. Leovardise, 1713.
Pliny, 288, O. An Address of Thanks to a Good Prince, pre-
sented in the Panegyrick of Pliny upon Trajan, the
Best of Roman Emperors. London, 1 686.
Pluche, 25, D. Spectacle de la Nature j or Nature delineated.
Translated from the French of the Abbe Pluche. Plates.
- 7 vols. (Vols. I. and II. wanting.) London, 1744.
Politianus, 328, O. See Rapinus.

Pontoppidan, 60, F. The Natural History of Norway: containing
an Account of the Temperature of the Air, the diiFerent
Soils, Waters, Vegetables, Metals, Minerals. Beasts,
Birds and Fishes, &c. &c. Interspersed with Physiolo-
gical Notes, &c. &c. Translated from the Danish
of the Rt. Rev. Erich Pontoppidan, Bishop of Bergen,
&c. &c. With a Map and Plates. London, 1755.
Potter, 274, O. Archaeologia Graeca: or, the Antiquities of
Greece. By John Potter, M. A. &c. 2 vols. Oxford,
Raius, 53, F. Historia Plantarum, Species hactenus editas alias-
que insuper multas noviter inventas et descriptas com-
plectens, &c. &c. &c. Auctore Joanne Raio, F. R. S.,
&c. Tom. 2. Londini, 1686.
Rapinus, 328, O. Renati Rapini Soc. Jesu, Hortorum libri IV.
cum disputatione de Cultura Hortensi. Joan. Meursii
Fil. Arboretum sacrum. Angeli Politiani Rusticus.
Adhsec Lipsii Leges Hortenses, et Lazari Bonamici.
carmen de Vita Rustica. Ultrajecti, 1672.
Reaumur, 4i, Q. Memoirespour servir al'Histoire des Insectes.
Par M. de Reaumur, de PAcademie Royale de Sciences.
Avec plusieurs figures. 6 tom. A Paris, 1.734—1742.

— 17, F. See Swammerdam.

Rousseau, 26, B. Emilius & Sophia: or, a New System of Edu-
cation. Translated from the Fronch of J. J. Rousseau.
4 vols. London, 1783.
Ruddimannus, 68, Q. See Buchananus.

## p. 89 (#101) #############################################


tScfiottus, 39, D. Itinerarium Italiae, Rerumque Romanarum Libri
tres: A Francisco Schotto editi, et ab Hieronymo Ca-
pugnano aucti, &c. Antverpiae, 1625.

Schreiber, 45, Q. See Delius.

Sheffield, Lord, 22, Q. See Gibbon.

Sheridan, 119, O. British Education: or, the Source of the Dis-
orders of Great Britain, &c. &c. &c. By Thomas She-
ridan, A. M. London, 1756.

SmetiuSf 118, Q. Antiquitates Neomagenses. Sive Notitia Raris-
simarum Rerum Antiquarum, quas in vetere Eatavorum
Oppido studiose comparavit Johannes Smetius, Pater et
Filius, &c. &c. Cum figuris. Noviomagi Batavorum,

Soulavie, 237, O. Histoire Natureile de la France Meridionale,
par M. I'Abbe Giraud Soulavie. Avec Planches. 7 tom.
ANismes, 1780—1782.

Swammerdam, 17, F. The Book of Nature; or, the History of
Insects; reduced to distinct Classes, confirmed by parti-
cular Instances, displayed in the Anatomical Analysis
of many species, and illustrated with copperplates, &c.
&c. &c. By John Swammerdam, M. D. ; with the Life
of the Author, by H. Boerhaave, M. D. Translated
from the Dutch and I^atin by Thomas Flloyd. Revised
and improved by Notes from Reaumur and others, by
John Hill, M. D. London, 1758.

Temple, 109, F. The Works of Sir William Temple, Baronet.
With an Account of the Life and Writings of the Au-
thor. 2 vols. London, 1720.

271, O. Miscellanea. Essays, by Sir William Temple,

Baronet. Parts II. and III. London, 1691— 1701.

Topsel, 83, F. The History of Four footed Beasts and Serpents,
&c. &c. Collected out of the Writings of Conradus
Gesner and other Authors, by Edward Topsel. To
which is added, the Theater of Insects, &c. by T.
Muffet, Dr. of Physick. With many cuts. Lond.1658.

Trapp, 36, D. See Virgil.

Turnbull, 239, O. Observations upon Liberal Education, in all
its Branches, &c. &c. &c. By George Turnbull, LL. D.
London, 1742.

Vaillant, 225, O. See Vertot.

Vertot, 225, O. Vertot's Miscellanies; consisting of Dissertations,
I. On the true Original of the French, &c. II. On the
Salique Laws. III. On the Sainte Ampoulle, &c.—
IV. On the Ancient forms of Oaths used among the
French. V. On the Ancient Burial Places of the Kings
of France, by the R. F. Mabillon. VI. On the time of
the Nativity of Christ discovered from Ancient Medals,

## p. 90 (#102) #############################################


by M. Vaillant. Translated from the French by John
Henley, M. A. London, 1723.

Virgil, 36, D. The Works of Virgil: translated into English
blank verse, with explanatory Notes and Critical Ob-
servations. By Joseph Trapp, D. D. Vols. I. and
III. London, 1731.

Voltaire, 236, O. ^eeBailly.

Voyages and Travels, fyc, 25, Q. A New General Collection of
Voyages and Travels^ consisting of the most Esteemed
Relations, which have been hitherto published in any
Language: comprehending every thing remarkable in
its kind, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, &c. &c.
Maps and Plates. 4 vols. London, 1745.

Washington, 51 — 1, O. Washington on Husbandry. Alexan-
dria, 1803.

Xenophon, 192, O. Cyropasdia; or, the Institutions of Cyrus. By
Xenophon. Translated from the Greek by the Hon.
Maurice Ashley, Esq. 2 vols. London, 1728.

## p. 91 (#103) #############################################




Abravanel 1. 9

Academiae Oxoniensis Co-

mitia Philologica, &c. 33
Acherley 60

Acidalius 15. 30

Acontius 1

Acts and Statutes, &c. 50

Adams 40. 66. 82

Addison 50

Address of the Lay Trus-
tees of St. Mary's Church
in Philadelphia 4

Adminiculum puerile S3

iElianus 15

^lius Lampridius 15. 21

^lius Spartianus 21

^milius Probus 18

iEschines 15. 18

jEsopus 15

Agathias Myrrinaeus 15. 22
Agesilaus 15

Ainsworth 33

Alcibiades Secundus 15. 26
Alcwinus 60. 66

Alexander Magnus 18

Alexis 15. 27

Ali Ben Abi Taleb 80

Allen 1

Almanac, Nautical, &c. 40
Alstedius 1

Altenstaig 1

Amasaeus 15. 25

Ambrose 1

American Philosophical So-
ciety 60, 82
American Medical & Phi-
losophical Register 76
Amory 50
Ampelius 15. 19, 20
Amphis 15. 27
Anacreon 15
Anaxandridas 15. 27


Andrews 50

Anebo 15. 22

Anna, Tan. Fab. fil. 15, 16

Anonymus Elyens. 60. 66

Malmesbur. ibid.

Ilaraes. ibid.

Anquetii 60

Antesignanus 33, 34

Antiphanes 15. 27
Antiquitates Hebraeorum 11

Antoninus 15

Anville, d' 60
Apollodorus 15. 27. 40. 45

Apuleius 15

Aquila 1. 13

Arcq, d' 60
Argyropolus Byzantinus 1 6. 28

Aringhi 82

Aristophanes 16

Aristoteles 16. 27

Aristotle 40. 50

Arminius 1. 13

Arrianus 16. 18
ArticuliReligionis XXXIX. 10
Art de verifier les Dates 60

Arts, Handmaid to the 82

Ascham 33. 35

Aschenbrenner 1

Asconius 16, 17

Ashley 82. 90

Asiatic Researches 82

Asserius 60. 66

Athenaeus 40. 45

Atlas, General 75

Aulus Gellius 33. 36

Aurelius Victor 16

Aurora, Editor of 60

Ausonius 16

Austin 50. 57

Babelonius 16. 30

Bachmair 33

Bacon 60. 69. 73. 82

## p. 92 (#104) #############################################









40. 82



17. 27

Barbary, History of 61

Barclay 1

Barlaeus 17. 23. 80

Barlow 61

Barnabas 2. 4

Barnes 15. 17. 21. 61

Baronius 61. 70

Barth 50

Barton 76. 78. 82

Basilius 37

Baskett 2

Bates ib.

Bauer ib.

Baumann ib.

Baumgarten 2. 7

Baxter 50

Bayle 61

Beaumont 40. 41

Behr 50

Belidor 40

Bell 76

Bellarminus 2

Belleisle, Marechal de 61

Bellinus 76

Benedictus 17. 23

Benedictus XIV. 50

Benezet 61

Bengalee Language . 34

Bentzius 33

Bernard 61

Bernartius 17

Berriman 2

Bertius 17

Besse 2

Beveregius 2. 5

Bezout 40

Biblia 3

Bible 2
Bible Society's Reports ib.
Bibliorum, de Editionibus

Disq. Crit. &c. 58

Bion, Smyrn. 17. 27

Birch 3. 5. 61. 83

Bito 40. 45




Blackwall 3

Blair 40. 61

Bleterie, I'Abbe de la 61 . 74
Blount S3

Bodinus 61

Boeder 17, 18

Boeclerus 31

Boerhaave 76. 83.^89

Boethius 17. 28

61. 67

Boileau 80

Boivin 61. 70

83. 88

Bos 3. 13

Bougainville 83

Bourbon 62

Bourdelotius 17. 23

Bourrit 83

Boyle 17. 25. 40. 83

Bradley 40, 41. 83

Brancatus 80

Brandt 50

Braun ib.

Bray 3

Brerewood 50

Breutigamb 51

British America 62

Brutus 17.33

Buchananus 17. 19. 80. 83
Buchnerus 51, 52

Buck 62. 69

Buddeus 51. 58

BufFon 83

Burk 62

Burlamaqui 51

Burmannus 83

Burnet 3. 76

Butler 80

Bynseus 3

Byzantinse Historiae Scrip-
tores 62
Caldwell 62. 66. 83
Calepinus 33, 34
Callender 62
Callimachus 17. 27
Callimaque 83

## p. 93 (#105) #############################################




Calpurnius Flaccus 17. 28

Calmet 3

Calvinus 51

Cambden 62. 69

Camerarius 17

Campbell 3

Capugnanus 84. 89

Carey 34

Carew 34, 35

Cariath-sepher 4

Carpzovius 51

Carranzani 4

Carre 34

Carte 62

Casaubonus 16, 17. 21. 30

Cassini 41. 49

Catalogue of the Philadel-
phia Library 84
Catalogus Bibl. CoUegii

Yalensis ib.

Catalogus Bibl. Harvard-
ianse Cantab. Nov-An-
glorum ib.

Catholic Question 4

Cato 17. 29

Catrou 62

Catullus 17

Cebes 15. 17. 19. 26

Cellarius 34. 41. 51, 52. 75
Celsius 41

Celsus 77

Census of the U. States 62

Ceremonies and Religious

Customs 11

Chabert 41

Chambers 84

Chamberlayne 4. 10. 34.62
Chandler 4

Chapman 62. 74

Charles I. 62. 69

Chauvinus 51

Chemnitius ' 4

Cheselden 77

Chillingworth 4

Chrysostomus 4. 34. 36

Ciacconius 18. 27

Cicero 17, 18. 34, 35. 37

Clairac, La Mamye- 62, 63
Clairaut 40, 41


Clare 41

Clarendon 63

Clarke 18.20,21.41.46

47. 80. 84
Clarkson 4

Claubergius 4. 18

Clearchus 18. 27

C leghorn 77

Clemens 4

Clenardus S4

Clericus 4, 5, 6. 18. 21

23. 34. 41
Clothing French Prisoners,

&c. 84

Cluverus 63

Cnippingius 18. 25

Collection, General, of Voy-
ages & Travels 90
Colson 41.46
Columella 29
Colvius 15. 18
Combefisius 63. 67
Commandine 41
Commandinus 41, 42
Commelinus 18. 21
Commentarii Coll. Conimb.
Soc. Jesu in Aristotelis
lib. de Anima, &c. 50
Concordia lat. vulg. cum

fonte hebr. 7

Congress, U. S. Journals of 63
Congress of the U. States,

Secret Journals of 63

Constitution, Debate on 64
Contades, Marechal de 61. 64
Conwell 4

Cooper 84

Cornelius Nepos 18

CoroUaria ecclesiastico-ju-

ridica, &c. &c. 54

Corvinus 51

Corvisart 77

Cotelerius 4

Cotes 41

Courtanvaux 41

Cowherd 5

Cowley 80

Coxe 62. 64. 77

Cratetes 18. 27

## p. 94 (#106) #############################################




Crawford 5. 77

Crispinus 18. 25

Crito 18. 26

Crutwell 5. 14

Cudworth 5

Cunii 42

Curio 34. 37

Curlier 51

Curtius, Quintus 18. 58

Curtius, J. 51

Cyclopaedia 84

Cyril, S. 51

Cyrillus 5. 53

^ D.

D'Acerius . 15. 18

Dalby 42. 49

Dalrymple 84

Danetus 18. 25

Dangel 51

Daniel 64. 69

Dasypodius 34

Daubenton 83

D'Avenant 64

Davidici Psalmi 5

Davisius 24
De dimensione Superficium

Curvilinearum, &c. 42

Des Fontaines 65

Delius 84

De Lolme 64

Demeradt 51

Democrates 18. 24
Demonstratio Jurium Status

Ecclesiastici circa Tem-

poralia, &c. 53

Demophilus 18. 24

Demosthenes 18

De Rossi 5. 35
Desaguliers 5. 10. 42, 43

Des-Cartes 42

Desormeaux ^5

Diaz, Bernal ^5
Dictionary, Biographical 65

Diemerbroeck 77

Diodorus Siculus 18

Sinop. 18. 27

Dionysius 19

Diphilus 19. 27

Disciplina, &c. 5


Dispensatory, American 77

Doddridge 5
Dodsley's Annual Register 65

Doebelius 77, 79

Dorsey 77

Duane 51

Du Cange 65

Duportus 19. 30

Du Fresne 75

Du-Gardus 19.23

Dugdale 65. 74

Dumler 51

Du Ponceau 35

Dwight 65

Eames 84. 88
Echard 65
Eddius 65, 66
Education, Dialogues con-
cerning 84
Edward III. 61. 65
Edward, the Black Prince

61. 65

Edwards 40. 42

Ehrthal 51

Eliot 35

Ellicott 42

Emerson ib.

Encyclopaedia 84

England, History of 65

Do. Critical do. ib.

England illustrated ib.

Enictetus 19
Erasmus 5. 19^

Eratosthenes 19. 27

Eriphus ibid.

Ernesti 19

Eubulus 19. 27

Euclid 42

Euripides 19

Evenus, Par. 19. 27

Ewing ' 42

Faber, Basilius 52

Tan. 19. 35

FabiusAvus 19. 28

Fabrotus 52. 58

Faliscus 27

Fannius 19. 27

## p. 95 (#107) #############################################










Flavius Vopiscus




19. 23. 29

42, 43




43. 49
19. 21
85. 89


Fortification, Art of 75

Fox 6

France, History of 66
Francis, bishop of Hereford 69

Franciscus Tolet. 50. 52

Francius 35

Franckius 6. 10

Franklin 35. 66

Franzius 6
Franz Ludwig, Bischof zu

Bamberg. 9

Freinsheim 66. 69

Freinshemius 20. 23. 28. 30

Frey 6

Friderich 52


Gale 20. 22. 66

Galenus Pergam. 15. 20

Gallasus 6. 8

Gallatin 66

Gallus 13, 14. 20

Gardiner 43

Gargilius Martialis 29

Gassendus 52

Gatakerus 15. 20. 77

Geilfusius 52

Geist 6

Gelenius 20. 26

Gellius, Aulus 20

Gerhardus 4. 6

Germany, History of 72

Gesnerus 20. 29. 52

Gcsner 85. 89

Geuss 6

Gibbon 85

Gibson 77

Gildas 66

Girardin 62. 66

Girouat 6


Godefroy 66

Golnitzius 85

Gothofredus 17. 51. 52. 54
Goulstonus 16. 20

Government, &c. 66

Grasvius 17. 19, 20, 21. 23. 52
Grammatica 35

Grammatica Grseca Westm. ib.
Grasmannsdorf 52

s'Gravesande 43

Gray ib.

Great Britain, Tour through,

&c. 85

Greene 43. 66

Gregory 43, 44. 78

Greive 77^ 78

Griesbachius 10

Grindal 6

Grischovius 6. 10

Gronovius 17. 20. 23. 27. SO
Grotius 6. 20. 23. 30. 56. 85
Grove 52

Grunerus 85

Gruterus 16, 17. 20, 21, 22
29. 30
Guietus 20, 21. 23

Guignes, de 35

Guinea, Account of 61

Guisius 6. 9

Gulielmius 17. 20

Gundlingius 85

Gutkius 52

Guttenberg, de 43

Guyon, de 66

Habermann 52

Habington 66. 69

Hafenreft'erus 78

Hales 85

Haller 78

Halley 43. 49

Hamilton 43. 66

Hammond 6. 43

Hanaver 52

Harduinus 20. 30

Hare 7. 78

Harold 7

Harris 35. 85

Hartman 7

## p. 96 (#108) #############################################





Haven, P. Van




















20. 26


Heinsius 18. 20, 21. 24, 25
Heintzelmanus 52

Heliodorus 20

Heliodori Larissaei Optica 21. 24
Helsham 44

Helvetius 52

Henley 86. 90

Henry 67

Henry IV. 74

Heraclitus 21. 24

Herbert, Lord 67, 69

Hereford, Bishop of 67

Hermann 7

Hermas 4. 7

Heme 53

Hero 44, 45

Herring 7

Hervey ib.

Hesiodus 21. 27

Heyl 53

Heylyn 67



21. 29

86. 89


Hildebrandus ,


Hippocrates 78

Histoire Ecclesiastique des
Eglises Reformees de
France, &c. 7

Historiae Augustas Scrip-
tores 21

Historiae Britan. Saxon.
Anglo-Dan. Scriptores
XV. 66, 67

Historiae Byzantinae Scrip-
tores 67

Historia Conciliorum 7

History, Universal





Honorius, Julius






















7. 53





67. 74


43, 44

78, 79










21. 32. 67


4. 8



15. 21, 22


Jacquier 44. 46

Jaeger 44

Jaligny 67

Jamblichus 22

Japan, Journal of Voyage to 68
Jenty 78

Joan. Fordun. 66. 68

Joan. Wallingford. ibid.

Johnson 22. 29. 36

Joinville 68

Jones 53. 62. 68. 86. 88

Jonstonus 8

Jornandes Alanus 22

Josephus 8. 68. 70

Joseph II. 14

Journals of the Senate of

the United States 63
House of Represen-
tatives of the U. States ib.
House of Represen-

tatives of Pennsylvania 68

## p. 97 (#109) #############################################





Journals, Senate of Penn'a. 68




La Porte du Theil

83. 86

o 4. — fTT C2<.«* — :k

T jfl rfnPP


U«^«i<r>i^ #\f T7i-k*-vi

>i,ai.^3 iu«

La Vigne, Andre de

67. 69

tatives of the U. States ib.


Judex in Judicium Schoias-

Laws of Pennsylvania


ticum vocatus, &c.






Le Brun


Julius Capitolinus

21, 22

Lectures, theological


Julius Firmicus

22. 24


53, 54

Julius Honorius







69. 74


68. 74

Le Gentil


Juris Canonici Corpus

i 53, 54



Juris Civilis Corpus




Jus Canonicum


Le Seur


Jus Civile


Letters to the Roman Catho-



tholics of Philade!

[phia and



the United States





78. 86




69. 75


51. 54



Karl Theodorick von


Lewis XIV.

69. 75







Libertas humana
















Linda, de





22. 31













86, 87




22. 27

Kettle well


Lipsius 22.


87, 88





, 23. 69


8. 19. 22

Lochner de






36, 37




61. 69












La Chausse, Mich. Aug. Caus.



de la












Laet, de

















## p. 98 (#110) #############################################
















Mac Laurin












15. 23


■^ ib.


40. 45

4. 9

87. 89

16. 23
45, 46



69. 70



Manners, &c. of the Times,

and Estimate of the 87


Marcellus 23. 27

Marie 87

Martialis 23

Martin 40. 45

Martiniere 70, 71

Martyn 87^ 88

Masonus 9

Masse 86, 87

Masvicius 23. 31

Mathematici Veteres 45

Mathematique et Physique,
Divers Ouvrages de, par
MM. de I'Acad Roy. des
Sciences 45

Melanchthon 3. 9

Memorial in answer to Eng-
lish Ministry, 70
Menagius 23, 24
Menander 24. 27
Menecrates ibid.
Mercerus 24. 30
Messenger, Am. Weekly 70
Messier 42. 45





24. 27


24. 87, 88




70. 74







Military Transactions from

from 1683 to 1718, &c. 71
Milton 35, 36. 69, 70. 80

Mimnermus 24. 27

Minucius Felix 24

Mirabaud 87

Misnae pars, &c. 9

Mississippi Question 70

Modius 22. 24

Molitor 9

Monroe 70

Montaigne 55. 80

Montesquieu 55

Moore 69, 70

Morellus 22. 24

Moody 6. 9

Moor 36

Morgan 78
Morell 19. 24. 33. 36

Morrison 36

Moschus 24. 27

Mosellanus 36

Motte 45, 46

Mudge 45. 49

Muftet 87. 89

MuUer 46. 55

Mulzer 55

Munster, de 52
Muretus 24. 29, 30. 32

Murphy 23, 24

Murray 87

Musaeus 24. 27
Museum, Philad. Medical 77

Musschenbroek 46

Muyden, Van 55


Nadler 10

Nangis, Guillaume de 68. 70

Naumachius 24. 27

Neandrus 36

Needham 24. 30

Nemesianus 24. 27

## p. 99 (#111) #############################################



Nettleton 87

New Annual Register 70

Newton 46, 47. 70. 74

New York, History of 73

New York Historical Socie-
ty, Collections of 70
Nexus Historiae cum Scien-

tiis, &c. ib.

Nicephorus ib.

Nicostratus 24. 27

Niecampius 10

Nieser 55

Nieuwentyt 10

Ninnius 66. 70

Nizolius 36, 37

Noldius 70

Novum Testamentum Grffice 10
NovusHistoriarum Delectus 24
Nugent 51. 55

Observations faites en plu-

sieurs voyages pour per-
fectionner I'Astronomie

and la Geographie 47

Ocellus Lucanus 24

Olivarius 24. 27

Omnibonus Vicentinus 23

Opuscula Mythologica, Ethica

et Physica 24

Orpheus 24. 27

Ortelius 37

Osiander 3. 10

Ott 10

Ouzelius 24

Ovidius 24, 25

Ozanam • 46

Ozell 70. 74


Pabstmann 10

Padum 55

Paine 71

Palaephatus 24

Palladius 25. 29

Palmer 87

Palmerus 25. 24

Panyasis 25. 27

Parecbolae 10

Parens 25, 26

Parker 71

Parkhurst 37


Pasor 21 25

Patrick 41. 46

Patterson 42. 46. 71

Pausanias 25

Pearce 23, 25

Pearson 10

Pearsonius 5. 10

Pegorier 10

Pemberton 46

Pennington 10

Pennsylvania, Historical Re-
view of 66

Laws of 54

. Journals of House

of Representatives of 70

Journals of Senate 71

Perizonius 37. 71

Perkinsius 11. 13

Persius 22. 25

Petavius 25. 30. 53. 55. 71

Petronius Arbiter 23. 25

Pilau m 55

Phaedrus 25

Phalaris ib.

Pherecrates 25. 27

Philargyrius 25. 31

Philemon 25. 27

Philips 35. 37

Philippus 25. 27

Philo 45, 46

Philosophise Ichnographia&c 55
Philosophical (Lond. Royal)

Society's Transactions 83
Phocylides 25. 27

Phurnutus 24. 26

Picart 11

Pichena 26. SO

Pickering 53. 37. 71

Pierius 26. 31

Pindarus 26

Pingre 41. 46

Pintianus 26, 27

Pithoeus 55. 55

Pitiscus 16. 26. 88

Plantius 77. 78

Platnerus 55

Plato 26

Platonis Apologia Socratis ib.
Plautus ib.

Plinius ib.

## p. 100 (#112) ############################################












27. 36, 37

9. 11

Poeseos Hebraicse Specimina 7
Poetae Minores Grseci 27

Poeta Minores Latini 27

Politianus 88

Polycarpus 4. 11

Pomponius Mela 27

Pontoppidan 88

Porphyrins 22. 27, 28

Portugal, Revolution of 74
Portus 23. 28. 32

Posidippus 27, 28

Potter 88

Price 78

Priestly 46

Procopius 22. 28

Propertius 17. 28. 30

Psalmorum liber 7

Psalterium Quincuplex 11

Puffendorf 71

Puis 56

Pythagoras 27, 28

Pythagoricorum Fragmenta


Quakers, History of 12

Quesnay 79

Quintilianus 28

Quintus Curtius 18. 28


Rad, de Diceto 66. 71

Raius 88

Ramsay 71. 75

Ran. Higden. 66. 71

Rapinus 88

Ravaillac 71. 74

Rawlinson 71

Reaumur 88, 89

Register, American 72

New Annual ib.

Reichard 56

Reid ib.

Reider ib.

Reindl ib.

Relandus 11

Revelation examined ib.










Roman Senate


28. 30

27, 28

35. 37



72. 79





Rome, Revolutions of ib.

Roppelt 11. 47

Rosseus 11

Rouille 62. 72

Rousseau 88
Royal Society of London 83

Ruffius 28. 31

Ruddimannus 37- 83. 88

Ruperti 28, 29

Rutherforth 47. 56

Rutilius 27, 28

Sacerdotium 11
Sacheverell 56
Saint Remy 47
Sale 61. 72
Salianus 70. 72
Sallustius 24. 28
Salmasius 19. 21. 28
Samber 76. 79
Samonicus 27, 28
Sampson against the Phi-
listines 72
Sanchez 56
Sanctius 37
Sanderus H
Savage 72
Savilius 4. 11
Sayer 71, 72
Scaliger 16, 17. 21. 28
31. 37. 72
Schefferus 15. 28
Schell 56
Scheuchzer 68. 72
Schild 56
Schlehlein 56
Schleicher 11
Schlicker 7
Schmidt 56
Schmittlein 11

## p. 101 (#113) ############################################




Schnapp 11

Scholar's Manual ib.

Schott 11, 12
Schottus 16. 18. 27, 28. 89

Schreiber 84. 89

Schrevelius 23. 28. 57

Schubert 57

Schuberth ib.

Schuz ib.

Schwarz ib.

Schwelingius 12

Scioppius 37
Scot 17. 29. 37

Scotland, History of 72

Scriptores Rei Rusticae 29

Scriverius 37
Secret Journals of Congress 72

Secundus 24. 29

Seelman 12

Selden 72

Selectae e profanis, &c. 21

Selfridge 57

Semmetmann 12

Senckenberg 57

Seneca, L. Ann. 29

Serarius 70. 73

Sermons 12

Servius 29. 31

Sethos 74

Seuberth 57

Sewel 12. 37

Sextius Pythagoricus 24. 29

Seybert 73

Shaftesbury 57

Shaw 73, 74

Sheffield, Lord 85. 89

Sheridan 89

Sherlock, T. 12

W. ib.

Ships, Working of 47

Siculus 27. 29

Sidney 73

Silius Italicus 29

Simmias, Rhod. 9.7. 29

Simonides ibid.

Simplicius 29

Simpson 47, 48

Sincerus 18. 29

Sitzmanus 29

Smetius 89


Smith 41. 48. 73

Smollett 73

Sobrino 38

Socratis Memorabilia 32

Solon 27. 29

Sondinger 57

Sophocles 29

Sotadas 27. 29

Soulavie 89

Spanhemius 12. 53. 57

Spectator 81

Squarcialupus 37, 38

Stadius 19. 29

Stanhone 15. 29. 73, 74

Stanley 57

Stapflf ib

Starratt 48

State Papers, 13th, 14th,
15th, 16th, 17th, and
18th Congress 63, 64. 73
Statuta quaed. Synodalia Pa-
ris, et Senon. Ecclesiae 4
Steele 73

Steenberch, Van 38

Stehle 57

Stelzig 12

Stenglein 12. 48

Stephanus 3. 12. 29. 32

Stewart 48

Stokes 79

St. Louis 68. 73

Strada 73

Street 48, 49

Streele 48

Stroza, Kyr. 16, 29

Stuart 38

Stubelius 38. 52. 57

Sudorius 26. 29

Suetonius 29. 30

Sufferingsof the Quakers, &c. 2
Suicerus 5. 12

Sully 74

Sulpicia 27 -30

Sulpitius 23. 30

Swammerdam 89

Swedenborg 12

Sweden, Revolutions of 74
Sweling 57

Switzer 48

Sykes 12

## p. 102 (#114) ############################################



Sylburgius 25. 30. 75

Sylvius 4.13.37,38

Sjmmachus 13

Tables, Requisite, &c. for

Nautical Almanac 40

Tacitus 30. 74

Tacquet 48

Tan. Faber 23

Taylor 55. 58

Temple 89

Terasson 74

Terentius 30

Themistius ib.

Theocritus 27. 30

Theodotion 13

Theognis 27. 30

Theologia 13

Theophilus 58

Theophylactus 13

Theophrastus 30
Theophrasti Characteres 24
TheoriaFacultatis Reprsesen-

tandi, &c. 58

Theses philosophic9e 48

Thomas Elyens. 66. 74

Thyllius 58

Thysius 8. 13

Tibere 74
Tibullus 17. 30, 31

Tilton 79

Timaeus Locrus 24. 31

Timocles 27. 31
Traitez Astronomiques par
MM. de I'Acad. Roy. des

Sciences 47

Trajan 88

Trapp 89, 90

Trautenberg 58
Treatys, &c. Collections of 74

Trebellius Pollio 21.31

Trost 58

Tollius 23.31

Topsel 89

Towneley 80, 81
Turnbull 52. 58, 59

Turretinus 13

Twissus ib.

Tyrtaeus 27. 31

Tytz 1. 13





Van Espen

Van Swieten





Velleius Paterculus



Veri,de Sensu



Uhseus 25. 31

Ulpianus 18

Upton 33.38

Ulpianus 31

Ursinus 17.30,31

Usserius 5. 13

89, 90






29, 31







74. 89

Vetus Testamentum Graece IS
Vicentinus 31

Victor 58

Victorius 17. 31

Vinetus 16. 31

Virgil 90

Virgilius 31

Vitriarius 58

Vogt ib.

Voiture 81

Voltaire 75. 82. 90

Vorstius 9

Vossius 23. 31. 38. 49

Voyages and Travels, Gene-
ral Collection of 90
Vries 13
Vulc. Gallicanus 21. 31
Vulteius 51. 58

Wagner 13.55. 58

Wales 49

Walker, J. 38

Walker, W. ib.

War in the Netherlands, &c. 75
Ward 38. 49

Wargentin 40. 49

Warner 44

Washington 65.75.90

## p. 103 (#115) ############################################






58, 59


16. 31




27. 31






19. 31. 49


9. 18. 21. 31. 32



39. 70. 75













64. 75



W. Malmesb.

66. 70


Prodici Hercu-




26. 32




25. 97. 32





. 81







14. 38. 69. 75


37. 39











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“Catalogue of Books Belonging to the University of Pennsylvania,” Collection Studies, accessed October 18, 2024,

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